We’re two issues into the Original Sin crossover, Guardians of the Galaxy #19, and I think this may be the last book I buy with the Original Sin header. This story arc has promised to finally answer what happened to Starlord, Nova, Drax and Thanos in the cancerverse after The Thanos Imperative. Although this has led to a slight diversion from the ongoing story, I’m happy that Marvel took the time to go back and explain what happened instead of ignoring the continuity like they occasionally have in the past. I do have a theory that the reason for addressing this is somewhat related to the successful Guardians of the Galaxy movie based off the past Guardians series and trying to bridge the two series more coherently for new fans of the series. [Read more…] about Guardians of the Galaxy #19 Review! Cosmic Misadventures in the Cancerverse
All-New X-Men #33 Review! The “Ultimate” crossover has arrived
The second issue of the new All-New X-Men story arc has arrived and not very much else happens. All-New X-Men has to be considered one of the best things to come out of Marvel Now!,but it definitely hasn’t been perfect for the whole run. The weakest arc so far in my opinion was The Trial of Jean Grey (this comic’s first crossover with Guardians of the Galaxy ) and I’m afraid this crossover may not be much better. The only difference here is that it’s more of a cameo than a crossover. Instead of the Guardians this time, we get to see the team interacting with Miles Morales and the ultimate universe. [Read more…] about All-New X-Men #33 Review! The “Ultimate” crossover has arrived
Magneto #9 Review! The March to Axis has begun
The first issue in the March to Axis comes in the form of the latest issue of Magneto. Magneto has been one of my favorite new Marvel comics of the year and has given us one of the best anti-hero stories that I’ve found in the comics medium. It’s also one of my favorite iterations of the Magneto character out of everything that I’ve read. I’ve been trying to tell everyone I know to check this one out. As I said earlier this is a prelude of sorts for Marvel’s fall event, Axis, combing one of my favorite comics with one of my most anticipated comics of the year. I enjoyed this issue and am excited to see how the rest of this arc will play out. [Read more…] about Magneto #9 Review! The March to Axis has begun
Moon Knight #7 Review! They’re gone but, it’s still good
Warren Ellis and Declan Shalvey are gone. Luckily, the book’s still good and continues on the Moon Knight story that Ellis and Shalvey started in those first six magical issues. Obviously this isn’t exactly what those issues were and can’t replicate what they did. Although so far it is one of the more successful transitions between creators. The one thing that I particularly liked about the new creative team was that they didn’t try to do a one-shot and are going for a more original story arc. In short, don’t judge this book too fast before you give it a chance. [Read more…] about Moon Knight #7 Review! They’re gone but, it’s still good
Original Sin #8 Review! Answers have arrived
The marvel summer event, Original Sin, is now completely finished. We finally get the answers that we’ve been waiting for, for all of the many questions we’ve been given. Actually, that isn’t entirely true. A couple of the larger questions posed within the series were left untouched. I definitely enjoyed this series from start to finish even with the slight dip it took in the middle of this arc. Luckily this issue was able to finish off the series on an upturn. I think that even if it wasn’t the most consistent read, it was a well done event series. [Read more…] about Original Sin #8 Review! Answers have arrived