DC’s “Infinite Frontier” begins in 2021, hot on the heels of the “flash forward” stories of the two-month long “Future State.” Here you’ll find a complete reading order and checklist for the relevant DC Comics as they’re released!
Previously: Future State and Endless Winter
By: Nathan Payson
What is Infinite Frontier?
Infinite Frontier is a soft relaunch of DC comic books that started in March of 2022. This is essentially a new era of DC Comics with all new creative teams, a new editorial team, new leadership, and a commitment to diversity and inclusion of both the characters and those behind the scenes. Because there is so much new talent, you can very easily start reading DC Comics here, and if you want a great way to dip your toes into this era, you can get started by using DC Universe Infinite if you live in the US or Canada. DC Universe Infinite is a subscription service that gets you all DC Comics that were written up to 6 months ago, which means that books that release in January 2022, will be on the service in July 2022.
Road to Infinite Frontier:
Infinite Frontier is fairly straightforward to start, but there are a couple of things to read that will make your experience easier. Specifically, the Batman family begins with James Tynion IV run which continues straight into Infinite Frontier. While you can definitely jump into Infinite Frontier without any context, I strongly recommend two things: 1) Check out this really great article Vishal Gullapalli wrote about what lessons DC has learned as we head into Infinite Frontier, and 2) Make sure to read the following books below to make sure that you have the base context going into Infinite Frontier.
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Road to Infinite Frontier: Batman
Batman: Infinite Frontier is the expansion of the bold ideas that Tynion IV that Tynion established in his Batman including new heroes, and villains. His run is coming off an 85 issue run on Batman by Tom King where King focused on two things: the romantic relationship between Batman and Catwoman, and the masterplan of Bane. At the end of his run, Bane basically left Gotham in near collapse and desperately in need of repair. Bruce, obviously, decides to help rebuild it in his image, and chaos breaks loose. First off, you should read Tynion’s opening arc.
Collects: Batman #86-94
Dark Design leads into DC’s Joker War which is the final big event for the Batman family in Rebirth. You can check out CBH’s Joker War reading order here, but if you want the fast track, make sure to read these three essential books:
Collects: Batman #95-100
Detective Comics #1027: Story “The Black Casebook”
And the Joker War story in Catwoman #25 (The First One)
Following Joker War, most of the bat books are concluding plot threads from before Joker War, but there are three stories you should make sure to read.
Collects: Batman #101-105, a story from Detective Comics #1027 (probably “The Black Casebook”), and Batman Annual #5
Detective Comics: Joker War Aftermath
Collects: Detective Comics #1028-1033
Punchline #1 is a must read to enjoy the back-issue of the Joker series, and it’s surprisingly super fun.
Road to Infinite Frontier: Justice League
The Justice League Family has two very important books to read going into Future State.
First, you should check out Endless Winter Reading Order. Though the crossover isn’t a must read, it does provide a bunch of really cool teases for Infinite Frontier including the establishment of the Teen Titans academy and the increasing importance between Black Adam and Hippolyta.
Secondly, you should read Dark Knights: Death Metal. Death Metal is the big event that concludes DC Rebirth. It’s ending directly leads into Infinite Frontier #0 and is essential to understanding ideas like the omniverse and the current origins of the DC Universe. You can read all of Dark Knights: Death Metal #1-7 and you should be all set to go, or if you want you can read the entire event with Comic Book Herald’s Death Metal Reading Order.
Road to Infinite Frontier: Future State
Following Death Metal, the future is full of infinite possibilities. To explore the possible future of DC, multiple creators wrote books and back-issues with a possible future of their run. These stories take place anywhere from 3 to 1000000 years in the future, and reveal the dangers of enemies like the Magistrate and Merlin, and introduce us to new heroes like Yara Flor. You can check out the Comic Book Herald Future State Reading Order here.
Infinite Frontier Part 1:
This book kicks off the era with an incredibly important set of stories that define the universe’s direction for the next couple of years. It includes important teases for Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, the upcoming Infinite Frontier Event and More.
Batman Family Part 1:
Follow the Jokers newest attacks the Batman family is forced to react. With Gotham full of new threats and allies, the Batman Family begins a new era. The Batman Family is trying to create a very connected line of books. Events in Catwoman will inform your reading of Harley Quinn, while the back-issue of a Batman book may spin-off into another series like Joshua Williamson’s Robin. I wrote about these changes more in a feature essay on CBH titled “The Bold New World of Gotham.”
Batman Vol. 4: The Cowardly Lot Part 1
Collects: Infinite Frontier #0, Batman #106-111, and the Ghostmaker Back-issues from #107-111
And check out Nathan Payson’s review on CBH here!
Detective Comics Vol. 1: The Neighborhood
Collects: Detective Comics #1034-1039 and the Huntress back issues
Detective Comics Vol. 2: Fear State Part 1
Collects: Detective Comics #1040 to #1042, and Batman Secret Files: Huntress #1
The first part doesn’t have Fear State in it, it’s just that the back half is the Fear State tie-ins.
Collects: Parts of Batman: Urban Legends #1-6 (But see below for specific contents)
Red Hood: Cheer in Batman: Urban Legends #1-6
Grifter: The Long Con in Batman: Urban Legends #1-5
In series, but has no trade info yet:
- The Outsiders: The Caretaker in Batman: Urban Legends #1-3,
- Harley Quinn: New Roots in Batman Urban Legends #1
- Oracle: Batman: Urban Legends #2
- Lady Shiva: Batman: Urban Legends #3
- Tim Drake: Batman: Urban Legends #4-6
- Luke Fox: Batman: Urban Legends #4
- Batgirls: Batman Urban Legends #5
- Zealot: Batman Urban Legends #6
DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration #1
Catwoman Vol.4: Come Home Alley Cat
Collects: Catwoman #14-15, and #22-29
There is no way to really get into Infinite Frontier: Catwoman without reading Catwoman #25-28. While it is possible to start at 29, 29 assumes you’ve read #25-28. Don’t worry about the rest of the issues in that volume. Just read Catwoman #25-28. Catwoman #28 also sets up a plot point for Harley Quinn’s Batman: Urban Legends story, so it’s good to read too.
Catwoman Vol. 5: Shadow of the Valley of Death
Collects: Catwoman #29-33, Catwoman 2021 Annual #1
Check out CBH’s Review by Nathan Payson.
Harley Quinn Vol. 1: No Good Deed
Collects: Harley Quinn in Batman: Urban Legends #1 and Harley Quinn #1-6, Harley Quinn Annual 2021 #1
Collects: The Next Batman: The Second Son #1 to #4
Digitally this collection is the shortened issues #1 to #12. Read Nathan Payson’s Review on CBH here!
Read: Batman: Secret Files: Signal #1, Batman: Secret Files: Oracle #1, Batman: Secret Files: Clownhunter #1
Outside of Gotham
Some books are Batman family books, but don’t take place in Gotham. These books are still crucial to the larger narrative of the Batman Family, but don’t feel the direct effects of events in Gotham.
Nightwing Vol. 1: Stepping into the Light
Collects: Nightwing #78-83
Read CBH’s Nightwing Vol. 1 Review by Vishal Gullapalli!!
Collects: Joker #1-6 and the Punchline Back-Issues in those issues
Check out Nathan Payson’s Review on CBH here.
Robin Vol. 1: The Lazarus Tournament
Collects: The Prelude (“Demon or Detective”) in Batman #106 then Detective Comics #1034, and then Robin #1-6.
Also: Check out this stellar CBH Article by Dave about how meaningful Damian being Robin is!
Batman Movies, Gaming, and TV Continuities
Some comics DC releases take place in other story continuities like the original Batman movie from 1989 or the TV show Pennyworth.
Collects: Batman/Fortnite Zero Point #1-6
Batman: The Adventure Continues Season 2
Collects: Batman: The Adventures Continues #1-7
Batman ’89
Read: Batman ’89 #1-6
Read Pennyworth #1-7
Out of Continuity Batman Stories:
Many books DC release do not exist in the main universe continuity and are often fun Batman stories DC has released during this time period.
Collects: Batman: The Detective #1-6
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight
Collects: Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #1-8 (Broken up into #1 to 16 digitally)
Collects: Batman/Catwoman #1-12 and Batman/Catwoman Special #1
The Joker Presents: A Puzzle Box
Collects: The Joker Presents: A Puzzle Box #1-7
Batman: Reptilian
Collects: Batman: Reptilian #1-6
Superman Family Part 1:
After 2 years of the Bendis era on Superman, many things have changed. Superman’s son is now 18, the DEO is gone, and Superman has revealed his identity to the world. Now, Phillip Kennedy Johnson is taking over with a plan to focus on Kal-El while Tom Taylor takes on Jon Kent in Superman: Son of Kal-El. The Superman family of comics have made big headlines this year and have been a key pillar to the success of Infinite Frontier.
Collects: Superman #29, Action Comics #1029, and Superman #30-32
Back-Issue: Tales of Metropolis in Superman #29-32
Read the CBH Review by Nathan Payson.
Action Comics Vol. 1: War World Rising
Collects: Action Comics #1030-1033 and the Midnighter Back issue in Action Comics #1029-1035, and Midnighter 2021 Annual #1.
This is a follow up on the Future State story Future State: House of El.
Collects: Superman and the Authority #1-4
Superman: Son of Kal-El Vol.1: The Truth Part 1
Collects: Superman: Son of Kal-El #1-3
Action Comics Vol. 1: War World Rising Part 2
Collects: Action Comics #1035
Collects: Supergirl Woman of Tomorrow #1-8
Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom
Collects: Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom #1-6
Movies and TV Continuity
Collects: Superman ’78 #1-6
Out of Continuity Superman Stories:
Collects: Superman #1-6
Superman and Lobo
Collects: Superman and Lobo #1-3
Wonder Woman Family Part 1:
The Wonder Woman Family of Comics has been a surprising addition to the DC Continuity. Traditionally, this family of comics doesn’t exist, and rather exists as a part of the Justice League family. In Infinite Frontier, though, Wonder Woman’s supporting cast plays a definitive role in the larger narrative. From elevating minor characters, to introducing new ones, and even having a major event, there is a lot to love about this new era of Wonder Woman. To start the Wonder Woman story, everyone on Earth thinks Diana is dead and is grieving her death, meanwhile, Diana is taking on a mysterious new role.
Wonder Woman Vol 1: Afterworlds
Collects: Wonder Woman #770-779 and The Young Diana back-issues from those books.
Out of Continuity Wonder Woman Stories:
Collects: Sensation Wonder Woman #1-12
Collects: Wonder Woman: Black and Gold #1-6
Justice League Family Part 1:
The Justice League books are shifting dramaticallyas the main teams get three new members: Black Adam, Hippolyta, and Naomi. Meanwhile, the other teams each get new rosters. The Suicide Squad adds Talon, Chulubre, and Peacemaker, while the Titans open up their own school. In the solo stories, many iconic characters are getting significant revamps as Swamp Thing finds a new host, and Barry Allen tries to pass the torch.
Collects: Justice League #59-63 and the Justice League Dark back-issue: Justice League #59-63
The Swamp Thing Vol. 1: Becoming
Collects: Swamp Thing #1-4 and Future State: Swamp Thing #1-2
Check out CBH’s Review by Sara Century.
Suicide Squad Vol. 1: Give Peace a Chance Part 1
Collects: Future State: Suicide Squad #1-2 and Suicide Squad #1-2
Note: Trade collects: #1-6 of Suicide Squad but there is a crossover in the middle of the book. I’m not clear yet how this will be presented/collected
Teen Titans Academy Vol. 1: X Marks His Spot Part 1
Collects: Teen Titans Academy #1-2
Note: Same as Suicide Squad Vol. 1
Teen Titans Academy/Suicide Squad Crossover
Collects: Suicide Squad #3, Teen Titans Academy #3, Suicide Squad #4
Note: Issues are likely in the trade separately for each series
Teen Titans Academy Vol. 1: X Marks His Spot Part 2
Collects: Teen Titans Academy #4 to #5
Teen Titans Academy 2021 Yearbook #1
Suicide Squad Vol. 1: Give Peace a Chance Part 2
Collects: Suicide Squad #5-6
The Swamp Thing Vol. 2: Conduit Part 1
Collects: Swamp Thing #5-6
Suicide Squad/Swamp Thing Crossover
Read: The Suicide Squad #6 and The Swamp Thing #7
The Swamp Thing Vol. 2: The Conduit Part 2
Read: The Swamp Thing #8-10
Collects: Shazam #1-4
Collects: Lobo and Crush #1-8
Gabriel Rodrigues reviewed the series on CBH.
Flash Vol. 16: Wally West Returns
Collect: Flash #763-771 and Flash 2021 Annual #1
(The Infinite Frontier Story starts at #768)
Batman/Superman: The Archive of Worlds
Collects: Batman/Superman #16-21 and Batman/Superman 2021 Annual #1
Stargirl: Spring Break Special #1
Green Lantern Vol. 1: Invictus
Collects: Green Lantern #1-4 and Future State: Green Lantern #1-2
Green Arrow 80th Anniversary 100-Page Spectacular #1
Read: Blue and Gold #1-8
Collects: Crime Syndicate #1-6 which includes the back-issues
Suicide Squad: King Shark FCBD #1
Movie and TV Continuities
Read: Justice League Infinity #1-7
Out of Continuity Justice League Stories:
Read: Justice League #1-6
Read: Suicide Squad: Get Joker #1-3
Collects: Truth and Justice #1-7
Infinite Frontier Part 2:
The next phase of Infinite Frontier focuses on the Infinite Frontier six-issue event. Though the event is smaller in number of titles, its impact is still very large, as it sets up many significant plot threads that will have enormous consequences. The main focus is on revealing what Darkseid is trying to do, but also uses this to look at some other major plot points teased in Infinite Frontier #0
Collects: Infinite Frontier #0, Infinite Frontier: Secret Files #1, and Infinite Frontier #1-6
Read: Justice League Incarnate #1-6
Read: Teen Titans Academy #6-11
Collects: Checkmate #1-6
Batman Family Part 2:
The Scarecrow makes his move as Fear State begins.
Prelude to Fear State:
Batman FCBD #1
I am Batman #0
Catwoman #34
Harley Quinn #6
Fear State:
The Magistrate has been tricked by Scarecrow as he makes his move, as he tries to plunge Gotham into a “Fear State.” Will Batman and the Bat-Family be able to stop him and the Magistrate, or will Gotham plunge further into darkness? Like “Joker War,” the event is primarily told through Batman Vol. 5, Batman #112-117. At the moment, only a couple of tie-ins are out, so it’s too early to predict how they will be formatted in comparison to the main Batman issues. There are a couple key plot threads of the event, so I’ve broken the order into those threads. Also below is the issue by issue release order for the event. While that would generally be the “chronological” way to read the event, the best experience will involve keeping the different arcs together.
Batman: Fear State: Alpha #1
Main Story:
Batman Vol. 5: Fear State Saga
Collects: Batman #112-117
Fighting Anti-Oracle:
Nightwing Vol. 2: Fear State Part 1
Collects: Nightwing #84-86
Alleytown and Poison Ivy:
Catwoman Vol. 6: Fear State and Harley Quinn Vol 2: Fear State Part 1
Batman: Secret Files: Miracle Molly #1
Catwoman #35
Harley Quinn #7
Catwoman #36
Harley Quinn #8
Batman: Secret Files: The Gardener #1
Catwoman #37
Harley Quinn #9
Other Stories during Fear State:
Detective Comics Vol. 2: Fear State Part 2
Collects: Detective Comics #1043-1045
(Part 1 of Vol. 2 is in Batman Family Part 1)
Read: I am Batman #1-3
Task Force Z Part 1: Death’s Door
Read: Task Force Z #1-2
Batman Urban Legends Vol. 2 Part 1
Collects: Batman Urban Legends #7-9
(Note #7 is a story about possible futures including Future State and Batman Beyond, but not Fear State)
Batman: Fear State: Omega #1
Fear State Comics Checklist:
Batman #112
I am Batman #1
Batman #113
Batman Secret Files: Miracle Molly #1
Catwoman #35
Nightwing #84
Detective Comics #1043
Harley Quinn #7
Batman #114
Batman Urban Legends #8
I am Batman #2
Batman #115
Batman Secret Files: Peacekeeper #1
Catwoman #36
Nightwing #85
Detective Comics #1044
Harley Quinn #8
Task Force Z #1
Batman #116
Batman: Urban Legends #9
I am Batman #3
Batman #117
Batman: Secret Files: The Gardener #1
Catwoman #37
Nightwing #86
Detective Comics #1045
Harley Quinn #9
Task Force Z #2
Batman: Fear State: Omega #1
Fear State: Aftermath
Catwoman Vol. 6: Fear State Part 2 (Run Finale)
Collects: Catwoman #38
Check out a retrospective of the run by Sara Century.
I am Batman Vol. 1 Part 2
Read: I am Batman #4-5
Harley Quinn Vol. 2: Fear Part 2
Collects: Harley Quinn #10-12
Collects: Task Force Z #3-6
Detective Comics Vol. 2: Fear State Part 3
Collects: Detective Comics #1046
Batman Urban Legends Vol. 2 Part 2
Collects: Batman Urban Legends #10
Outside of Gotham
Nightwing Vol. 2: Fear State: Part 2
Collects: Nightwing #87-88 and Nightwing Annual 2021
Read: Joker #7-14 and Joker Annual 2021
Punchline: The Trial of Alexis Kaye
Collects: Joker’s 80th Anniversary Punchline’s stories, Joker #1 to #15 back issues.
TV/Movie Continuities Batman Stories:
Harley Quinn: The Animated Series: Eat, Bang, Kill Tour
Collects: Harley Quinn: The Animated Series: Eat, Bang, Kill Tour #1-6
Out of Continuity Batman Stories:
Batman Vs. Bigby: A Wolf in Gotham
Collects: Batman Vs. Bigby #1-6
(Takes place in the Fable continuity and spins out into DC’s Fable soft reboot)
Collects: Batman: One Dark Knight #1 to #3
Read: Batman: The Imposter #1-3
Batman: The Long Halloween Special #1
Read: Catwoman: The Lonely City #1-3
Read: Robin and Batman #1-3
Collects: Robins #1 to #6
Read: Batman: The Knight #1-10
Wonder Woman Family Part 2:
The Wonder Woman Family expands as Wonder Woman returns from her journey. How does Diana fit into this world that had to move on without her? Who are the Brazilian Amazons? How does the new Queen of the Amazons Nubia deal with her first political situation? And where does Hippolyta fit now?
Collects: Future State: Wonder Woman #1 to #2, and Wonder Girl #1 to #7
Collects: Nubia and the Amazons #1-5
Check out some Early Impressions of Nubia by Monika Estrella Negra.
Wonder Woman Vol. 2: Through a Glass Darkly
Collects: Wonder Woman #780 to #784 and Wonder Woman 80th Anniversary 100-Page Spectacular
Out of Continuity:
Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons
Collects: Wonder Woman: Historia #1-3
Collects: Wonder Woman Evolution #1-6
Sensational Wonder Woman Special #1
Superman Part 2:
Superman has left Earth. Everything is about to change. How do Superman and his Authority begin their war with Mongol, and how does Earth’s New Superman, Jonathan Kent, handle his new role in society, and now he’s left alone, he has to figure out who he is himself.
Batman/Superman: The Authority Special #1
Superman: Son of Kal-El Vol. 1: The Truth Part 2
Collects: Superman: Son of Kal-El #4-6
Action Comics Vol. 2: The Arena
Collects: Action Comics #1036-1041
Superman: Son of Kal-El Vol. 2 Part 1
Collects: Superman: Son of Kal-El Annual 2021 and Superman: Son of Kal-El #7 to #8
Collects: Nightwing #89, then Superman: Son of Kal-El #9
Superman: Son of Kal-El Vol. 2 Part 2
Collects: Superman: Son of Kal-El #10 to #12
Superman Out of Continuity
Collects: World of Krypton #1-6
Justice League Family Part 2:
The Justice League stories continue to expand as Aquaman briefly gets his own family of books, and new heroes get their own series, including The Monkey Prince!
Justice League Vol. 2: United Order
Read: Justice League #64-71
Aquaman Family
Aquaman 80th Anniversary Special #1
Note: Spins off into Aquaman: The Becoming and Black Manta
Read: Aquaman: The Becoming #1-6 and Future State: Aquaman #1 to #2
Read: Black Manta #1-6
Collects: Aquamen #1 to #5
#6 is a Dark Crisis Tie-in
Other Justice Leaguers
Collects: Suicide Squad: King Shark #1-6
Suicide Squad Vol. 2
Collects: Suicide Squad #7-12
Green Lantern Vol. 2: Horatius
Collects: Green Lantern Annual 2021 #1, Green Lantern #7-12
Collects: One-Star Squadron #1-6
Flash Vol. 17: Eclipse
Collects: Flash #772-779
Read: Justice League #72-74, and Justice League 2022 Annual
- For the Annual you should make sure to read Generations
Monkey Prince Vol. 1: Enter the Monkey
Collects: Monkey Prince #1-6
Read: Monkey Prince #7-9
Vol. 2 part 2 continues in the Dawn of DCU.
Movie/ TV Continuity Justice League Family Stories
Titans United
Collects: Titans: United #1-7
Note: A Titans TV Show Comic
Out of Continuity Justice League Stories
Aquaman/Green Arrow: Deep Target
Collects: Aquaman/Green Arrow: Deep Target #1-7
Collects: DC vs. Vampires #1-6
Collects: DC vs. Vampires #7 to #12
Read: Dc vs. Vampires — Hunters #1, DC vs. Vampires — Killers #1, and DC vs. Vampires: All-out War #1-6
Collects: Dark Knights of Steel #1-6
Collects: Dark Knights of Steel #7, Dark Knights of Steel: Tales from the Three Kingdoms, Dark Knights of Steel #8 to #12
Gotham City Villains Anniversary Giant #1
Collects: The Human Target #1-6
Tales of the Human Target #1
Collects: The Human Target #7-12
Collects: Swamp Thing: Green Hell #1-3
Tis the Season to Be Freezin’ #1
Collects: Suicide Squad #1-3
Peacemaker: Disturbing the Peace #1
Infinite Frontier Part 3: War Begins
With Gotham changing and Diana returning, the big Multiversal storyline begins to take shape. The Great Darkness is out there and different forces are interested in it. Eclipso, Necron, The Other Hand (From Multiversity), and more are here. On top of that, various wars begin to break out around the DCU. In Batman, a shadow war begins. On Earth-3, Amanda Waller begins an assault against the Crime Syndicate with a goal of preparing for a dark force. Meanwhile, the Amazon tribes all meet up for the very first time and tensions are high. Meanwhile in Gotham, the presence of a new Arkham Tower causes Gotham to shift and change, and Talia Al Ghul has slowly been building up her power, and finally she’s ready to make a move. Each of these books focus on different parts of what is coming next which is before everything changes in Justice League #75
The Forces of Darkness
Collects: Justice League Incarnate #1-5
Batman Family Part 3:
Following Fear State, Gotham is looking to find new approaches to healing, and with Gotham quieting down, Batman needs to leave Gotham to investigate something. While he’s gone, Shadow of the Bat takes place. Rather than breaking the stellar Shadow of the Bat into two pieces, just know that Batman Vol. 6 ends right around Detective Comics #1056.
Gotham City Villains Anniversary Giant #1
Read: Ra’s Al Ghul story
Deathstroke Inc. Vol. 1: King of the Super-villains
Collects: Black Canary Story from Batman: Urban Legends #6 and Deathstroke Inc. #1-7
Collects: Robin 2021 Annual, and Robin #7-11
Detective Comics Vol. 3: Arkham Rising
Collects: Detective Comics #1044-1046 and Detective Comics 2021 Annual #1
Batman Vol. 6: The Abyss
Collects: Batman #118-121 and Batman 2022 Annual #1
Joshua Williamson is taking over as Batman leaves Gotham.
Shadow of the Bat: The Tower
Collects: Detective Comics #1047-1058
Read: Deathstroke Inc. #6-7 and Robin #12
Collects: Shadow War: Alpha #1, Batman #122, Deathstroke Inc. #8, Robin #13, Batman #123, Shadow Warzone #1, Deathstroke Inc. #9, Robin #14, Shadow War: Omega #1
Read: Batman #124 and Robin #15-17
Robin #13 to #17 are collected in Robin Vol. 3: Shadows and Secrets, but with the event in the middle, it feels like a strange way to collect it.
Batgirls Vol. 1: One Way or Another
Collects: Batgirls #1-6
Catwoman Vol. 1: Dangerous Liaisons
Collects: Catwoman #39-44
Arkham City: The Order of the World
Collects: Arkham City: The Order of the World #1-6
Collects: Harley Quinn #13-17
Task Force Z Vol. 2: What’s Eating You?
Collects: Task Force Z #7-12
Collects: Batman: Urban Legends #11-16
Detective Comics Vol. 4: Riddle Me This
Collects: Detective Comics #1059-1061
Read: Batgirls #7-12, Batgirls 2022 Annual
Outside of Gotham
I am Batman Vol. 2: Empire State of Mind
Read: I am Batman #6-11
Read: Nightwing #89, Superman: Son of Kal-El #9, Nightwing #90-95
Gotham’s Potential Futures
DC loves to release “in-continuity” futuristic Batman stories like Batman: Beyond and the continuation of Future State. Both of these stories require a significant amount of knowledge to understand, and don’t have any effects on the rest of DC’s books.
Collects: Batman Beyond: Neo Year #1-6
Collects: Future State: Gotham #1-7
Collects: Future State: Gotham #8-12
Read: Future State Gotham #13-18
Batman: Out of Continuity:
Collects: Batman: Killing Time #1-6
Batman: Beyond the White Knight
Collects: Batman: Beyond the White Knight #1-8
This is the fourth book in the Batman: White Knight saga
Batman: White Knight Presents: Red Hood
Collects: Batman: White Knight Presents: Red Hood #1-2
Collects: Batman: Fortress #1-8
Superman Family Part 3
Though Batman/Superman takes place in the past, it joins the line-up with the purpose of laying the groundwork for stories that will occur in the present day including Batman vs. Robin.
Batman/Superman: World’s Finest Vol. 1
Collects: Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #1-6
Action Comics Vol. 3: War World Saga Part 2
Collects: Action Comics 2022 Annual #1, Action Comics #1043-1046
Superman: Son of Kal-El Vol. 3
Collects: Superman: Son of Kal-El #13-15
Superman: Out of Continuity
Collects: Superman #1-3
Justice League Part 3
This section is primarily about finishing up the current storylines for many of these books before they synch up with Dark Crisis. However, the opening of this section is a massive event as Amanda Waller finally makes her big play. Can she take control of Earth-3?
War for Earth-3
War for Earth-3 Prelude:
If you skipped Crime Syndicate, make sure to read the last three issues which have some important context for the event.
Collects: War for Earth-3 #1, Suicide Squad #13, Flash #780, Titans Academy #13, and War for Earth-3 #2
Read: Suicide Squad #14-15 and Titans Academy #14-15
Flash Vol. 18: The Search for Barry Allen Part 1
Read: Flash #780-782
Read: Naomi: Season Two #1-6
The Swamp Thing Vol. 3: The Parliament of Gears
Read: The Swamp Thing #11-16
With Swamp Thing comic to an end, CBH’s Doug Smith did an excellent deepdive into the run.
Deathstroke Inc Vol. 2: Year One
Collects: Deathstroke Inc. #10 to #15
Justice League vs. Legion of Superheroes
Collects: Justice League vs. Legion of Superheroes #1 to #6
This series marks the end of Bendis’s time at DC and the conclusion of his stories. You can read the incredible 3-part deepdive into Bendis’s Justice League and the end of Bendis’s Infinite Frontier storyline by Ritesh Babu here.
DC Pride 2022:
DC has committed to an investment in Queer comics, and I wanted to give these books their own little section because they deserve some extra spotlight on this list. Also include in the Pride 2022 books is Nubia: Queen of the Amazons. These books are all important to the continuity and aren’t just small side stories. They are definitely worth reading.
Collects: Poison Ivy #1-6
DC Pride: Tim Drake Special #1
Collects: Multiversity: Teen Justice #1-6
TV and Movie Continuity
Collects: Flash: The Fastest Man Alive #1-3
This is a prequel comic to DC’s upcoming 2023 Flash Movie.
Collects: Earth-Prime #1-6
This is an Arrowverse crossover series where each issue features a different show.
Out of Continuity Justice League Stories
Collects: Rogues #1-4
Collects: Aquaman: Andromeda #1-3
Jurassic League
Collects: Jurassic League #1-6
Collects: Danger Street #1-12
Aquaman and The Flash: Voidsong
Collects: Aquaman and The Flash: Voidsong #1-3
Wonder Woman Family Part 3: Trial of the Amazons
The first Wonder Woman Family event in decades is finally here and the Amazonian tribes will never be the same.
Trial of the Amazons
Collects: Trial of the Amazons #1, Nubia and the Amazons #6, Wonder Woman #785?, Trial of the Amazons: Wonder Girl #1, Wonder Woman #786, and Trial of the Amazons: Wonder Girl #2, Trial of the Amazons #2
Trial of the Amazons: Aftermath
Queen Nubia Coronation Special #1
Wonder Woman Vol. 3: The Villainy of Our Fears
Collects: Wonder Woman #787-792
Read: Nubia: Queen of the Amazons #1-4
Batman Family Part 4
The next era of Batman stories begins with Chip Zdarsky taking the helm for the next era of Batman beginning with Batman #125. This era is essentially wrapping up major plot threads for Batman before Dark Crisis including the Damian-Bruce Relationship, The Joker series getting a sequel, and other lingering plot threads. Much of these feel unconnected to the events of Dark Crisis by sake of them comic out at the same time. It doesn’t mean they don’t influence what will come after Dark Crisis, but don’t influence the event itself.
Collects: Detective Comics #1062-1066, Detective Comics 2022 Annual
Collects: Sword of Azrael #1-6
Collects: Harley Quinn #18-21 and Harley Quinn 2022 Annual #1
Collects: Batman: Urban Legends #18 to #23
Catwoman Vol. 2: Cat International Part 1
Collects: Catwoman #45-47
Collects: I am Batman #12 to #14
Collects: Tim Drake: Robin #1 to #6
Collects: Harley Quinn #22 to #27
Collects: Poison Ivy #7 to #12
Collects: Nightwing #96 to #98, Nightwing 2022 Annual, Nightwing #99
The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing Vol. 1
Collects: The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #1 to #5
This series is a sequel to the Tynion Joker series.
Collects: Batman Incorporated #1 to #6
Collects: I am Batman #15 to #18
Collects: GCPD: Blue Wall #1 to #6
Punchline: The Gotham Game and Catwoman Vol. 2 Crossover
Collects: Catwoman #48, Punchline: The Gotham Game #1, Catwoman #49, Punchline: The Gotham Game #2, Catwoman #50, and Punchline: The Gotham Game #3 to #6
Collects: Batman #125-130
Note: Batman vs. Robin spins out of both the Robin series and Batman/Superman: World’s Finest. The first three issues set up the event Lazarus Planet which is part of the Dawn of the DCU order while the last two run alongside it.
Batman: Movie and TV Continuity
Harley Quinn: The Animated Series – The Real Sidekicks of New Gotham Special #1
Harley Quinn: The Animated Series: Legion of Bats!
Collects: Harley Quinn: The Animated Series: Legion of Bats #1 to #6
Collects: Batman: The Audio Adventures #1 to #7
Collects: The Riddler: Year One #1
This takes place in the Batman Movie Continuity and is written by the Riddler actor himself, Paul Dano.
Batman: Gotham Knights–Gilded City
Collects: Batman: Gotham Knights–Gilded City #1 to #6
This takes place as a prelude to the Gotham Knights game.
Batman: Out of Continuity
Batman – One Bad Day
Read: Batman – One Bad Day: The Riddler #1, Batman – One Bad Day: The Penguin, Batman – One Bad Day: Mr. Freeze, Batman – One Bad Day: Catwoman #1, Batman – One Bad Day: Bane #1, Batman – One Bad Day: Clayface #1, and Batman – One Bad Day: Ra’s al Ghul #1
Harley Quinn 30th Anniversary Special #1
Collects: Batman–Knightwatch #1 to #5
Collects: Gotham City: Year One #1 to #6
Batman and the Joker: The Deadly Duo
Collects: Batman and the Joker #1 to #7
Superman Family Part 4
Superman comes back to Metropolis following the War World Saga
Death of Superman 30th Anniversary Special #1
There’s a new Jon Kent story that introduces a new villain.
Batman/Superman Vol. 2: Boy Thunder
Collects: Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #7 to #12
Collects: Action Comics #1047, Superman: Son of Kal-El #16, Action Comics #1048, Superman: Son of Kal-El #17, Action Comics #1049, Superman: Kal-El Returns Special #1, Superman: Son of Kal-El #18
The Finale of this story: Action Comics #1050 is the first post-Dark Crisis story. The Superman storylines continue with Dawn of the DCU.
Justice League Family Part 4
Similar to Batman, there are multiple Justice League characters and Justice League adjacent stories which happen in the pre-Dark Crisis continuity even as Dark Crisis is coming out.
Collects: Black Adam #1 to #6
Black Adam Vol. 2
Collects: Black Adam #7 to #12
Technically Black Adam #7 takes place when Dark Crisis does, but given both its release time and the fact that #8 jumps super far into the future, I’m assuming (as it hasn’t come out) that it will read best coming right after Black Adam #6.
Collects: The New Champion of Shazam #1 to #4
Nubia and the Justice League Special #1
Collects: Wonder Woman #794 to #796
John Stewart: The Emerald Knight #1
Justice League: TV and Movie Universe
Collects: Young Justice: Targets #1-6
This story takes place after Young Justice: Phantoms (The Show’s season 4)
Black Adam: The Justice Society Files
Collects: Black Adam – The Justice Society Files: Hawkman #1, Black Adam – The Justice Society Files: Cyclone, and Black Adam–The Justice Society Files: Atom Smasher #1, Black Adam–The Justice Society Files: Doctor Fate #1
This takes place before the Black Adam Movie
Collects: Titans United: Bloodpact #1 to #6
Justice League: Out of Continuity
Collects: DC: Mech #1-6
DCeased: War of the Undead Gods
Collects: DCeased: War of the Undead Gods #1-8
DC Horror Presents: SGT. Rock vs. The Army of the Dead
Collects: DC Horror Presents: SGT. Rock vs. The Army of the Dead #1 to #6
DC’s Grifter got Run Over by a Reindeer #1
Collects: Waller vs. Wildstorm #1 to #4
Wildstorm 30th Anniversary Special #1
Infinite Frontier Part 4 – Dark Crisis
This is the BIG event of Infinite Frontier. Everything has been leading to this. From the passing of the torch, to the slow build of the Great Darkness threat, this event will dramatically change the DC Universe, and it opens with a book marketed as “The Death of the Justice League.” That story, Justice League #75, will lead to Dark Crisis which will be an emotional story built on acknowledging legacy, and finding light even in the darkest of times. It will feature massive moments like the first meeting of Yara Flor and Jonathan Kent, and other incredibly important elements. It is clear that after this event, DC will look very different. It is clear that after this event, DC will look very different. Simultaneously with this event, another story happens with Flashpoint: Beyond. A sequel series to the 2011 event.
Collects: Flashpoint: Beyond #0 to #6
This is the sequel to DC’s Flashpoint from 2011. You can read the original Flashpoint’s reading order here.
Stories that take place in the strange in-between of Dark Crisis and Dawn of the DCU like Golden Age, 60 Second War, and Batman vs. Robin will be included in the Dawn of the DCU Reading Order.
Next: Dark Crisis Reading Order and Dawn of the DCU Reading Order
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Hello there!
First of all thank you for all the amazing you’ve been doing, it rekindled my love for comic books.
I’m nearing the Knight Terrors story arc of Dawn of DC, and I see it guide is ending soon, so I was wondering if you will be updating it any time soon ? Do patreon supporters get the guide ? I would gladly support it.
Thanks again !
Hi, im currently looking through cause i wanna start the new line of Comics, and I’m a bit confused, I’m up to the Fear State Part, and it says “NightWing “84-86
In Fear State Alpha, but then it says NightWing 84 in Fear State Omega Omega,I run into the same issue with • Batman Secret Files: Miracle Molly #1, I not sure if I’ve just gotten confused though
Did I need to watch all other individuals stories of infinite frontier before getting into the main event of Infinite frontier issue 1-6
Or should directly start
No. The comics before it are happening before it, but you can absolutely read Infinite Frontier #0 into Infinite Frontier Files into Infinite Frontier #1-6 into Justice League Incarnate into Justice League #75 without too many issues.
Is Superman family part 1 and Wonder Woman family part 1 required to read before getting into Infinite Frontier #1-6 event? As well, does Batman family need to be read before the other family sections?
Infinite Frontier #1-6 is very accessible without any of the background. Mostly the sections are relatively detached from each other. Mostly, they are used as a grouping mechanism, but Batman Part 1 stories lead into Batman Part 2,3, and then 4. Similar Superman 1 to 2 to 3. I try my best to include events in the families that best serve fit. Generally read the stories that interest you without TOO much worry about the ordering. While events can lightly affect each other, don’t stress about knowing every minutia. If you want to read Infinite Frontier #1-6 just do it and if you feel like you are missing something (you most likely won’t) then look through the stuff that comes before it to figure out what will help you best. Every event plans for readers to come in who haven’t been keeping up with the rest of the stories. Those who read all the background will get the most out of it, but those who haven’t will be fine. Afterall every comic is someone’s first comic (Mine was Secret Empire #0). Was I really lost when I started? Yeah. Did I enjoy the event anyways? (Yeah)….to the extent you can like Secret Empire.
Where does Naomi season 1 go? I saw Season 2 on there and looked up and down a couple of times for Season 1 but I didn’t see it. Unless I missed it on there.
Naomi Season 1 is part of the Rebirth era (so it doesn’t go on this list) however, I would just make sure to read it right before Justice League vol. 1 of Bendis’s run as Naomi’s origin story sets up the story.
Can u update the dc reading order by adding the dc solicitations from September 2022 October 2022 November 2022 and December 2022
It’s been updated up to the end of Infinite Frontier, sincerest apologies for the delays. I have had a lot of issues with depression over the last couple months. Fortunately, the order is updated to the end of IF and the Dawn of the DCU order will be out around when the comics start releasing.
Is deep torget canon or no?
I don’t think so. When it was first announced, I thought it was, but I’ll probably move it to the out of continuity section
Thank you for your reply, it really helped me out! (Btw there’s a small mistake in the hyperlink for Detective Comics Joker War Aftermath, as it should take you to Vol 6 of Tomasi’s Detective Comics trade paperbacks instead of Vol 5).
Oh no! Thanks for the heads up. I’ll make sure to fix it!!
Hi, I’m sorry if I’m being dumb here but is this the reading list from 2021 onwards in terms of DC? Also in terms of the reading order, is it New 52 to DC Rebirth to DC Metal to Future State to Infinite Frontier? Lastly, would you ever do a recommended list of runs for the previous DC reading orders that are finished like New 52, DC Rebirth and Future State?
Hey! I’d recommend just starting with Infinite Frontier. It’s a very large shift from the Rebirth continuity and while a lot carries over, almost every single creative team has changed, alongside massive editorial changes that make the post-Rebirth DC much more new-comer friendly. I walk you through the main books you need to read in terms of starting points in the order.
So in terms of New-52, Rebirth, Future State, and Infinite Frontier there’s a couple things to understand. First off, these three eras (future state is different) are all part of the “post-modern era” of DC and each is built on the stories and writing of the last.
New 52: This era will feel very dated by now. There’s a couple of great stories to check out, but the DC back then is missing a lot of KEY components that define current DC. Many of these books are only kinda in continuity anymore, and tonally these books will feel very dark and more old school in terms of rosters, books, and content. These characters have changed a lot since New-52, and comparing the two eras is honestly becoming very hard to do. The editorial team was very problematic, the stories are often a mess and unfun, and there’s some serious bloat and lots of filler. Still some cool stories though.
Rebirth: Is the more recent soft reboot, which focused on cleaning up the messiness and darkness of New-52 and finding a much brighter tone, but many of the editorial issues that plagued New-52 manage to show their way into Rebirth as many plot threads take a long time to develop, and the stories have very few “Character developments” outside of the first year. The first year of stories is phenomenal and I love a lot of those stories, but each run kinda stalls its momentum during year two. The stories also get darker in year 3 and 4 and continuity becomes laughably difficult to explain. The end of Rebirth is sort of transitionary period as some books (Far Sector and Batman: Dark Designs) will end up being early set-up for the eventually soft reboot.
Future State is an event. It takes place in the future and is sort of a “Infinite Frontier in 5 years” type of story. It will very likely not be in continuity, 5 years from now, but there are some previews to what the future could hold that DC has been working towards like Yara Flor and Jonathan Kent being a duo in the future, and they are about to meet for the first time. The justice league members in Future State are all becoming more important as Infinite Frontier continues.
Infinite Frontier: The current era of DC Comics. Every in-continuity book you’ve read in the last year from DC takes place in this era, and features a passing the torch set of stories as the justice league began passing the torch to the next generation of heroes. I’d recommend anyone looking to get into DC Comics starts here. If you catch up, I’d go back and read Future State, and then if you finish that (not too long) to go look for a fast track guide of sorts through Rebirth to get the essential stories and context. Outside of a couple of top tier stories from New 52, I REALLY don’t recommend reading that era.
Don’t fall into the trap of “OH, I want to know this person’s story, let me go back and see how we got here” until after you catch up. There’s so many stories that it is better to roll with the punches and slowly “catch up” than trying to force yourself to read older stories, especially while your getting your foot in the door. Characters like Damian Wayne, Jon Kent, Jackson Hyde, and Wally may have a lot of history, but where they start during Infinite Frontier primarily are great jumping on points that leave the history as background context rather than “You must know this or you will be lost” Hope that helps, and have fun with your Infinite Frontier reading experience!
I check back every day to see if this has been updated yet lol. Thank you for taking the time even to do as much as you have already.
So sorry. I promise the March and April stuff is coming soon. Just a lot to rework with that info (and new info from reading the last round of comics.
The March through June update should be up very soon. I’m sorry to everyone who was relying on it. Fortunately I’ve made some nice changes that should make some of the bloated parts a little more digestible.
will this page be updated or will the lists be on a new page
This will be updated!
Hey man…I was wondering abot the reading order for all the things leading up to Justice League #75. And will this be updating cos Justice league #70 has come out and i didnt see it on this list? Thanks for all the great work
Thanks so much!!
Justice League #70-72 are on the list though hard to find due to no attatched links. I’m working on the March and April stuff, but there’s a lot more complicated stuff in there (and I’m starting a new semester of college), so it’s taking a little bit. Hopefully it will be up before the may solicits which will probably be wild.
in the mean time, I don’t think #75 will have a significant relationship to the rest of bendis’s run so I’d recommend:
Williamson Act 1:
1. Infinite Frontier #0, Infinite Frontier Secret Files #1, Infinite Frontier #1-6
Williamson Act 2:
1. Justice League Incarnate (The main story)
2. Road to Shadow War (Batman #118-, Robin #1-, Deathstroke Inc. #1-)
3. Eclipso’s Story (Superman and the Authority #1-4, and Flash #775-)
4. The Upside Down Man’s Story (Justice League Dark Back Issues of Justice League #54-)
5. Shadow War
Williamson Act 3:
Justice League #75
Hello and thanks for all the work. I cant found it and dont know where to puti it, where does batman #118 go?
Sorry, I already found it in this list, my bad
Hey thanks so much for the positive feedback!!! Batman #118 goes after Fear State and is under Batman Vol. 6 for now. I plan on redoing the Post-Fear State Batman stuff at some point, but apologies for it’s currently messy state…..Oh….after Future State and Fear State comes….Messy State. In all seriousness, thanks so much for using the order!!!
But also, remember that Batman #118 is the start of a new run with a new writer and as such is pretty easy to jump straight into. I finally got to read it last week, and it doesn’t require much context to dive into (albeit knowing what Batman Inc. is may be mildly important…)
Hey man thanks for the help with Batman #118, actually Im reading all batman since year one and I have done it according to your order of batman that you posted on this site which has been very helpful to organize so many numbers. I go only for Knightfall, but I like to keep my collection up to date and organized.
Two questions: The first, here in this order you put Robin Vol. 1 only up to the number 6, so where would the numbers 7, 8 and 9 go? The second, I have a comic named Batman: One Dark Knight, is it an out of continuity story or not? And if not, where would it go? Thansks for ordering my Batman collection and happy new year.
Thanks so much for the questions, I’ll do my best to answer them, but just as a reminder. I didn’t write the whole Batman reading order. I merely made significant updates to it and spent a lot of time checking that links still worked, that the information is accurate, and reordered to the best of my knowledge. That knowledge being more about release dates than about the content itself (I don’t have time to read every batman book if you get what I mean) As such some books are probably a little out of order. Where I am 100% certain of is in my knowledge is Rebirth to today.
1. Batman: One Dark Knight is an out of continuity story. You can tell because it is a black label book and all new black label books are out of continuity with kinda 2 exceptions (Three Jokers and Snyder’s The Last Knight on Earth). Those two books kinda connect to continuity via Rebirth #1 and as a vague similarity to Death Metal, but neither is actually in-continuity.
2. Robin #7-10 will go right after Vol. 1. I think that Robin #11 will be around Shadow of the Bat, but as far as I can tell Robin’s story doesn’t connect to the larger plot of the world until Shadow War begins (Which hasn’t been added to this yet, because I got to sit down and figure that out.). Basically, #1-10/11 seem to be a big connected arc that DC itself is breaking into 2 volumes. There’s no gap in time between #6 and #7 up until #10 (which you’ll know what I mean once you’ve read it). I’m just guessing on #11 and #12 though as until they come out, it’s kind of a mystery what is happening there exactly.
Hope that helped,
Very helpful, all doubts were satisfied. Thanks a lot!
I think you are often meaning “back story” (the small tale sometimes found after the main story in a comic) when you are saying “back issue” (a previously-published comic).
You are absolutely right……OOPS. Thanks so much for pointing it out. I’ll make sure to change the instances of Back-issue into Back-up story in the next revision of the reading order.
Will the list be updated?
Changes should be up very soon! (This batch took longer than normal because of the Fear State coverage and adding some more things to earlier sections (you’ll see).
Given that the updates aren’t quite up yet and solicts for January are up I’m adding January Solicts to it before it comes out. I apologize, BUT it will be a massive update, so you are in for a treat!!
Hey Nathan! Thanks for organising the messy line up of DC comics, haha. I was just wondering if you are including each and every comic released by DC since March, 2021 or it is a selected few comics only. Looking forward to your reply. Thanks again!
It’s every Infinite Frontier Book and then the out of continuity stuff is labeled as such. I’m missing some books from the kids line and the horror books which aren’t in continuity and aren’t for the same audience as Infinite Frontier. If you want to see every comic released by DC since March, I suggest looking at solicits for those months.
I stopped being able to use CBH because it seemed like the DC stuff was finished with here but reading all your articles today have been an absolute godsend today Nathan. I’m always working through Batman stuff a year or two behind so this content is really really helpful. Thank you very much.
Thanks so much!!! I’m so happy to help provide more DC Content to the site. I got some DC reviews coming up soon!!!
Does anyone know if the house of Kents came out and if not do you know the date exactly? I’ve looked up bubt all of them have different dates so I’m not sure.
I assume that you are referring to the last volume of Bendis’s Action Comics run. My understanding is that that book is coming out September 22nd
Hey, I have the unholy mixture of Autism and Depression, so my interests in things like comics tend to wax and wane, and I’ve recently been getting back into DC Comics, but, as usual, I now find myself wondering what is NEEDED to read for me so I can get a hold on the necessary basics for understanding stories. I have read basically just The Batman Who Laughs and the Event Leviathan and Witching Hour series (no tie ins except JLD, since I love magic stories, but I’ve still only finished volumes 1 and 2 of that), and a few bits of Rebirth and Sandman Universe stuff here and there that interested me. Bless DC, I love them, but this event and crossover stuff makes choosing what to read really confusing because I don’t want to go into a series only to discover that I need to read some other single issue of a comic with a character I don’t care about starring in it in order to understand what’s going on. Could I get a reading list of stories that will give me enough information to basically pick up any series and not be confused, because if so, that would be amazing! Thanks!
Actually, you’re looking at it. Infinite Frontier is DC’s latest brand-wide jumping on point. Start at the beginning of this article, read what’s suggested and you’re up on modern DC. If you want to go back a little further then you can start at the DC Rebirth Reading Order.
Infinite Frontier is a great starting point. I would say the only thing you really need to know if what happened in Tynion’s run of Batman (#86-100). Otherwise, knowing that Diana “died” to connect the universe together at the end of Death Metal #7 should be good.
So I think
Batman Vol. 1: Their Dark Designs
(Just know Bane just tried to level Gotham)
Batman Vol. 2: Joker War
Batman Vol. 3: Ghostmaker
Death Metal: #1-7
(Just know the batman who Laughs took over the earth)
Detective Comics Vol. 6: Road to Ruin
(Just know Damian is on bad terms with Batman)
Future State: Dark Detective #1-4
(Just so you can know the basics of the magistrate)
Otherwise Infinite Frontier is a stellar place to start. It’s very continutity-lite and is full of new ideas that make it very accessible.
Thanks to the both of you so much!
Actually, is there any way someone can explain the transition from Batman Rebirth to Batman Infinite Frontier? Does the order go Tom King’s Rebirth, James Tynion’s Rebirth, Death Metal, Future State: The Next Batman, then Infinite Frontier. Any replies I would appreciate. Thank you!
Yes. Sio by Time line it’s Tom King Batman –> James Tynion Batman (up to the end of Ghost makers)–> Infinite Frontier Batman –> Future State
However, Future State is intended to be read in between Ghostmakers and Infinite Frontier Batman.
Mild Spoilers below
Tom King’s Batman focuses on the rise and fall of Bat/Cat and the masterplan of Bane. At the end of his run #85, Gotham is left torn apart and Bruce plans to rebuild. Tynion begins a couple months later now that Gotham is rebuilt with a Wayne centric design. However Joker comes and causes chaos resulting in Detective Nakano deciding to run on an Anti-mask policy for Mayor of Gotham. He wins in Detective Comics #1033 (I think), and promises a new future for Gotham. This is the end of ghost makers (Batman #105 as well). Then we flash forward to Future State and see how Nakano’s mayorship changes Gotham. Now the Magistrate is in control. We don’t know how, we just know it happens. Now we got back to Infinite Frontier and continue the story where the magistrate is jut being conceived of as an idea. The readers now understand the threat of the Magistrate on the future, even if the heroes don’t. Timeline wise Future State hasn’t happened in Infinite Frontier, but as readers we’ve seen basically a flash forward.
Looking at the Next Batman stuff specifically, Jace (formerly Tim) Fox’s story begins with Future State: The Next Batman where we learn that he is the next Batman through the flash forward before we begin with his origins in the currently releasing Next Batman: Second Son Digital-first mini-series. Chapter 8 of that came out today, but if you want to read physically, it is releasing in single issues right now with issue 1 coming out early this month.
Hey man, sorry I haven’t gotten back in a while. But, thank you so much for explaining all this for me. Batman has been a hobby of mine for a long time and I’ve really been wanting to understand the current storyline. So, once again thanks man, this really clears things up.
Don’t worry about it!!!
Actually future state is a future that could happen but might not happen depending if certain characters can change them
Thanks a lot! Really helped me understand better!
Thanks so much for the kind words!!
Awesome! Thanks for this!
awesome, thank you. love comicbook herald