This week on Gotham: Our detectives investigate a “Fight Club” in Gotham’s financial district. Meanwhile Gordon continues to butt heads with his fellow officers. Liza begins to have second thoughts and Bruce gets into a fight at school. [Read more…] about Gotham Episode 8: The Mask
Marvel Unlimited with Multiple Devices & Users
Once you’ve started enjoying the gift of Marvel Unlimited, one of your first instincts will be to share the finding with your friends and family. Well… your first instinct will be to lock yourself in a dimly lit room with your comics for the next three months. But after that, assuming we haven’t been hit by a zombie apocalypse or the curse of Yorrick, you’ll want to share. Can multiple people use the same Marvel Unlimited account across multiple devices? [Read more…] about Marvel Unlimited with Multiple Devices & Users
THE WEAPON X PROGRAM #1 : “Question” Direct tie-in to Death of Wolverine
The “Death of Wolverine” train is still chugging along, pumping out various one shots and issues in comics that tie into Wolverine. (Check out my reviews of Logan Legacy, and various other tie ins!) This is the first book of a five issue series, and picks up directly from the events at the end of “Death of Wolverine”. [Read more…] about THE WEAPON X PROGRAM #1 : “Question” Direct tie-in to Death of Wolverine
The Amazing Spider-Man #9 Review! Spider-Verse Event Begins!
We’ve been to the edge, but this week Spider-Verse finally kicks off in Amazing Spider-Man #9. Promised as “the biggest spider-event in history” and containing “every Spider-Man ever,” this story has a lot to live up to. And it quite literally is big; this issue is a 36-pager with no ads, save a Marvel promotional fold-out. [Read more…] about The Amazing Spider-Man #9 Review! Spider-Verse Event Begins!
Eternal Warrior: Days of Steel #1 Review!
This is my first foray into the Valiant universe of comics (if you don’t include a few issues of that Deathmate crossover from the 90’s, and you shouldn’t) and I have to commend them for getting top industry talent to put out some great work. I was completely unfamiliar with the Eternal Warrior character going into this mini-series, and I’m coming out of this issue a newly minted fan. [Read more…] about Eternal Warrior: Days of Steel #1 Review!