The marvel summer event, Original Sin, is now completely finished. We finally get the answers that we’ve been waiting for, for all of the many questions we’ve been given. Actually, that isn’t entirely true. A couple of the larger questions posed within the series were left untouched. I definitely enjoyed this series from start to finish even with the slight dip it took in the middle of this arc. Luckily this issue was able to finish off the series on an upturn. I think that even if it wasn’t the most consistent read, it was a well done event series. [Read more…] about Original Sin #8 Review! Answers have arrived
Original Sin
Guardians of the Galaxy #18 Review! The Fate of Nova – Almost Revealed!
What do you get when you cross Marvel’s biggest franchise of the year with the latest epic event, and make sure it’s penned by one of Marvel’s top franchise writers? The answer is: Guardians of the Galaxy #18, written by Brian Bendis, with art by Ed McGuinness.
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Original Sin #7 Review! Setting up story arcs and not much more
The second to last issue of Marvel’s big summer crossover Original Sin has arrived. My only problem is that all it did was make me wish it was the last. Not because I hate the book or anything, but I just want some answers after three issues of questions. I guess Marvel did their job in making me want the answers though. Sadly the ride to get there hasn’t been as enjoyable as I expected after the first few issues. I just hope that this last issue has an interesting ending as well as setting up future stories. [Read more…] about Original Sin #7 Review! Setting up story arcs and not much more
Original Sin #6 Review! Who Pulled the Trigger? (We Still Don’t Know)
The Marvel summer event book Original Sin continues in this week’s offering Original Sin #6. With only 2 issues left in the series we still have many unanswered question in this mystery thriller and seem to get 2 new ones every time another is answered.
This issue was written by the comic superstar Jason Aaron along with the artistic styling of Mike Deodato. This series is the first event title that Aaron and Deodato have ever headed up and so far they’re doing a great job as far as events go. They do this in collaboration with the coloring of Frank Martin, VC’s Chris Elipoulos lettering and the cover artist Julian Totino Tedesco. [Read more…] about Original Sin #6 Review! Who Pulled the Trigger? (We Still Don’t Know)