Much like Liam Neeson, I’m always making lists. If you’re familiar with Comic Book Herald, you know these are typically massive reading order lists, with a primary focus on Marvel comics (and some DC!). [Read more…] about Dave’s Faves: All The Best Comics I’ve Ever Read
best comics
The 2015 Guide to Catching Up With Ongoing Comics
Since 2013, I’ve been putting together mid-year and start-of-the-year guides to the best ongoing comics for new fans, collectors, and first (second, third…) time readers. As we begin 2015, though, I feel a need for a change to the approach, largely because 2014 marked the year I largely stopped collecting ongoing comics on a weekly basis. [Read more…] about The 2015 Guide to Catching Up With Ongoing Comics
The Ultimate Gift Givers Guide to Comic Books
Much like pet reindeer, giving comic books as a gift can be surprisingly difficult. For Marvel & DC comics you’re dealing with long ongoing series mired in decades of continuity, and with other graphic novels it can be challenging to determine quality or fit for your intended gift recipient. It really isn’t enough to just know that your nephew Jonah likes comics; that’d be like purchasing a CD based on the information that he likes sounds.
Fortunately, I’ve put together a guide of top picks for comic book gifts based on your possible audience. [Read more…] about The Ultimate Gift Givers Guide to Comic Books
The Best Comics To Start Collecting in Ongoing Series RIGHT NOW (2013 Mid-Year Edition)
2013 has been a year of firsts. I started a new job, I spilled scotch on a suit, and I started actively collecting ongoing comic issues for the first time. [Read more…] about The Best Comics To Start Collecting in Ongoing Series RIGHT NOW (2013 Mid-Year Edition)