In the great pantheon of Marvel villains, you could make a case that Thanos reigns supreme. You’d be wrong of course (All hail Doom!), but whether you’re talking sheer cosmic might, sheer number of times he genuinely ended all life, or sheer Marvel Cinematic Universe Big Bad Q Rating, Thanos is an all-time great. [Read more…] about The New Thanos Infinity Trilogy Review!
Thanos: The Infinity Relativity Review – The New Infinity Trilogy Gets Its Empire
In 2014, I struggled to contain my enthusiasm for the return of Jim Starlin to a new Infinity trilogy. And by contain, I mostly mean gush uncontrollably for 1,000 words about Starlin’s ownership of the Mad Titan on the Infinity Revelation. Nobody writes Thanos like Starlin (seriously, check out that Thanos reading order!), to the point that Marvel’s coolest cosmic villain is singularly creator driven. [Read more…] about Thanos: The Infinity Relativity Review – The New Infinity Trilogy Gets Its Empire
Guardians of the Galaxy #19 Review! Cosmic Misadventures in the Cancerverse
We’re two issues into the Original Sin crossover, Guardians of the Galaxy #19, and I think this may be the last book I buy with the Original Sin header. This story arc has promised to finally answer what happened to Starlord, Nova, Drax and Thanos in the cancerverse after The Thanos Imperative. Although this has led to a slight diversion from the ongoing story, I’m happy that Marvel took the time to go back and explain what happened instead of ignoring the continuity like they occasionally have in the past. I do have a theory that the reason for addressing this is somewhat related to the successful Guardians of the Galaxy movie based off the past Guardians series and trying to bridge the two series more coherently for new fans of the series. [Read more…] about Guardians of the Galaxy #19 Review! Cosmic Misadventures in the Cancerverse
Thanos: A God Up There Infinite Comic Review! An Infinity Epilogue
I didn’t have any awareness of Thanos: A God Up There, the six issue Infinite Digital miniseries from Marvel, until I received a Marvel Unlimited membership deal for half off each issue. Having recently enjoyed Jim Starlin’s Thanos: The Infinity Revelation and always carrying an appreciation for the Mad Titan, the opportunity for discounted Thanos stories was too good to pass up. What I didn’t foresee was 1) how enjoyable the series would be and 2) how relevant it would be to Marvel continuity, particularly Infinity. [Read more…] about Thanos: A God Up There Infinite Comic Review! An Infinity Epilogue
Guardians of the Galaxy #18 Review! The Fate of Nova – Almost Revealed!
What do you get when you cross Marvel’s biggest franchise of the year with the latest epic event, and make sure it’s penned by one of Marvel’s top franchise writers? The answer is: Guardians of the Galaxy #18, written by Brian Bendis, with art by Ed McGuinness.
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