This week’s Avengers recovers a lot of buoyancy lost over the last couple of installments. Packed to the gills with scene changes and cast galore, Jonathan Hickman goes into overdrive crunching Marvel’s multiverse toward the Summer 2015 Secret Wars. With his run on Earth’s Mightiest wrapping in April, the writer’s renewed urgency is ably accompanied by some of artist Stefano Caselli’s strongest work. It’s such a well-paced visual delight that you almost forget a coalition of intergalactic empires is heading to Earth to pre-emptively end it. [Read more…] about AVENGERS #42 Review: “Oh, Wait– Aliens Still Hate Us…”
Avengers & X-Men: Axis #2 Review! It’s All Your Fault Tony Stark
Two issues in, and we already get a giant battle between a demon Nazi with two giant robots and a large percentage of Marvel’s biggest characters. Apparently Rick Remender didn’t get the message that Marvel events are supposed to hold back on anything exciting until the last issue (or maybe last two), and the rest of the event is meant to promise that something cool is coming like they’re dangling a shiny object in front of our faces. Anyway, Axis began on a good if not spectacular note, but how does the second issue continue the tale of Red Onslaught’s rampage? [Read more…] about Avengers & X-Men: Axis #2 Review! It’s All Your Fault Tony Stark
Avengers & X-Men: Axis #1 Review! World War Hate Begins!
The event that Rick Remender has been hinting at since the beginning of Marvel Now! The story that he has been setting up throughout both his Uncanny Avengers and Captain America runs is finally here! The event that will change…ah screw it that joke’s not funny anymore. So yes, Marvel’s latest event, Avengers & X-Men: Axis has begun, and boy has it been a while since Marvel’s last event (for the record, Original Sin ended a grand total of five weeks ago). Who wants to bet that Marvel is going to announce its next “Game-changing” event halfway through this one? I mean they announced Axis before Original Sin even began. Anyway, event-fatigue aside, I have been looking forward to this book since it was announced, and now that I finally got to read issue one, how does this book begin the next event? [Read more…] about Avengers & X-Men: Axis #1 Review! World War Hate Begins!
Avengers #34 Review! The Last Avenger
What a long, strange trip it’s been in the pages of Avengers. Poor Steve Rogers has been hurdled through time, yet again, but this is directly because of the time gem, of infinity gem fame. (We still have yet to see that one in any of the marvel movies, so keep your eyes peeled for that.) [Read more…] about Avengers #34 Review! The Last Avenger
The Complete Thanos Reading Order Guide
Who the heck is Thanos? Why is everybody talking about him after The Avengers and Avengers: Infinity War? What makes me think “everybody” talks about the same things I talk about, despite clear evidence to the contrary? Keep reading to find out and see how you can read every Thanos comic ever: [Read more…] about The Complete Thanos Reading Order Guide