So Wolverine is dead. Finally, after Marvel dragged it out, and now they continue to give us more insight into that story as the Marvel Universe vies to fill the void left by the death of Logan. If you missed the first issue of The Logan Legacy, here is a short recap. [Read more…] about Review: The Logan Legacy #2 – X-23
Cable and Deadpool Series Overview
OK, guys, it’s time for a very special series to hit the ‘overview’. In 2004, Marvel kicked off one of the most humorous books of the past 20 years – ‘Cable and Deadpool’! In honour of that series, this overview will feature a special guest, none other than the Merc With A Mouth Himself – DEADPOOL! [Read more…] about Cable and Deadpool Series Overview
What’s the Deal With Marvel Unlimited Gift Subscriptions Not Working?
To lead with 100% transparency, I nearly titled this post the far more incendiary “Marvel Unlimited Support is AWFUL” but that’s my emotion talking, and in reality that’s an extremely misleading title. I thought instead I’d take the (pseudo) high road and simply lead with the facts:
Marvel Unlimited support totally failed me on a gift subscription for my Dad.
It’s time we talked about that. [Read more…] about What’s the Deal With Marvel Unlimited Gift Subscriptions Not Working?
Death of Wolverine #1 Review! “The End”
Through the last few decades, Wolverine has become a household name, and has gained an incredible amount of fame in and outside the culture of comics. One would have never thought that Marvel would toy with the idea of killing off this immensely popular character, until now, when they totally are going to do just that. It is with a heavy heart and a hopeful look towards the future in comics that I review this first issue of four, THE DEATH OF WOLVERINE. [Read more…] about Death of Wolverine #1 Review! “The End”
Which Marvel Digital Bundles Are Worth Your Time & Money?
Marvel announced a new digital comics feature today: Digital bundles! You can now buy complete comic arcs of some of Marvel’s best series, or sampler packages of some newer issues, for a reduced digital rate.
To those keeping up with the digital comics revolution, this is actually a repeat of the Comixology news last week, and yes, Marvel’s digital comic store bundles are the same offerings as those on Comixology. Nonetheless, it’s as good a time as any to take a closer look at these bundles, and determine the quality of the series and how much of a value these digital issues really are. [Read more…] about Which Marvel Digital Bundles Are Worth Your Time & Money?