They’re baaaaack! The original Guardians of Galaxy created by Arnold Drake and Gene Colan back in 1969, are the 31st century cosmic superhero team from Earth-691. This particular team got its own solo series back in the early 1990s, which was written and drawn by Jim Valentino. After its cancelation, this team drifted around in almost total obscurity unless you were a hardcore old-school Marvel Cosmic fan, until Dan Abnett and Andy Landing introduced several members as guest-stars in their acclaimed Guardians of the Galaxy reboot. So now with the success of the Guardians of Galaxy film, writer Dan Abnett and artist Gerardo Sandoval return to the 31st century to continue the adventures of the original Guardians. So how does this issue do introducing audiences to a Guardians team that doesn’t have a talking raccoon? [Read more…] about Guardians 3000 #1 Review! Live, Die, Repeat
Death of Wolverine #3 Review! “Seppuku”
Here we are, only one issue away from Wolverine’s actual death. As always with these specific reviews, there will be a ton of SPOILERS, so read on at your own risk. Lets jump right into this penultimate issue of this four part mini-series. [Read more…] about Death of Wolverine #3 Review! “Seppuku”
Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier #1 Review! Style Over Substance, This Time
After the announcement that the second Captain America film was going to feature The Winter Soldier, first everyone went onto Wikipedia to look up who he was; and second, everyone knew he would be getting his own title to capitalize on the film. At first Marvel published Winter Soldier: The Bitter March written by Rick Remender, which was great and I highly recommend checking it out, around the time the film was released. Now, following the events of Original Sin, Bucky has been given his very own ongoing title written by Ales Kot and drawn by Marco Rudy, but IN SPACE! So how does the first issue of a series that Marvel released to capitalize on the success of the films, which is also spinning off a Marvel event no one talked about, pan out? [Read more…] about Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier #1 Review! Style Over Substance, This Time
Agents of SHIELD Season 2 Ep 2 Review! Confident Second Season
The success of Agents of SHIELD season two so far (and so far I would absolutely consider it a success) can be summed up in one word: confidence. I wrote about this after episode one, but this is an Agents of SHIELD that knows what it wants to be. We’re done wandering aimlessly in a luxury airliner looking for freaks of the week. Agents of SHIELD is the now defunct peace-keeping force tasked with protecting a world that hates and fears them (more on that in 5 things I want to see), and ending the threat of HYDRA. Episode 2 continues right where we left off in episode 1, with Director Coulson and crew leading the hunt for Crusher Creel (the Absorbing Man) and the obelisk in his possession. [Read more…] about Agents of SHIELD Season 2 Ep 2 Review! Confident Second Season
Gotham Episode 2: Selina Kyle Review!
After a long awaited pilot episode “Gotham” is back this week with a brand new story. This week, we follow Jim Gordon and Harvey Bullock as they investigate the abduction of homeless children. Meanwhile the tension between Carmine and Fish Mooney rises and young Cobblepot waddles his way back to civilization.
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