As My Marvelous Year clubbers know, I like to highlight the near infinite number of different opinions co-host Zack and I have when it comes to comics. Leading examples include our ongoing feuds over the value of Stilt-Man, Alpha Flight, Secret Wars (although he’s come around on this one a bit!), and if I’m being honest the one that will always assure me I’m right, Fallen Angels.
Other examples are too numerous to even begin counting (see also: I, uh, can’t think of any right now), but Ice Cream Man is a notable recent highlight. I’ve been raving about the Image Comics horror anthology since it debuted in 2018, and as of the CBH best of 2020 so far list, I’d consider Ice Cream Man the best ongoing comic book of the year. Co-Host Zack has read some, and without malice, didn’t see why I’m so into it. After an MMY recording he asked me, and I’m paraphrasing, “Oh great one [that’s what he calls me, didn’t ask him to, but I don’t ask him *not to* either], why do you love Ice Cream Man so much?”
*Mild Spoilers for the comics follow*
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