Nothing in Marvel comics is as vast and sprawling as the universe of the X-Men. What I’m trying to say is this reading order is immense (and stunningly impressive, likely created by a man of tremendous physical power). For those of you looking to catch up on X-Men comics from the 2000’s, or perhaps to get started for the first time after enjoying X-Men: The Animated Series as a lad/lass, this is the guide:
If you’re looking for more of a fast track to X-Men (aka gimme the good stuff and I’ll come back for the rest later!), I’ve picked essential starting places for each era of X-Men, neatly labeled with the Comic Book Herald logo next to the book title!
Before we get rolling, if you want to read through the entire X-Men Universe – literally every issue! – you should consider a subscription to Marvel Unlimited!
[Disclosure: Affiliate link – CBH may earn from qualifying subscriptions]
I) Classic X-Men – Chris Claremont Era Reading Order
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Ii) Classic X-Men – Age of Apocalypse
Iii) Classic X-Men – Onslaught
II) Modern X-Men Events Fast Track
III) Setting the Stage – Nov 1999 to June 2001
IV) Where to begin for modern fans! New X-Men by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely
V) Astonishing X-Men by Joss Whedon & John Cassaday
VIII) Second Coming to Schism
IX) Wolverine & The X-Men to Avengers vs. X-Men
Before the Beginning – November 1999 through June 2001
For me, the logical starting point for a modern X-Men reading order is with Grant Morrison’s New X-Men
. We’ll get there in a minute, but there are a handful of X-issues that you can read before New X-Men that will help set the stage for references to come.
Likewise, if you really want to run the clock back, check out Comic Book Herald’s complete guide to X-Men comics in the 90’s!
X-Men vs. Apocalypse: The Twelve
Issues Included: Uncanny X-Men #376-#377, Cable #73 – #77, X-Men #96 – #97, Wolverine #145 – #147
It’s worth noting here, these first two selections fit most appropriately within our full Apocalypse reading order.
X-Men vs Apocalypse: The Ages of Apocalypse
Issues Included: X-51 #8, Uncanny X-Men #378 and Annual 1999, Cable #77, Wolverine #148, X-Men Unlimited #26, X-Men #98, and X-Men: The Search for Cyclops #1-4. (The Search for Cyclops issues are the ones most referenced by Morrison)
The events of ‘X-Men: Dream’s End’ will play an important role in Joss Whedon’s upcoming Astonishing X-Men. You can also add issues Cable #87, Bishop #16 and X-Men #108-110 for the full experience.
Note that “Dream’s End” is diving in head first to the tail end of 90’s X-Men that is hot on the heels of the Onslaught Saga.
From this point forward Uncanny X-Men, Marvel’s flagship X-book, takes a back seat to the ‘New X-Men.’ You can approach this revelation in a few ways, one of which is to just bypass Uncanny X-Men all together. This is my recommended approach for anyone feeling a bit overwhelmed by the volume of all these X-options. Note, though, that a fair amount of questions can be answered during this period of Uncanny X-Men, such as “When did Juggernaut become a good guy?” and “When did Iceman get so frigid?”
Where to Begin: New X-Men by Grant Morrison
July 2001 through May 2004
Grant Morrison is likely the second most critically revered and influential comic book author of the last 35 years, trailing only Alan Moore in terms of recognition and output. While his Big 2 superhero work has been primarily with DC Comics (including Animal Man, The Doom Patrol
, All-Star Superman
with Quitely, and Batman: Arkham Asylum
), for a three year stint Marvel was able to convince the legend to revamp the X-Men.
And revamp them he did.
Morrison has this trick where he makes everything old new again. That’s why he was the perfect person to reboot the whole series. Grant’s run is both a “greatest hits” of important X-Men concepts and storylines, but is also filled with fresh new ideas. Honestly, filled.
And artist Frank Quitely has a field day on this arc. His art’s not to everyone’s taste, but I thought he was the perfect choice. Quitely’s work is clear and hyper-legible; meaning whether he’s drawing Sentinel attacks, drug-addled mutants, or time-skips that produce mutant hawks (yes), you can always read what’s happening… even when it’s Morrison-level craziness.
New X-Men refreshes everything about Marvel’s favorite mutants. The core characters and stories presented in the pages of New X-Men set the stage for all X-stories through today.
Necessary Reading From This X-Era:
Collects: New X-Men 114-154, Annual 2001
Morrison starts strong introducing a number of ideas all at once, including creating an evil twin sister for Professor Xavier and then having her take control of a bunch of sentinels. This comes along with longer-threads, like having Emma Frost join the team for the first time and introducing the idea of “secondary mutations.” Somehow, this all feels like “classic X-men” while being brand new at the same time. This keeps going the entire run, more or less.
New X-Men, Vol. 1 – #114 to #126 + Annual #1
New X-Men, Vol. 2 – #127 to #141
New X-Men, Vol. 3 – #142 to #154
Issue by Issue Reading Order:
New X-Men #114 – #117 + Annual #1 + #118 – #133
Uncanny X-Men issues #400 – #415 occur during this same timeframe
X-Force #116 – #129 + X-Statix #1 – #26
Technically this X-Force series (retitled X-Statix after issue #129) occurs over a longer timespan, intersecting chronologically with New X-Men. That said, once you know the state of Morrison’s New X-Men you can largely read Milligan and Allred’s X-Statix all the way through. It’s one of my favorite Marvel comics series of all time. Not your father’s X-Men, but peripheral to that world.
Read X-Force #116 – #129
This is the long awaited origin of Wolverine.
Emma’s first (and to my knowledge only) solo series, predominantly composed of flashbacks. Underrated early 2000’s comic expanding on the upbringing of the New X-Men’s most interesting addition.
New X-Men #134 – #145
Uncanny X-Men issues #416 – #434 occur during this same timeframe
I won’t tell you how to live your life, but when Greg Rucka writes a comic, that’s typically a book you want to be reading, and the relaunched Wolverine is no exception.
Weapon X #1 – #13 + Weapon X One-Shots (Kane, Marrow, Sauron, Wild Child, Zero)
New X-Men #146 – #154
Uncanny X-Men issues #435 – 443
Weapon X #14 – #28
Mystique #1 – #13 (Brian K. Vaughn)
As suggested a moment ago with Greg Rucka and Wolverine, when Brian K. Vaughn is writing a Marvel Comic, that’s a book you probably want to check out. His thirteen issue run on Mystique is less clever and celebrated than, say, Runaways, but it’s still worth a read.
Avengers Disassembled Occurs Here
Astonishing X-Men by Joss Whedon & John Cassaday –
July 2004 through March 2008
Following Morrison and Quitely’s mutant reinvention, the go-to X-title shifted from New X-Men to Astonishing X-Men by Joss Whedon and John Cassaday. You may recognize Whedon from such works as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, and a little movie known as The Avengers. His 25 issues on X-men with Cassaday are arguably the greatest X-Men comics of the decade. Very arguably, but still, arguably. You can read the story straight through without continuity interruptions, but I include the various chronology of other books for reference.
New X-Men ended with a relatively clean slate. This let Joss Whedon and John Cassaday redesign the book from the ground up, forging a new line-up to take on new threats… like the world finding a genetic “cure” for mutants.
The primary threat of Whedon’s run (the genetic “cure”) is interesting for how seemingly small it is. It’s not a supervillain. It’s not the government. It’s not even an enormous robot. The threat is the very idea that mutants are “sick.”
For a team that classically “fights for a world that hates and fears them” the question becomes “what if mutants hate themselves? And what if they can change that that?” It’s almost like fighting assimilation.
Interspersed with all that you’ll find that Marvel’s era of events begins to impact the world of mutants in increasingly meaningful ways. From House of M through Decimation the status quo of being a mutant in the Marvel universe takes some major hits here. Factor in other classic storylines like Wolverine: Enemy of the State, X-Men: Deadly Genesis
, and The Rise and Fall of the Sh’iar Empire
, and you have a pretty great run of x-stories here.
Necessary Reading From This X-Era:
Astonishing X-Men Omnibus
Collects: Astonishing X-Men #1-24, And Giant-Size Astonishing X-Men #1.
There’s a serious debate within the community whether these 25 issues are the best run of the decade. The character work is great, there are some truly clever ideas, and the pacing makes it all feel effortless. The only way it could possibly place second is if Grant Morrison were to… exist?
Uncanny X-Men #444 – #454 – Beginning with issue #444 Chuck Austen’s lengthy and generally frowned upon run ends and Chris Claremont – of “writer who basically invented the modern X-Men” fame – takes over.
District X #1 – #6
This 5 issue limited series starring Madrox the Multiple Man as a private eye is another underrated X-gem from the 2000’s. Good, fun read, and effectively launches Peter David’s run on X-Factor.
The Mutant Odd-Couple. There’s a ton of action and comedy in this fan favorite series. But here’s also some great ideas, like when Cable is cured of the Technovirus, leading to him finally getting to use his powers at full strength for an extended period of time.
Nightcrawler #1 – #12
Wolverine: Enemy of the State #20 – #32
Technically the Enemy of the State story arc from Mark Millar and John Romita Jr occurs in two separate six issue chunks. The story reads best together, though, and also independent of Astonishing X-Men.
X-Men: Reload By Chris Claremont Vol. 1: The End of History
Collects: Uncanny X-Men (1981) 444-461, X-Men (1991) 165
Chris Claremont and Alan Davis return to the X-Men! Unfortunately, it was primarily to fix the absolute disaster Chuck Austen had made of things. Somehow, they managed to do this while also incorporating X-23 into the standard Marvel Universe! They really are wizards…
Gambit #1 – #12
X Men / Black Panther: Wild Kingdom – X-Men issues #175 – #176, Black Panther issues #8 – #9
Buy X-Men/Black Panther: Wild Kingdom
X-Men: Phoenix – Endsong #1 – #5
New X-Men: Hellions #1 – #4
X-Men: Colossus Bloodline #1 – #5
House of M
(Alternate Timeline) After Scarlet Witch de-powered all mutants at the end of Avengers Disassembled, a pocket universe was temporarily born titled “House of M.” The universe basically acts like a “monkey’s paw” for certain key heroes.
Wolverine gets all of his memories back and they’re terrible. Steve Rogers got to age gracefully and is now an old man. Peter Parker married Gwen Stacy, because Marvel really hates Mary Jane. Like, so much.
The whole thing is somewhat similar to Age of Apocalypse, which Marvel has been somewhat obsessed with since it came out. The only difference is that this arc had positive character progression (because Bendis wrote this one.)
Necessary Reading From This X-Era:
This collects all 8 issues of the main title, with none of the side stories. As ever, some of the side stories are great, some are not worth your time.
House of M + X-Men Tie-Ins
Check out the link above for the full Comic Book Herald reading order including all tie-ins.
(Main Timeline) When House of M ends and reality returns to normal, it must finally contend with Wanda’s curse of “no more mutants.”
On “M Day,” thousands of mutants loose their powers instantly, making the whole of mutant kind into an endangered species.
The series really gives a sense of scale, and sets the starting tone on an anxious decade for the X-Men.
Necessary Reading From This X-Era:
Collects: X-Men: The 198 #1-5 And X-Men: The 198 Files.
Don’t let the name fool you, The 198 is an X-Book. But instead of focusing on a particular time, this book gives a good, global view of the event.
Decimation + X-Men Tie-Ins
Check out the link above for the full Comic Book Herald reading order including all tie-ins.
X-Men: Deadly Genesis #1 – #6
I wouldn’t miss this one. Six issue mini-series from Ed Brubaker and Travis Hairsine that occurs during Decimation and sets the stage for Professor X and many future X-stories, including Rise and Fall of the Shi’ar empire and even War of Kings.
Uncanny X-Men #462 – #471
Astonishing X-Men #13 – #24 + Giant Sized Astonishing X-Men #1
Technically issues #19 – #24 and the Giant Sized conclusion are published after a few of the following issues, but this story is better read together and before Civil War.
X-Men: Apocalypse/Dracula #1 – #4
Marvel Universe Event: Civil War
In Marvel’s big hero vs. hero slugfest, the mutants play an important role.
And that role is to act as even more of an allegory for racism than usual! (Fear not: there is some fun, like when Wolverine survives being hit by a nuke.)
Civil War + X-Men Tie-Ins
Check out the link above for the full Comic Book Herald reading order including all tie-ins.
X-Men: Blood of Apocalypse #182 – #187
X-Men: Phoenix Warsong #1 – #5
Uncanny X-Men: Rise and Fall of the Shi’ar Empire #475 – #486
For me, this is the point in X-continuity where Uncanny X-Men becomes required reading. Ed Brubaker takes over the writing reigns and Billy Tan is on art for this space epic.
Buy Rise and Fall of the Shi’ar Empire
X-Men: Endangered Species #1 – #17
World War Hulk + X-Men Tie-Ins
Wolverine #56
This is actually the start of a story arc continuing through issue #61. I include the issue 1) To give a sense of where we are in Wolverine continuity during this period and 2) Because issue #56 is one of my favorite Wolverine comics ever. The story is “The Man in the Pit” from Jason Aaron, one of his first forays into the character before becoming the primary writer.
Wolverine Origins #16 – #20 + Annual #1
X-Men: Messiah Complex and the Great Hope Summers
December 2007 through March 2009
The world of mutants gets some hope with the excellent Messiah CompleX crossover event.
Finally, after two years, the first mutant born since M-Day. It’s a race between the X-Men, Purifiers, Marauders, and other factions to recover this miracle.
Also, Cable makes a big return to play an important, poetic part.
Necessary Reading From This X-Era:
Check out the below Messiah Complex guide for the order of issues in this crossover event.
- X-Men: Messiah Complex (one-shot)
- Uncanny X-Men #492
- X-Factor #25
- New X-Men #44
- X-Men #205
- Uncanny X-Men #493
- X-Factor #26
- New X-Men #45
- X-Men #206
- Uncanny #494
- X-Factor #27
- New X-men #46
- X-Men #207
After the horrible war of attrition to recover the baby called hope, Cyclops tasks Wolverine to form an off-the-books wetworks team. A group of dyed-in-the-wool killers who could find permanent solutions to the worst of mutantkind’s problems.
Divided We Stand – Uncanny X-Men #495 – #499, X-Men #208 – #213
Wolverine: Get Mystique #62 – #65
Astonishing X-Men #25 – #30 + Astonishing X-Men: Ghost Boxes #1 – #2
Uncanny X-Men: The Complete Collection by Matt Fraction – Volume 1
Collects: Uncanny X-Men (1963) 500-511; Uncanny X-Men Annual (2006) 2
Marvel Universe Event: Secret Invasion
A fun little event where we discover that shape shifting aliens named the Skrulls have secretly replaced a non-trivial number of super heroes, leading to an eventual invasion.
Secret Invasion + X-Men Tie-Ins
Check out the link above for the full Comic Book Herald reading order including all tie-ins.
Issues: X-Men: The Times and Life of Lucas Bishop #1-3, Cable #11-15, X-Force #14-16, X-Force/Cable: Messiah War One-Shot
Reading Order: X-Men: The Times and Life of Lucas Bishop #1-3, X-Men Messiah War One-Shot, Cable #13, X-Force #14, Cable #14, X-Force #15, Cable #15, X-Force #16
Old Man Logan – Wolverine #66 – #72 + Giant Size #1
X-Force #17 – #25 + X-Force: Sex & Violence #1 – #3
Dark X-Men & Utopia
April 2009 through December 2009
For a year following Secret Invasion, the Marvel Universe fell under the dark reign of Norman Osborn (aka the Green Goblin). This impacts the world of the X-Men in some important ways, including the Utopia crossover event with the Dark Avengers below.
Secret Invasion: Dark Reign #1
Dark X-Men: The Beginning #1 – #3
Here’s the full Dark Reign reading order
Dark Avengers / Uncanny X-Men: Utopia
Reading Order: Utopia #1, Uncanny X-Men #513, Dark Avengers #7, Uncanny X-Men #514, Dark Avengers #8, Dark Avengers / X-Men: Exodus #1, X-Men: Legacy #226 – #227, Dark X-Men: The Confession #1
Dark Reign – The List: X-Men #1
Dark Wolverine – Wolverine #73 – #81
Collects: Uncanny X-Men #515-522, Dark Reign: The List – X-Men, Nation X #1-4
X-Factor #39 – #50 + #200 – #203
X-Factor renumbers after issue #50 with a #200.
Wolverine: The Best There Is #1 – #12
Read Wolverine The Best There Is
Psylocke #1 – #4
A strange little x-book wide event that attempted to establish the undead as a major threat to mutants. It’s a little “monster of the week” for some… but it’s also got Kyle, Yost, Carey, Mann, Craine, and more on it.
Includes: New X-Men #32, X-Force #11, #21-25, New Mutants #6-8, X-Men: Legacy #231-234, X-Force/New Mutants: Necrosha One-Shot, X Necrosha: The Gathering
Reading Order: X-Necrosha: The Gathering #1, X-Necrosha #1, New Mutants #6, X-Force Vol 3 #21, New Mutants #7, X-Force Vol 3 #22, New Mutants #8, X-Men: Legacy #231, X-Force Vol 3 #23, X-Men: Legacy #232, X-Force Vol 3 #24, X-Men: Legacy #233, X-Force Vol 3 #25, X-Men: Legacy #234
X-Men: Second Coming
Jan 2010 to Oct 2011
Remember all that Hope talk way back in Messiah CompleX? Well the Second Coming has arrived and it will bring about one of the biggest internal debates the X-Men have ever seen.
Hope Summers, the first mutant born since M-Day, returns from the future, resulting in a second struggle to obtain her. This time, it’s much, much worse.
Marvel Universe Event: Siege
Norman Osborn pushes the Sentry until he loses what’s left of his mind. Sentry goes and attacks Asgard, which retaliates by declaring all-out war on Earth.
Siege + Dark X-Men Tie-Ins
Check out the link above for the full Comic Book Herald reading order including all tie-ins.
Necessary Reading From This X-Era:
X-Men: Second Coming + Second Coming: Revelations
Issues: Second Coming: Prepare, Second Coming #1-2, Uncanny X-Men #523-525; New Mutants #12-14, X-Men Legacy #235-237, X-Force #26-28
Reading Order: X-Men: Hope #1, X-Men Second Coming: Prepare, Second Coming #1, Uncanny X-Men #523, New Mutants #12, X-Men: Legacy #235, X-Force #26, X-Factor #204, Uncanny X-Men #524, X-Men: Hellbound #1, New Mutants #13, X-Men: Blind Science #1, X-Men: Legacy #236, X-Force #27, X-Factor #205, Uncanny X-Men #525, New Mutants #14, X-Men Legacy #237, X-Force #28, X-Factor #206, X-Men: Hellbound #2, Second Coming #2, X-Men: Hellbound #3
Daken: Dark Wolverine #1 – #4
Wolverine Goes to Hell #1 – #5
Uncanny X-Men #526 – #529 + Heroic Age One-Shot
Uncanny X-Men: The Complete Collection by Matt Fraction – Volume 3
Collects: Uncanny X-Men (1963) 526-534
Uncanny X-Force: Apocalypse Solution #1 – #4 + Uncanny X-Force: Deathlok Nation
#5.1, #5 to #7
The beginning of Rick Remender’s incredible run on X-Force. Which I have written extensively about HERE. This is a must-read.
X-Men: Curse of the Mutants #1 – #6 + Curse of the Mutants One-Shots
Reading Order: Death of Dracula #1, X-Men: Curse of the Mutants – Blade #1, X-Men #1, X-Men #2, Namor: The First Mutant #1, X-Men: Curse of the Mutants – Storm & Gambit #1, X-Men: Curse of the Mutants – Smoke & Blood #1, X-Men Vol #3, Namor: The First Mutant #2, X-Men: Curse of the Mutants – X-Men vs. Vampires #1, X-Men #4, X-Men: Curse of the Mutants – X-Men vs. Vampires #2, Namor: The First Mutant #3, Namor: The First Mutant #4, X-Men #5, X-Men #6
Namor: The First Mutant #1 – #6
It’s not a well-publicized fact that Namor is a mutant. This brings the underwater king into the X-Men fold, giving him some well-needed character development.
X-23: The Killing Dream #1 – #6
Astonishing Spider-Man / Wolverine #1 – #12
Jason Aaron pens this timetraveling team-up book. This book winds up being important for Death of Wolverine!
Read Astonishing Spidey / Wolverine
(Alternate Timeline) A return to the Age of Apocalypse!
Issues: AGE OF X ALPHA, X-MEN LEGACY #245-247, NEW MUTANTS (2009) #22-24, AGE OF X UNIVERSE #1-2
Uncanny X-Men #530 – #539
X-Men: Schism
A mutant attack on the UN leads nations around the globe to mobilize their Sentinel armies. This leads to a tense stand-off as Cyclops wants to put all available mutants into battle… while Wolverine wants the children to be spared.
X-Men: Prelude to Schism #1 – #4
Necessary Reading From This X-Era:
Reading order:
- Schism #1
- Schism #2
- Schism #3
- Generation Hope #10
- Generation Hope #11
- Schism #4
- Schism #5
X-Men: Regenesis #1
Fear Itself + X-Men Tie Ins
Fear Itself is sorta “Siege Part 2: The Return of Stark’s Bad Ideas,” with Original Sin being “Part 3: The Return of Part 2”
Wolverine & The X-Men +
Oct 2011 to Oct 2012
After the events of Schism, Wolverine takes over the role of headmaster at a newly founded school for mutants. If that sounds absurd, you’re not wrong, but it also leads to some of the best X-Men comics of this whole era. Plus, Rick Remender’s Uncanny X-Force continues doing amazing things, including leading to an all new Age of Apocalypse series!
Magneto: Not a Hero #1 – #4
Buy Wolverine and the X-Men Omnibus
Age of Apocalypse #1 – #12
Wolverine & the X-Men: Alpha & Omega #1 – #5
Daken: Dark Wolverine #20 – #22
Marvel Universe Event: Avengers v X-Men
Aaron, Bendis, Hickman, Fraction and Brubaker take Marvel’s two biggest teams to war. All in an effort to decide who should control one of the most powerful weapons in the universe: The Phoenix Force. This is also the birthplace of the Cyclops was Right meme.
Avengers: X-Sanction #1 – #4
Necessary Reading From This X-Era:
Collects: AvX #1 to #12
Avengers vs. X-Men + Tie Ins
Check out the link above for the full Comic Book Herald reading order including all tie-ins.
Astonishing X-Men – Volume 11: Weaponized
Marvel NOW! X-Men + Uncanny Avengers – Oct 2012 to 2015
Below you’ll find a starting selection for X-Men books through Marvel NOW!. I recommend you check out:
Marvel NOW! Reading Order Guide
The Marvel NOW! guide will cover all X-Men comics from 2012 to 2015.
Uncanny Avengers #1 – #5
Buy Uncanny Avengers: The Red Shadow
AvX: Consequences #1 – #5
Wolverine & the X-Men #19 – #24
X-Men: Legacy #1 – #6
All-New X-Men #1 – #5
Uncanny X-Men #1 – #5
All-New X-Men #6 – #10
(Alternate? Timeline) The X-Men have a lot of alternate versions of themselves. This story attempts to bring together three of the most popular: Age of Apocalypse, X-Treme, and Astonishing.
Issues: Age of Apocalypse 13, X-Treme X-Men 12, X-Termination 1, Astonishing X-Men 60, Age of Apocalypse 14, X-Treme X-Men 13, Astonishing X-Men 61, X-Termination 2
Reading Order: Astonishing X-Men #59, Age of Apocalypse #13, X-Treme X-Men #12, X-Termination #1, Astonishing X-Men #60, Age of Apocalypse #14, X-Treme X-Men #13, Astonishing X-Men #61, X-Termination #2
Uncanny Avengers #6 – #11
X-Men #1 – #4
Wolverine & the X-Men #30 – #35
All-New X-Men #11 – #15
Uncanny X-Men #6 – #11
Battle of The Atom
(Alternate? Timeline) Even more fun is had merging timelines!
Issues: All -New X-Men 16-17, Uncanny X-Men 12-13, Wolverine & The X-Men 36-37, X-Men: Battle of the Atom 1-2, X-Men 5-6
Reading Order: X-Men: Battle of the Atom #1, All-New X-Men #16, X-Men #5, Uncanny X-Men #12, Wolverine & the X-Men #36, All-New X-Men #17, X-Men #6, Uncanny X-Men #13, Wolverine & the X-Men #37, X-Men: Battle of the Atom #2
But seriously, you should check out Comic Book Herald’s Marvel NOW! reading order for every X-comic from this time period!
All-New All-Different X-Men (2015 – 2017)
The All-New All-Different dark ages are primarily driven through the lens of three core books (Extraordinary, All-New, and Uncanny).
Jeff Lemire – Extraordinary X-Men
Storm is team leader once more, this time with an altogether more positive group.
Extraordinary X-Men Vol. 1: X-Haven (Extraordinary X-Men #1 to #5)
Dennis Hopeless – All-New X-Men: Inevitable
An X-Men roadtrip book staring a time-displaced young Scott Summers, Kid Apocalypse, and X-23, and more
All-New X-Men: Inevitable Vol. 1: Ghost of the Cyclops (All-New X-Men #1 to #6)
Cullen Bunn – Uncanny X-Men: Superior
Magneto forms his own version of the wetworks crew.
Uncanny X-Men: Superior Vol. 1: Survival of the Fittest (Uncanny X-Men #1 to #6)
X-Men: Worst X-Man Ever (X-Men: Worst X-Man Ever #1 to #5)
X-Men ’92 Vol. 1: World is a Vampire (X-Men ’92 #1 to #6)
Civil War II: X-Men #1 to #4
Extraordinary X-Men Vol. 3: Kingdoms Fall (Extraordinary X-Men Annual #1, Extraordinary X-Men #13 to #16)
All-New X-Men: Inevitable Vol. 3: Hell Hath So Much Fury (All-New X-Men #12 to #16, Annual #1)
Uncanny X-Men: Superior Vol. 3: Waking From the Dream (Uncanny X-Men #11 to #15, Uncanny X-Men Annual #1)
Death of X (Death of X #1 to #4)
The terrigen mists are the source of all Inhuman powers and are a necessary step in their evolutionary process. Unfortunately, the mists are deadly poison to all mutant kind. So when a cloud of terrigen is somehow let loose on Earth, it sets these two factions up to battle. This is a great core idea, but unfortunately this event didn’t review well (and did not resolve into a greater editorial vision, for that matter.)
X-Men ResurrXion!
After the better part of a decade, mutant kind has been on the brink of extinction. This story seeks to ratchet back the crazy stakes a little, brings back a few members thought dead, and soften up the dynamics. It also splits the group into multiple teams again, some breathing room to the characters. It is for that reason and that reason only that we forgive it’s awful, awful name.
X-Men ResurrXion reading order
Weapon X Vol. 1: Weapons of Mutant Destruction Prelude
Collects: Weapon X 1-4, Totally Awesome Hulk 19
Collects: Jean Grey 1-6
Generation X (New Series Launch)
Collects: Generation X #1 to #6
Starting with All-New Wolverine #19.
Starting with issues Old Man Logan #21 to #25
Astonishing X-Men (New Series Launch)
Collects: Astonishing X-Men #1 to #6
Cable (New Series Launch)
Iceman (New Series Launch)
Collects: X-Men Gold #7 to #12
Includes tie-ins with Marvel’s summer Secret Empire event.
Collects: Weapon X 5-6, Weapons Of Mutant Destruction, Totally Awesome Hulk 20-22
Wolverine: Old Man Logan Vol. 6: Days of Anger
Collects: Old Man Logan #26 to #30
Collects: Weapon X #7 to #12
Collects: Generation X #6 to #11
X-Men Marvel Legacy!
Collects: Iceman 6-10
X-Men Gold Vol. 3: Mojo Worldwide
Collects: X-Men Blue 13-15, X-Men Gold 13-15
X-Men Blue Vol. 3: Cross-Time Capers
Collects: X-Men: Blue 16-20
All-New Wolverine Vol. 5: Orphans of X
Collects: All-New Wolverine 25-29
Collects: Deadpool Vs. Old Man Logan 1-5
Cable Vol. 2: The Newer Mutants
Collects: Cable 150-154
Collects: Jean Grey 7-12
Generation X Vol. 2: Survival of the Fittest
Collects: Generation X (2017) #7-9, 85-87
Wolverine: Old Man Logan Vol. 7
Collects: Old Man Logan 31-36
Collects: Weapon X 12-16
Astonishing X-Men by Charles Soule Vol. 2
Collects: Astonishing X-Men 7-12
Phoenix Resurrection: The Return of Jean Grey
Collects: Phoenix Resurrection: The Return Of Jean Grey 1-5
Collects: Rogue & Gambit 1-5
Collects: X-Men Red #1 to #5, Annual #1
Collects: Weapon H 1-6
X-Men Gold Vol. 4: The Negative Zone War
Collects: X-Men: Gold 16-20
X-Men Gold Vol. 5: Cruel and Unusual
Collects: X-Men Gold 21-25
Collects: X-Men Blue 21-22 And Annual 1, Venom 162-163
Collects: X-Men Blue 23-28
Collects: X-Men Blue 29-34
Wolverine: Old Man Logan Vol. 8
Collects: Old Man Logan 36-40
Wolverine: Old Man Logan Vol. 9
Collects: Old Man Logan 41-46
Collects: Cable 155-159
Collects: Weapon X 17-21
All-New Wolverine Vol. 6: Old Woman Laura
Collects: All-New Wolverine 31-35
The X-Men continue in Marvel Fresh Start!
The X-Men continue in Jonathan Hickman’s X-Men, including House of X & Powers of X!
Latest Additions:
Uncanny X-Men: Superior Vol. 4: IvX
Collects: Uncanny X-Men (2016) #16 to #19, Annual #1
X-Men Gold Vol. 6: ‘Til Death Do Us Part
Collects: X-Men Gold #26 to #30, X-Men Wedding Special
Collects: X-Men Gold #31 to #36, Annual #1
Wolverine: Old Man Logan Vol. 10: End of the World
Collects: Old Man Logan #46 to #50, Old Man Logan Annual #1
Weapon X Vol. 5: Weapon X-Force
Collects: Weapon X (2017) #22 to #27
X-Men Red Vol. 2: Waging Peace
Collects: X-Men Red #6 to #11
Weapon H Vol. 2: War For Weirdworld
Collects: Weapon H #7 to #12
Uncanny X-Men: X-Men Disassembled
Collects: Uncanny X-Men (2018) #1 to #10
Iceman Vol. 3: Amazing Friends
Collects: Iceman (2018) #1 to #5, Uncanny X-Men: Winter’s End #1
Uncanny X-Men Vol. 1: Cyclops & Wolverine
Collects: Uncanny X-Men (2018) #11 to #16
Collects: X-Men: Grand Design (2017) #1 to #2, X-Men: Grand Design – Second Genesis (2018) #1 to #2, X-Men: Grand Design – X-Tinction (2019) #1 to #2, X-Men (1963) #1, Giant-Size X-Men (1975) #1, Uncanny X-Men (1981) #268
Uncanny X-Men Vol. 2: Wolverine & Cyclops
Collects: Uncanny X-Men (2018) #17 to #22
Collects: Secret Warps Solider Supreme Annual #1, Secret Warps: Weapon Hex Annual #1, Secret Warps: Ghost Panther Annual #1, Secret Warps: Arachknight Annual #1, Secret Warps: Iron Hammer Annual #1
Collects: Powers of X #1 to #6, House of X #1 to #6
Collects: X-Men (2019) #1 to #6
Collects: Marauders #1 to #6
Collects: X-Men (2019) #7 to #11
Excalibur by Tini Howard Vol. 1
Collects: Excalibur (2019) #1 to #12
Collects: New Mutants (2019) #1 to #2, #5, #7
Collects: X-Men/Fantastic Four (2020) #1 to #4
Collects: Empyre: X-Men (2020) #1 to #4
Check out CBH’s Empyre Reading Order!
Collects: Marauders #7 to #12
Collects: New Mutants (2019) #8 to#12
Collects: X of Swords: Creation (2020) #1, X of Swords: Stasis (2020) #1, X of Swords: Destruction (2020) #1, X-Men (2019) #12 to #15, Excalibur (2019) #13 to #15, Marauders (2019) #13 to #15, X-Force (2019) #13 to #14, New Mutants (2019) #13, Wolverine (2020) #6 to #7, Cable (2020) #5 to #6, Hellions (2020) #5 to #6, X-Factor (2020) #4
Collects: New Mutants (2019) #14 to #18
Collects: X-Men (2019) #16 to #20
Collects: Marauders #16 to #20, King in Black: Marauders (2021) #1
Collects: S.W.O.R.D. (2020) #1 to #5
Collects: Children of the Atom (2021) #1 to #6, material from Marvel’s Voices (2020) #1
X-Men Legends Vol. 1: The Missing Links
Collects: X-Men Legends (2021) #1 to #6
Collects: X-Men (2019) #21, Marauders (2019) #21, Excalibur (2019) #21, X-Force (2019) #20, New Mutants (2019) #19, X-Factor (2020) #10, Hellions (2020) #12, S.W.O.R.D. (2020) #6, Way of X (2021) #3, X-Corp (2021) #2, Wolverine (2020) #13, Planet-Size X-Men (2021) #1, material from Classic X-Men (1986) #7, Hellfire Gala Guide
Collects: S.W.O.R.D. (2020) #7 to #11, Cable Reloaded (2021) #1
Collects: Marauders #22 to #27
Collects: Way of X (2021) #1 to #5, X-Men: The Onslaught Revelation (2021) #1
Collects: X-Men (2021) #1 to #6
Collects: X-Men: The Trial of Magneto (2021) #1 to #5
X-Men Legends Vol. 2: Mutant Mayhem
Collects: X-Men Legends (2021) #7 to #12
Collects: X-Men (2021) #7 to #12
Excalibur by Tini Howard Vol. 2
Collects: Excalibur (2019) #16 to #26
Collects: Demon Days: X-Men (2021) #1, Demon Days: Mariko (2021) #1, Demon Days: Cursed Web (2021) #1, Demon Days: Rising Storm (2021) #1, Demon Days: Blood Feud (2022) #1, King in Black #4 (Demon Days Prelude), Elektra: Black, White & Blood (2021) #4 (Demon Days story)
A fantastical reimagining of the Marvel Universe by Peach Momoko!
Collects: X-Men (2021) #13 to #18
Collects: New Mutants (2019) #19 to #24
Collects: Inferno (2021) #1 to #4
Collects: X Lives of Wolverine (2022) #1 to #5, X Deaths of Wolverine (2022) #1 to #5
Collects: Devil’s Reign: X-Men (2022) #1 to #3, Devil’s Reign: Winter Soldier (2022) #1
Check out CBH’s Devil’s Reign Reading Order!
Sabretooth: The Adversary by Lavalle
Collects: Sabretooth (2022) #1 to #5
Collects: X-Men Red (2022) #1 to #5
Collects: New Mutants (2019) #25 to #28
Immortal X-Men by Gillen Vol. 1
Collects: Immortal X-Men #1 to #5
Collects: Knights of X #1 to #5
Collects: Legion of X #1 to #5
X-Men: Hellfire Gala — Immortal
Collects: X-Men: Hellfire Gala #1, Secret X-Men #1, X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic #50 to #55, X-Men: Hellfire Gala Confessional Strips, Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #9 And Material From Free Comic Book Day 2022: Avengers/X-Men
Collects: X-Men Red (2022) #6 to #10
Collects: New Mutants (2019) #29 to #33
Dark Web
Collects: Dark Web #1, Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #15 to #18, Venom (2021) #14 to #15, Dark Web: X-Men #1 to #3, Dark Web: Ms. Marvel #1 to #2, Dark Web Finale #1
Check out CBH’s Dark Web Reading Order!
X-Men: Before the Fall — Sons of X
Immortal X-Men by Gillen Vol. 2
Collects: Immortal X-Men #7 to #10
X-Men: Before the Fall — Mutant First Strike
X-Men: Before the Fall — Heralds of Apocalypse
Collects: Spider-Man: Unforgiven (2022) #1, X-Men: Unforgiven (2022) #1, Captain America: Unforgiven (2022) #1, Blade: Vampire Nation (2022) #1
X-Men: Before the Fall — Sinister Four
X-Treme X-Men: A New Beginning
Collects: X-Treme X-Men (2022) #1 to #5
X-Men: Hellfire Gala — Fall of X
Collects: X-Men: Hellfire Gala 2023, Free Comic Book Day 2023: Avengers/X-Men (Avengers and X-Men stories), X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic (2021) #100 to #105, Iron Man (2022) #8 and the Hellfire Gala Variants
Collects: Legion of X #6 to #10, X-Men: Before the Fall — Sons of X #1
Collects: Children of the Vault (2023) #1 to #4
Collects: Realm of X (2023) #1 to #4
Collects: Bishop: War College (2023) #1 to #5
Collects: Sins of Sinister (2023) #1, Immoral X-Men (2023) #1 to #3, Storm & The Brotherhood of Mutants (2023) #1 to #3, Nightcrawlers (2023) #1 to #3, Sins of Sinister Dominion (2023) #1
Check out CBH’s Sins of Sinister Reading Order!
Collects: X-Men (2021) #19 to #24
Collects: X-23: Deadly Regenesis (2023) #1 to #5
Collects: X-Men Red (2022) #11 to #13, X-Men: Before the Fall — Heralds of the Apocalypse (2023) #1
Immortal X-Men by Gillen Vol. 3
Collects: Immortal X-Men (2022) #11 to #13, X-Men: Before the Fall — Sinister Four (2023) #1
Collects: Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant (2023) #1 to #4
No collected volume yet as of 12.13.23
Collects: X-Men Red (2022) #14 to #18
No collected volume yet as of 12.13.23
Collects: Storm (2023) #1 to #5
Immortal X-Men by Gillen Vol. 4
Collects: Immortal X-Men (2022) #14 to #18
No collected volume yet as of 12.13.23
Collects: X-Men (2021) #25 to #31
No collected volume yet as of 12.13.23
X-Men: Days of Future Past — Doomsday
Collects: X-Men: Days of Future Past — Doomsday (2023) #1 to #4
Collects: Jean Grey (2023) #1 to #4
A little thing but Wolverine and the X-men #24 takes place after the events of All-new X-men #5 and going straight from 23-24 has spoilers for All New X-men as well. So even thought they’re lumped together maybe it could be divided up or a brief description added as to not have unnecessary spoilers. Just trying to help (not trying to be a smart-ass or anything xD)
this guide is incredible, thank you for putting it together! i’m interested in reading the messiah complex storylines and subsequent related arcs; do you think the three new milestones trades (messiah complex, messiah war, and second coming) do a good job of covering the necessary material? and should i also read the necrosha milestones trade in the middle of there somewhere?
thank you again!
Surprised you don’t mention Magneto war as a recommendation setting the stage for Morrison’s run, Morrison starts with the destruction of the Magneto ruled mutant nation of Genosha.
Along with the new mutants you provide the uncanny x-men that where released at the same time. Is it recommended to read both titles (together or separate)?
Hey the order of comics between Messiah Complex and Messiah War is a little confusing. You’ve got X-Force #1-#13 before Wolverine Origins #21-#30.
Wolverine Origins #27 is the start of the X-Men: Original Sin arc (which isn’t even mentioned) and X-force #13 is a direct set up to Messiah War. So I think you should probably put X-Force #1-#13 after Cable #1-#10 so it flows better into Messiah War and include the issue by issue order for X-Men: Original Sin somewhere in there too.
Is Grant Morrison’s New X-Men a good place to start for someone who’s never read an X-Men comic before? Wasn’t too keen on starting all the way back from Claremont and looking to read a more modern title without worrying too much about past continuity.
I think that’s a great place to start as Grant Morrison’s run has impacts on the X-Men universe for many, many years after. Lots of pretty significant things happen there. I actually started reading the modern X-Men at Messiah Complex (outstanding story) and found I had to go back a little to understand some things.
This site is fantastic! I just got a MU subscription this year and have decided to start reading the X-books from the Claremont-era, all the way up to present day-large task, I know. My biggest question is this: the last Uncanny book you mention in you Claremont reading guide is #297. But you start this guide with Uncanny #376. Have I missed another guide for that time period in those issues? I knew the X-Men titles could get confusing, but never knew there were this many titles!
Hello there! First I want to thank you for your work on this. I’m getting back into xmen after leaving in the early 90s. It’s all so confusing and your site is invaluable. My question is, do you recommend Avengers Xmen Axis? I don’t believe I’ve seen it in the lineup.
Glad you’re finding the site helpful! Honestly, Axis is one of my least favorite Marvel events. It *does* provide some relevant context for X-Men moving forward, though, so if you’re a stickler for continuity like me, it could be worth perusing.
Can I not just read Grant Morrison X-Men by itself? I have found that I only like reading hardcovers & omnibus’s. Not into TPB or single issues.
Sure, you could. I did initially, it’s a good run all by itself!
What about All-new All-different? Here’s a reading order for that:
All-new X-Men #1-6
Extraordinary X-Men #1-5
All-New Wolverine #1-7
Uncanny X-Men #1-5
Old Man Logan #1-14
All-new X-Men #7-8
Extraordinary X-Men #6-7
Apocalypse Wars
Extraordinary X-Men #8
Uncanny X-Men #6
Extraordinary X-Men #9
Uncanny X-Men #7
All-New X-Men #9
Extraordinary X-Men #10
Uncanny X-Men #8
All-New X-Men #10
Extraordinary X-Men #11
Uncanny X-Men #9
All-New X-Men #11
Extraordinary X-Men #12
Uncanny X-Men #10
All-new Wolverine Annual #1
All-new Wolverine #8-9
Civil War II
Civil War II #0-1
All-new Wolverine #10-12
Civil War II #2
Civil War II: X-Men #1-4
Civil War II #3-8
Champions #1-2 (Young Cyclops)
This next batch of comics hasn’t come out yet, so let me know if I’m wrong.
All-new Wolverine #13-15
Extraordinary X-Men #13-16 and Annual #1
All-new X-Men #12-15 and Annual #1
Uncanny X-Men #11-15 and Annual #1
Death of X #1-4
IVX #0-1
Extraordinary X-Men #17
Uncanny X-Men #16
Thank you, Logan Lives!
You are a lifesaver ive been looking for this for ages
your site is amazing. the work u put in to make these lists must be intense. I have literally gone from Muir Island Saga to All New all different Uncanny X-men by trade this year and your website was the torch in the darkness that is x-men continuity lol…
Thank you! I fall into the “watched the animated series as a lass” (ahem! Lasses read comics too 😉 ) and I’ve read a lot of the old Claremont stuff it was based on, but any sort of guide through the ridiculously complicated X-universe is appreciated.
Been following this from the New X-Men by Grant Morrison era, and am absolutely loving it!
A suggestion: You’ve got Weapon X split into #1-#10 and #11-#28. Personally I’d make that split #1-#13 and #14-#28. That way it doesn’t break in the middle of a storyline, and I don’t think there’s any continuity problems with reading #11-#13 earlier?
A question: No District X after the first six-issue storyline? I know Mr. M returns later, is it just that there’s nothing in issues #7-#14 that connects to anything later?
Hey man – this is AMAZING – I’ve spent most of my summer trying to get through this in order and I’m loving it! I have one issue with Astonishing X-Men #24 (end of volume 4) fitting where you have it above… Kitty Pryde keeps appearing (X-Factor/New-X-Men/X-Men/Uncanny) and she should be hurtling through space according to where you had me read Astonishing volume 4 – it’s looking to me like volume 4 of Astonishing should be mush lower – maybe right before Messiah Complex? But then again maybe I’m missing something… Thanks again!
Hi Dave, EXCELLENT WORK on this site! I have several pages bookmarked and have Excel spreadsheets based on this data to help me keep track of the TPBs I own and need. My question is do you have an essential list of X-Men comics of trades to read post Marvel Now? I know it may be early to tell since it’s still new but trying to determine which stories to read next. I liked all of the All-New X-men through Utopians. But there are 3 new X-men runs currently going on (All-New X-Men (volume 2), Extraordinary X-Men, Uncanny X-Men (volume 4). Starting to get confused and didn’t see these yet on the site. Apologies if this is too new and not enough data yet to post. Thanks again for the tremendously useful site.
Hey thanks! I’ll be honest, I’m not that caught up on all-new x men yet. I’ll have to update as they make their way to MU.
When making it to Wolverine & the X-Men only read 1-3 then read 8-19 of the Uncanny X-Force otherwise you’ll encounter too many spoilers in Wolverine & the X-Men #4.
So, i read alot of the x-men/spider-man around 85-96 (as lot as i could get my hands on here in sweden). Now with MU i have started to read some again, like spider-man ultimate (stopped at #133, and secret wars I (big fan now and when i was young). Now i have started with the new x-men 2001-2004 and planing what next, and with that i have some questions. Like can i go along with this one right after the new x-men 2001-2004.
I was thinking of some wolverin origin, emma frost, weapon x (in that order) with some Amazing Spider-Man on the side. Haven’t started too read any bigger event except from secret war and 2 issues from the secret war 2 (that i couldn’t continue with). So my question is, should I ignore the new x-men 2004-2008 and go with my
So I’ve just started getting into comics. Found pretty much the whole Uncanny X-men Vol2 at Half Priced Books for $1 a piece. But I wanted to start from the beginning. I’m a total noob here so bare with me on the stupid questions, but I am completely lost on where to start reading. I decided to start with the Uncanny X-men #376. It starts out relatively easy understand, but then it starts referencing things that have happened and points me to another issue to understand what is going on. So i go the the suggested issue and then that issue suggests another issue to get the scoop. Where the heck do I even start??? I’m being pointed to other issues which point to other issues which point to other issues. But I want to know what the heck is going on.
This list has some titles indented from the rest. For example:
X-Men: Phoenix – Endsong #1 – #5
New X-Men: Hellions #1 – #4
X-Men: Colossus Bloodline #1 – #5
Is that of any particular significance? Is it suggesting that the indented ones are read simultaneously? Or read optionally?
Loving the guide so far. Thanks for what must have been a monumental effort.
err… looks like formatting didn’t work out properly.
X-Men: Phoenix – Endsong #1 – #5
>>>>New X-Men: Hellions #1 – #4
>>>>X-Men: Colossus Bloodline #1 – #5
Hi, first of all, just wanted to say great job on all your guides. It’s because of your guide that I started to read Marvel comics. Before I found CBH I was a bit overwhelmed.
Anyway, I was just wondering, why aren’t the rest of the Uncanny X-Force issues here, you went up to #24. What about #25-#35? Where would they fit in?
Thanks in advance
I saw that cable and deadpool reading order was changed it’s different then it was 2 weeks ago. Anyone know if what’s posted now is the correct order.
Hi Dave, I just wanted to say that I enjoy your lists and have been using them for a while. It’s helped me get through all of the Ultimate Universe and many large story arcs that encompass the entire Marvel U.
I’ve begun to read through your Modern X-Men list to catch up on my favorite team, but I’m starting to find gaps and X-men books that have been left off your list. For instance, the Claremont Excalibur run. I know you’ve mentioned that you don’t like that run and don’t recommend it, but for a person who wants to get all of the story, I feel that this book is important in the aftermath of the Xorn/Magneto events.
Now I’ve gotten to Astonishing X-men, but have noticed that you didn’t include New Mutants Vol 2 and thus I was confused when Elixer, Armor and a few other newer x-men show up.
Do you plan to flesh out the Modern X-Men Reading Order with all of the x-men books or is this list just the ones you feel are important? I really want a list that breaks down everything X-Men related the way you do your reading orders. Is there something like that?
Is “Uncanny X-Men: The Birth of Generation Hope” TPB the same thing as “Generation Hope: The Future’s a Four-Lettered Word” TPB? I’m getting ready to start reading “Second Coming” TPB and “Second Coming: Revelations” TPB. Want to make sure I have the next order from there. Thanks, Phillip
You’re guides are soooo helpful. I’m trying to get back in to comics after 12 years away and it would be impossible without guides like yours.
Thank you!
I’m very glad you enjoy, thanks for the comment!
one thing I would add is X-Men: Emperor Vulcan to the guide for War of Kings. I started reading Kingbreaker in preparation for War of Kings and was confused by the state of the Cosmic X-Men when I started reading.
I love this site! I have pretty much every other page bookmarked! Great job!!
Now… Where do we go from here? I’ve finished Wolverine and the X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, All-New X-Men, and Amazing X-Men. So what’s next?
Check out the Marvel Now Reading Order, that will have all the most recent X-Men runs in their own section. Enjoy!
Hi Dave, thanks for an awesome effort. I’m basically using your site as a bible at the minute.
I feel like I’ve got a bit lost though…
I’m a devout X-men fan so I read all that’s related to them, I’ve worked my way through the Marvel Now reading order and then gone back to Avengers: Time Runs Out to prepare myself for Secret wars. As I’ve started reading Secret Wars I’ve noticed bits of X-men storylines I’m not familiar with. As I’ve looked into it there are the last issues of Uncanny X-men (after Omega Mutant) and a couple of All New X-men (Utopians) issues.
My question after all this rambling is do they go before or after Secret Wars?
Why is there no mention of Xtreme X-Men in this list? I’ve read the first issue and…it’s absolutely as good as Claremont’s then-recent Uncanny run…that is to say not great. Still better than Chuck Austen though. Anyway, is it missing from the Chronology because it kind of exists off in its own little corner of the world? Still, it might be helpful for people confused by Bishop and Sage’s appearances in New X-Men.
Hello Dave!
Thank you so much for your amazing guides! I’ve recently started getting into Marvel comics. It took some years to muster the courage, but it has been very rewarding. Your guides have been essential to me.
So now for my quick question. I’m interested in getting into modern X-men so that I can get myself up to date (then a have a look at the Claremont era later). After reading this guide I will start off with New X-men. However, you also note the Uncanny X-men issues that are running alongside them. Would it be possible to start at UXM #400 and get what is going on in that series? Are the two series closely related any any way? Just trying to figure out if I should read both alongside each other, or just focus on the New issues.
Personally, I’d recommend going for New X-Men and coming back to Uncanny later if you like. They aren’t too interconnected, although I guess they’re at least cognizant of each other. That said, if you’re really ambitious, you could totally go for both and be just fine. Just know I’ll be impressed 🙂
X-Men vs. Apocalypse: The Twelve, for individual issues or MU, here’s Marvel’s suggested reading order:
Uncanny X-Men #376
Cable #75 (Not in MU)
X-Men #96
Wolverine #146 (Not in MU)
Uncanny X-Men #377
Cable #76
X-Men #97
This is awesome. Thank you!
Will this be updated with the current X-Men comics in the near future?
Even better: Every X-Men comic in Marvel NOW (along with every other Marvel series since Marvel NOW launched in 2012).
I would like to see the complete list of non comic book Xmen books
That’s a cool idea. I would always and forever start that list with X-Men: The Chaos Engine Trilogy.
Hi, first I want to say this is amazing just like all of the lists on here, and keep up the good work. Now, getting down to business. Im in highschool so I dont have alot of time to read comics, due to homework and various tv shows im watching. So, what titles do you feel are the most essential? It would be great to get an idea of what to read, so I dont waste time reading stories that dont really matter. Thanks.
For X men, definitely concentrate on grant Morrisons x men and then joss whedons astonishing x men. Those are great and essential!
Thanks for all of your reading lists. They are really great.
I have a question about this reading list. I have just finished Cable & Deadpool 1-12 and I am now reading Astonishing X-Men 7-12.
I know there are some other X-Men series going on around this time (X-Men Vol 2, New X-Men Vol 2, Excalibur Vol 3). Are these left off of this list because they are not recommended reading? Is there any value in trying to read some of these storylines as well?
I sometimes get caught up in wanting to know whats happening to all of the characters, but I also don’t want to waste too much time on really bad books.
That’s a good question. In some instances (Excalibur) it’s not recommended, and in some instances it’s just lower priority but solid (new x-men). I’d recommend starting the series and getting a feel for it. If it’s not enjoyable hop on back to the loving arms of astonishing x-men.
Hi. Do you recommend Exiles? I have seen it mentioned in other places but I don’t see it here. I understand it is not very continuity heavy, is that right?
All your guides are great, thanks for taking the time! I (sort of) accidentally got a marvel unlimited subscription for a year and intend to get my money’s worth, this makes it easier 🙂
I love Exiles. Love, love, love.
There are tons of references to classic/famous X-Men and Marvel Universe stories, but otherwise you can pretty much read straight through for as long as you enjoy. Issue #70 is a House of M tie-in, so at that point you might want to loop back in with the state of the Marvel U.
Glad you dig the site! Hope I can help turn the accidental purchase into some fun comics 🙂
what about a guide to the 90’s xmen? the jim lee stuff.. all your guides are 2000’s and up
Is all the links listed here for buying the TPBs or whatever, do they corner all the issues you list or is there a lot of single hunting?
I use to be a big X-Men fan and had tons. But stopped long ago and missed so much. And I’d live to read all this. Trying to find the best way and cheapest to get caught up.
Much of this is covered in TPBs, but not all. The best and cheapest way to get caught up is going to be Marvel Unlimited, but that’s only if you’re comfortable catching up digitally.
Thank you! I plan on using this for post-Morrison reading. Just wondering why no Claremont?
Claremont X-Men era!
First off thanks for amazing work. Second sorry if this has been asked already before, but I want to make sure I’m understanding correctly. Im trying to read my way through your marvel read order and the x-men read order and I just want to make sure I have the read order down for what I’m going to read.
New X-men.
Astonishing X-men 1-6.
Avengers Disassembled.
Astonishing X-men 7-12.
House of M + Decamation
Astonishing X-men 13-24 +Giant Sized
Then move on to Civil War?
Thank you so much again!
You got it 🙂
Thank you for the reading order guide – it’s great!
I have a question regarding the ‘Ages of Apocalypse’: how does this differ from the 1994-5 run of the Age of Apocalypse?
Are they completely different?
Best, Vac
Glad you dig it!
That’s right “ages” is a separate miniseries that occurs after age of apocalypse. It will make a lot more sense if you’ve read the main AoA series.
Great job. I have one question, when you have, for example, something like the following:
Astonishing X-Men #36 – #43
Uncanny X-Men #530 – #539
X-Men: Prelude to Schism #1 – #4
Are you supposed to read the 7 Astonishing issues before the nine Uncanny issues, and then the 4 issue miniseries? Or are you supposed to read them in some sort of alternating fashion. This is, of course, just one example of many such in your list and I just wanted to gain some more clarity on that.
Thanks again, wonderful effort.
Good question. Generally speaking, I would say you can read the complete story arc (so all 7 issues of astonishing) at once, and then move on to the next series. For most of the events/crossovers you’ll want an alternating sequence which I try to provide here. There are exceptions of course but that’s my preferred approach.
Glad you enjoyed and hope that helps!
Hi Dave,
Do you have a reading order for Avengers: The Initiative series/arc? I’m assuming it would fit in right after civil war…
Thanks for your very helpful website 🙂
Here you go:
And yes, right after Civil War is where you want to begin.
Glad you dig the site, and thanks for stopping by!
Can you explain (or point me in the direction where you have already explained) How your specific reading orders (i.e. x-men or spider-man) fit in with your complete Marvel reading guide? Are these a part of the guide, just pulled out and separated for fans of the individual series that might not want to read all of the other titles? Anyway your site continues to impress me, keep up the most appreciated work.
No problem, put together some thoughts on your question here.
Glad you dig the site!