Welcome back to the Comic Book Herald reading club. This week we read John Michael Straczynski (heretofore titled JMS) and John Romita Jr’s Amazing Spider-Man #30 to #38. If you only read to issue #37, well that’s because that’s where I (foolishly) cut off the suggested issues in the club e-mail. I had intended to reference issue #38 as well, and since issue #37 ends on a tremendous cliffhanger, hopefully you ignored my silliness and continued. If not, I highly recommend you do so before reading any further! [Read more…] about CBH Reading Club #4: The Amazing Spider-Man #30 to #38 – JMS & Romita Jr Takeover
The Amazing Spider-Man
THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #14 Review: “This is (not) the end”
Amazing Spider-Man #14! Spider-Verse: Part Six! Not exactly the final chapter, not exactly part six, especially considering all of the various tie-ins. Here we are at the end, and while none of the loose ends get tied up, the story finally comes to the part that English teachers would call the Climax. In two weeks, be ready for what Marvel calls the Epilogue, but I’ll call the Resolution. [Read more…] about THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #14 Review: “This is (not) the end”
Amazing Spider-Man #11 Review! “All Webbed Up And Nowhere To Go”
The continuing saga of Dan Slott’s spider-epic Spider-Verse…uh, continues…with Part 3 in Amazing Spider-Man #11 with more spider-deaths, more spider-side-plots leading into other spider-books, some major spider-revelations, and some spider-cameos. [Read more…] about Amazing Spider-Man #11 Review! “All Webbed Up And Nowhere To Go”
“Spider-Man 2099 #6” Review! Back to The Future
Continuing one of the side-plots spun out of the events of Amazing Spider-Man #10, Miguel O’Hara is back home in the year 2099, but not everyone is happy to see him. He and Six-Armed Spider-Man and Lady Spider from the steampunk Earth we saw in Spider-Verse #1 are trying to discover the nature of the Inheritors while being chased by Daemos through Nueva York. They’ve hidden what may be a cloned body of Daemos and plan to study it, once they get away from Daemos, that is. [Read more…] about “Spider-Man 2099 #6” Review! Back to The Future
Amazing Spider-Man #10 Review!
If I had to describe Amazing Spider-Man #10 in one word, that word would be “abrupt.” This is part two of the multiverse-spanning Spider-Verse event, and after building up some interesting mysteries around a handful of the Spider-Folks over five lead-in issues of Edge of Spider-Verse, two tie-in issues, and a handful of back-up stories this chapter chucks them right out the window and transforms into the fully armed and operational marketing battle-station we all feared this series might be. Is my cynicism showing? [Read more…] about Amazing Spider-Man #10 Review!