Meet the writers, editors, and rapscallions who make Comic Book Herald possible.
Dave Buesing – Founder
Dave is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Comic Book Herald, and also the Boss of assigning himself fancy titles. He’s a long-time comic book fan, and can be seen most evenings in Batman pajama pants. Contact Dave @comicbookherald on Twitter or via email at
John Galati – Writer Supreme
Against all medical advice, he’s John Galati. He love Morrison’s lofty ideals, Moore’s poetry, J.H. William’s fluidity, and the way Chaykin makes people get punched a lot. He’s a life-long story junkie, and at this point, it probably disqualifies him from public office.
Matt Lehn – Contributing Writer
Musician and freelance web denizen Matt Lehn has been living and breathing the Marvel Universe since 1985. Always a die-hard New Yorker at heart, he now lives with his wife, three boys and two cats in Portland, Oregon. Check out his Avengers-specific blog at: Follow him on Twitter: @fierykillrock