In just the last decade, the comic book character, Wolverine, has undergone a surge in popularity and renown. He has always struck a chord with readers as a prominent and important character; from his humble, slightly silly (and heavily retconned) beginning in the pages of The Incredible Hulk in 1974, to his re-introduction and subtle reimagining in the Marvel Universe-changing Giant Size X-Men #1, and then his foray into a self-titled comic line starting with the iconic Frank Miller/Chris Claremont mini-series and spanning into a monthly series for almost 25 unbroken years. Yet, recently, his saturation in the comics and movie universes has led to a mere shell of the man known as Logan, James Howlett, Patch, and The Wolverine. Now Marvel plans to kill him off in the comics, and this is seen as a poor move by some, a welcomed move by others, and has outraged die-hard fans and new believers all the same. I am penning this as a letter to address the points from both sides of the argument, and shed some light on the life, and inevitable demise, of this tragic super hero. [Read more…] about Wolverine: A Love Letter for the Demise of the Tragic Super-Hero
Wolverine vol 6 Annual #1 Review! “Wolf and Cub”
On the eve of Wolverine’s death, this annual gives a small respite to the events that are careening out of control in the final issues of WOLVERINE, leading up to the DEATH OF WOLVERINE mini series. Still tagged with the ‘1 Month To Die” at the top of the cover, the impending doom for the title character is not lost, but rather heightened and accented in a beautiful way with this stand alone story. [Read more…] about Wolverine vol 6 Annual #1 Review! “Wolf and Cub”
Savage Wolverine #22 Review! “The Great War Part Two”
We pick up this story where we left off last issue, right in the middle. A great tale about Wolverine’s time serving for the Canadian Army in World War I, we see Wolverine deal with his immortality and usefulness in killing in a very classic sense. [Read more…] about Savage Wolverine #22 Review! “The Great War Part Two”
Wolverine #11 Review! One Month to Die – Death of Wolverine Imminent
This issue is the true beginning of the end for Wolverine. With only one issue left in the series, and then the ‘Death of Wolverine’ mini-series to follow right on its heels, things are starting to really get final for the feral mutant. [Read more…] about Wolverine #11 Review! One Month to Die – Death of Wolverine Imminent
Amazing X-Men #10 Review! And the War Goes On
Before I get to this issue specifically, a brief overview of how this series has progressed. When Jason Aaron and Ed McGuinness began this book last year, it quickly became one of the most fun and enjoyable books being published by Marvel. Even if the only real point of that story arc was meant to bring back Nightcrawler (HEY! It’s in the title), I highly recommend the trade. Unfortunately, all good things come to an end and Jason Aaron left the title at issue 6 (with a different artist) capping off a great run on the X-men in general. [Read more…] about Amazing X-Men #10 Review! And the War Goes On