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Hello and welcome to Comic Book Herald!
Comic Book Herald is a site dedicated to guiding enthusiastic comic book readers through the immense amounts of Marvel books and trade paperbacks available.
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Comic Book Herald’s reading orders and guides are also made possible by reader support on Patreon, and generous reader donations.
Any size contribution will help keep CBH alive and full of new comics guides and content. Support CBH on Patreon for exclusive rewards, or Donate here! Thank you for reading!
You can read the full story of why I started the website here, but the gist is this: If you’re newer to comics, it’s not as easy as it should be to read through the incredible catalog of material in a logical and coherent order. If you were going to watch a TV series based on sequential story-telling (Lost, The Wire, Dexter, etc.), you wouldn’t want to jump around from episode to episode. The same applies for comic book reading. There’s nothing that kills a reading experience quite like picking up an issue of Spider-Man and muddling through references to characters and events you’ve never heard of.
With Comic Book Herald, I’ll be doing my part to lay out a clear and concise reading order guide for universes like Marvel ,DC, and many more. Reading comics in order is a really fun experience. I just want to make it easier for everyone.
To get started, I recommend you check out my Complete Marvel Reading Order Guide. I can be contacted at, or using the form below. And be sure to stay in touch through our Twitter @ComicBookHerald!
And finally, please consider giving any support for Comic Book Herald. Any and all help is greatly appreciated!
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If you like Comic Book Herald, and are able to donate, any small contribution will help keep CBH alive and full of new comics guides and content. Donate here! Or, support CBH on Patreon for exclusive rewards! Or you can even check out the CBH Merch store and get something nice with a small portion benefiting the site! Thank you for reading!
Joel says
not sure if you will see this but i have to ask, could you please provide some clarification on your guide Marvel Comics From Civil War to Secret Invasion, the avengers/Spiderman comics seem out of order, for example you say to read mighty avengers 1-11 but issue 7 is seemly the start of secret invasion/infiltration and spoils new avengers #31 where a character is revealed to be a skrull but the list doesn’t tell us to read the new avengers for many more issues.
if you could provide clarification it would be much appreciated, i have only just started reading comics and am a big fan of your lists.
Alb says
Do you guys plan to add a night mode option for the site? Would be a lot easier on my eyes
william damian says
Hello ,
I see advertising on the website and it is impressive. I was wondering if there is any content or advertising opportunities available on your website?
What is the price if we want to publish an article on your website?
Note: the article can not be text as sponsored or advertising or something like that
william damian
Tyler Perez says
Do you update your reading order when a new issue comes out.
Nathan Payson (Guidewriter) says
It depends on if someone is assigned to regularly work on it or not. Updates then typically come following solicits every two months or so, but it depends on the reading order.
Tyler Perez says
Do you update your reading order when a new issue comes out.
Hurt says
Andrew Hizer says
Hey Dave I was just really curious about how long have you been doing CBH? Simple question for me to ask but I know I’ve heard of you before I graduated High School in 07’, at lest I’m pretty sure. Sorry it’s been bothering me.
Fred A. Castro says
Are you the “Dave” from Ohio (I believe) that worked at Dave’s Comics? I was able to obtain a few comic stories I was looking for from you and your store. Just wanted to acknowledge you… If I am wrong and you did not work for “Dave’s Comics” – nonetheless – you have a fine site here and the information is very well taken and useful. Thank you.
Jay says
Hey whats up. I love the site, had me going thru for a few hours but there is one thing I didnt really see a reading order for and thats Cosmic Ghost Rider. Hes referenced under the Punisher, but I think his story is just about as important as Thanos’s. Just my opinion. Thank you for the site and Ill be here more often! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Fergal says
Dave, you’re insane for putting this together. Thank you for it though.
Dave says
This is true! Glad you enjoy 🙂
Donte says
How do you change your pic?
Donte says
How did you change your profile pic?
Emily says
Looking for additional inventory.
Hello Team,
We are looking for additional inventory for our premium advertisers.
We also provide our pub partners with a video player, content (over 1M pieces of premium video in our library) and Google monetization. It’s a plug-and-play contextual video solution that creates net, new inventory with fantastic CPMs and fill rates.
Let me know if it makes sense to chat.
Thank you.
Josh says
Hey man, you ever considered doing an order for the Liefeld extreme universe? I’ve been reading a lot of it lately, modern stuff, the 2012 relaunches, Alan Moore stuff, the original stuff, etc. It’s quite a task to sort it all out and put in an order that makes sense. If you ever decide to tackle it I’d be interested for sure.
Joey says
What an incredible site and resource you’ve provided! Being almost 40 years old now, I have had an on-off love affair with comic books (primarily Marvel) since the 3rd grade. We used to have comic book trading clubs in school before iPads and electronic reading devices became our reality. I had a pretty firm grasp on all major storylines and Marvel universe canon going back to the start of the Marvel Silver Age (thank you FF 1961). I had a bit of a collection filled with some real treasures (and also some occasional muck), truly my pride and joy until the early 90s when they were all stolen. I lost everything, my first editions, limited covers, graphic novels, Marvel Masterpiece collections, trading cards, even those goofy Marvel Age magazines. It was all gone. When you suffer losses like those, it’s very easy to give up an interest, and I did. I gave up on comic books.
As I got older, into my high school years, I was pretty much off the scene until television got Marvel crazy and started putting out some engaging programming (Spider Man, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Iron Man) and some less engaging movies (Captain America and the Punisher ????) The comic bug started back up. The fact that the cartoon and movie storylines differed from the Earth 616 reality (not really a concept that was readily accepted as it is now, which I love and find ingenious), made me feel obligated to get caught up on where Earth 616 was at this time. I felt a duty to know, and I did pretty good job trying to catch up. But somewhere around the end of the Age of Apocalypse storyline, I fell off again. Something about the concept of growing up can sometimes suck the wind out of the simplicity and wonder of enjoying comic books and their marvelous capacity for storytelling. The small, but modest collection I had started building up again was put into storage for the next several years.
It wasn’t until the popularity of smartphones and the iPad did I realize that the reality of digital collections and electronic subscription services for comic books made acquiring whole titles and storylines a mind-blowing possibility. I started becoming aware of resources and sites similar to yours that provided some general background and sometimes reference level information on storylines and chronology. However, these sites were not at all like yours. They did not have the same enthusiam, consideration, insight or reverence for the classics as you do. Somehow, I made the terrible mistake of jumping right into the Civil War arc because apparently this was THE storyline to read by all accounts. Talk about drinking from a firehose! Spider-Man and Tony Stark? Registration act? These were references I had no clue about. If I was out of date before, this made it all the more painfully obvious. I did manage to determine the best reading order and read through the whole series. It was marvelous, and totally painfull at the same time. It underscored how out of touch I was and I was clamoring for a more cohesive way to grasp how to get back up to date. Problem was there were no good sites (I could find at least) at the time really did a good enough job of getting me back on track.
So we fast forward to the past couple of years and the creation of the MCU. It was easy to see the MCU working towards the Civil War storyline and I was excited to death! Between seeing the Facebook posts, Screen Rant, Looper, CBR resources, and other “Top 10” Villains, X-Men, Avenger, Wolverine deaths, and various comic book quizzes and posts, I was about to lose my…stuff. Then two things put me over the edge. For the sake of spoilers, I will be sensitive. But I caught wind of the fact that a Cyclops had changed a bit, like seriously changed and resulted in a death that shook me to the core (say it ain’t so). Then I hear a massive shake up in the 616 timeline that pretty much rebooted everything. Heros and villains that were guys were now girls, invasions and old storylines like Secret Wars crop back up. I was seriously having a WTH moment. Logan came out in theater and I had to get the Old Man Logan storyline. Talk about being blown away…
So I’m back. I’m ready to get caught up. Your site will be critical in helping me do that. I was so grateful to see what indeed took you so much time, care and love to put together that I just had to thank you and donate to your cause. It’s a small price for such a labor of love as this site. That’s my story, hope you enjoyed it and I look forward to much more reading in the future, thanks to Marvel and your site ????.
Rachel says
Hey Dave
First off, thank you so much for this website. I’ve been using it for a few years now, and while I have yet to actually finish any of the guides (whoops) I love all the comics I’ve been introduced to through here.
So, I recently became aware of the existence of Rachel Summers/Grey, and, for a couple of reasons, I am now kinda obsessed with the idea of her but I don’t know where to start.
I realize she’s kinda a niche character and making a whole guide based around her might be too much to ask, but if there’s a certain x-men arc she’s involved in that you would recommend I start with or something like that, I’d really appreciate it.
Thank you!
Preston says
Hey, will you have a reading order for the new marvel now on your big reading order page? I’d just like to know, thanks!
Jalen says
Hey so I got the Golden age batman omnibus 1 and 2 and I like to read in order and In bulk so what should I get next???
Kate says
My name is Kate from We are interested in buying ads on your
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Mark Kausch says
Serena says
Hey Dave,
I’ve been reading comics for a little while now and I seem to read most of them in the right universe but here is my question:
How do I know in which universe the comic is playing/happening ?
I’ve been trying to figure this out for a while and while it’s pretty obvious with the ultimate universe I don’t know about the rest. I didn’t see it being stated in any of the comics I’ve read so far..
If you could help me I’d very much appreciate it 🙂
Thank you in advance 🙂
Dave says
For Marvel, most comics exist in the same universe. Like you mention, the Ultimate U is separate and distinct. Certain stories create new alternate realities. Examples would be age of apocalypse, house of m, or secret wars (2015). Most alternate realities will explain the creation or cause of that reality in the story.
Hope that helps. If you have any example storylines that are confusing, I’d be happy to take a look.
Serena says
Thank you so much for answering this helped a lot 🙂
I was just so confused when I saw how many different universes or realities existed.
Everytime I read a different comic (that wasn’t secret wars or in the ultimate universe) I figured it would be on Earth 616 but wondered if it was stated somewhere. Thank you for helping with that 🙂
Naina says
Hi Dave
I am fairly new to reading marvel comics, I’m a DC girl. But seeing as civil war is coming out soon I thought I would read the comics. I have read road to civil war and the actual civil war collected edition but I wanted to know what happens after. Like I know what happens to cap but I wanted to read about it and the aftermath of the war. So my question is, is there a novel or comic I should read that has the aftermath explained or anything.
Dave says
There’s not necessarily just one good aftermath collection (unfortunately), but I have a post Civil War guide here.
I’d recommend you prioritize Captain America, Cap: Fallen Son, Avengers Initiative, and Iron Man: Director of SHIELD.
Enjoy the comics!
Marko says
Hey, Dave!
Just a quick comment: It would be real helpful – for me, at least – if you had a search window at the top of the page. I don’t know how much of a task I’m asking for, so lemme have it if it’s a biggie.
Love (and Rockets)
Marko says
PS: I know there’s one on the forums page, but that only got me posts on the forums, and some more connected to the search than others.
PPS: And one of the things I like not-so-much about Word Press is you can’t edit your posts.
PPPS: Monday is my birthday so if you wanted to act on my suggestion, I could consider it a present. 😉