Green Lantern is one of first superheroes that sold me on the potential of DC Comics, and frankly comic books in general, ranking somewhere behind Batman, but ahead of the likes of Superman, Flash, and Wonder Woman.
This was primarily due to Geoff Johns’ extended time writing and revitalizing Green Lantern and the Lantern Corps in the 2000’s. In retrospect there’s some very on-the-nose writing from Johns, but I’ll never forget how exciting the expanded Green Lantern universe felt, and how much motivation one could find from Hal Jordan’s reestablished heroic will.
Updates By: Nathan Payson
This reading order centers on on Johns’ 2000’s era Green Lantern and extends into DC’s New 52 and DC Rebirth. If you really want the background on how Hal Jordan got to where he is when Johns takes over, I’ve included a fast track to the mid-90’s Parallax saga, as well as some classic Green Lantern throughout DC history!
Green Lantern In The Silver Age of Comics
Green Lantern: The Silver Age Omnibus Vol. 1
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Collects: Showcase #22-24 And Green Lantern #1-35
Green Lantern: The Silver Age Omnibus Vol. 2
Collects: Green Lantern #36-75
The Silver Age Green Lantern issues are also collected in the below “Chronicles” trades.
The Green Lantern Chronicles Vol. 1
Collects: Showcase #22-24 And Green Lantern #1-3
The Green Lantern Chronicles, Vol. 2
Collects: Green Lantern #4-9
The Green Lantern Chronicles Vol. 3
Collects: Green Lantern #10-14
The Green Lantern Chronicles, Vol. 4
Collects: Green Lantern #15-20
Hard-Travelin’ With Green Arrow & Green Lantern Corps Until Crisis
Green Lantern/Green Arrow: Hard Travelin’ Heroes Deluxe Edition
Collects: Green Lantern/Green Arrow #76-87 And 89, Plus Short Stories From The Flash #217-219 And 226
Denny O’Neil and Neal Adams created this absolute classic of the medium. Hal Jordan and Oliver Quinn travel America, taking an unflinching look at the real-world problems facing the nation and trying to discern the true life causes behind each of the ills. Beautifully drawn and passionately written, this book is a must-have for not just Lantern fans, but any fan of comics.
Tales of the Green Lantern Corps, Vol. 1
Collects: Tales Of The Green Lantern Corps (1981) #1 To #3, Corps Backups Stories From Green Lantern #148, 151-154, 161, 162 And 164-167
Tales Of The Green Lantern Corps TP Vol 02
Collects: Green Lantern #168, 169, 171-173, 177, 179-183, 185, #187 To #190, Tales Of The Green Lantern Corps Annual #1
Green Lantern: Sector 2814 Vol. 1
Collects: Green Lantern #172 To #176, #178 To #181
Green Lantern: Sector 2814, Vol. 2
Collects: Green Lantern #182 To #183, #185 To #189
Green Lantern: Sector 2814 Vol. 3
Collects: Green Lantern #194 To #200
Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 3
Collects: Tales Of The Green Lanter Corps From Green Lantern #201 To #206
Green Lantern Corps: Beware Their Power Vol. 1
Collects: Green Lantern Corps #207-215 And Green Lantern Corps Annual #2-3
Green Lantern: Parallax Reading Order (1990’s)
A quick note to reiterate, that if you’re looking for modern Green Lantern, you should totally skip ahead to the Geoff John’s collections! This will give you the 1990’s background that sets it up, but it can be a pretty confusing introduction if you aren’t moderately versed in DC’s 90’s comics.
Green Lantern: Hal Jordan Vol. 1
Collects: Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn #1-6 And Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn II #1-6
The repackaged “Hal Jordan” volume above includes both of the “Emerald Dawn” storylines in chronological order, at a much more affordable price point than the (as of early 2018) out of print “Emerald Dawn” trades below!
Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn II
The Emerald Dawn collections are early 90’s retellings of Hal Jordan’s origins. This is for anyone who really wants to get a full Green Lantern experience. For most, I’d recommend starting w/ the Geoff John’s books, as you’ll get a retold origin there as well.
Green Lantern: Emerald Twilight, New Dawn
Green Lantern: Kyle Rayner Vol. 1
Collects: Green Lantern #51-60, Rebels ’94 #1, New Titans #116
Green Lantern: Kyle Rayner Vol. 2
Collects: Green Lantern #58-65, New Titans #124-125, Darkstars #34, Guy Gardner: Warrior #27-28 And Damage #16
Green Lantern: Baptism of Fire
Collects: Green Lantern #59, #66 to #67, #70 to #75
Collects: Green Lantern #76, #77, #92, #104, #110, #111, #125, #126
Collects: Day of Judgment #1 to #5, Day of Judgment Secret Files
Green Lantern: Emerald Knights
Collects: Green lantern #101-106
Collects: Green Lantern #129-136, Green Lantern/Firestorm #1, Green Lantern/Adam Strange #1, Green Lantern/Atom #1, Green Lantern/Green Lantern #1, Green Lantern/Power Girl #1, and Green Lantern: Circle of Fire #1-2.
Geoff Johns Green Lantern Reading Order (2004 to 2011)
As I mentioned in the modern DCU fast track guide, the easiest way to consume relevant Green Lantern in order is with DC’s recently released Green Lantern Omnibus collections.
Green Lantern by Geoff Johns Omnibus Vol. 1 will take from Rebirth through the Sinestro Corps War
Collects: Green Lantern Rebirth #1-6, Green Lantern Corps Recharge #1-5, Green Lantern #1-25, Green Lantern Corps #14-18, Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps Special #1, Green Lantern Secret Files 2005 #1, Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Superman Prime #1 and Green Lantern/Sinestro Corps Secret Files #1.
Green Lantern by Geoff Johns Omnibus Vol. 2 will take you from Secret Origins through Blackest Night.
Collects: Green Lantern #26-52, Blackest Night #0-7, DC Universe #0, Untold Tales of Blackest Night #1-2, Blackest Night Tales of the Corps #1-2.
Green Lantern by Geoff Johns Omnibus Vol. 3 will take you through some of Brightest Day, but does not (apparently) include the actual core event issues.
Collects: Green Lanterns #53-60, Green Lantern Larfleeze Christmas Special, Green Lantern #1-20 (2011), Green Lantern Annual #1, Green Lantern Corps #58-60, and Green Lantern Emerald Warriors #8-10.
Since Omnibus volumes are expensive, heavy, and often difficult to obtain, here’s the full broken out Green Lantern order. If you want an easy trade option, DC is currently releasing a trade series called Green Lantern by Geoff Johns.
Green Lantern by Geoff Johns Book 1
Collects: Green Lantern: Rebirth #1-6, Green Lantern Secret Files 2005 #1, Green Lantern Corps: Recharge #1-5 and Green Lantern #1-3.
Green Lantern by Geoff Johns Book 2
Collects: Green Lantern #4-20
Green Lantern by Geoff Johns Book 3
Collects: Green Lantern #18-25, Green Lantern Corps #14-18, Green Lantern Sinestro Corps Special #1, Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Superman Prime #1 and Green Lantern/Sinestro Corps: Secret Files #1
Green Lantern by Geoff Johns Book 4
Collects: Final Crisis: Rage of the Red Lanterns #1 and Green Lantern #26-38.
Below is the full Geoff Johns reading order by smaller trades.
Collects: Green Lantern: Rebirth #1-6
Collects: Green Lantern #1-6
Collects: Green Lantern Corps: Recharge #1-5
Green Lantern: Revenge of the Green Lanterns
Collects: Green Lantern #7-12
Green Lantern Corps: To be a Green Lantern
Collects: Green Lantern Corps #1-6
DC’s 2005 Crisis event is slightly off the beaten path for a Green Lantern reading order, and I’m a bit torn on including it. On the plus side, it’s written by Johns, and features some developments that will become very relevant in Green Lantern comics to come.
On the down side, reading Infinite Crisis cold sober is like skinny dipping in a Chicago pool in January. More for completists than new Green Lantern fans.
Collects: Ion #1-6
Collects: Ion #7-12
Note that Ion is not written by Geoff Johns (Ron Marz writes), but it does closely tie to the Green Lantern Universe.
Sinestro Corps War
Green Lantern: Wanted – Hal Jordan
Collects: Green Lantern #13-20
Green Lantern Corps: The Dark Side of Green
Collects: Green Lantern Corps #7-13
Now, the Sinestro Corps War Begins. You can see the full reading order here on Comic Book Herald
Green Lantern The Sinestro Corps War Vol. 1
Collects: Green Lantern #21-23, and Green Lantern Corps #14-15
I love The Sinestro Corps War like a son. Note that you can get both volumes together in one collection for about $20 here.
Green Lantern The Sinestro Corps War Vol. 2
Collects: Green Lantern #24-25 and Green Lantern Corps #17-19
Green Lantern Corps: Ring Quest
Collects: Green Lantern Corps #20-26
Collects: Green Lantern #29-35
Chronologically, Secret Origin could certainly go first, as it looks back at Hal’s origins as Green Lantern (and even before). That said, I prefer it as it was intended, as a mid-run flashback.
Green Lantern: Rage of the Red Lanterns
Collects: Green Lantern #26-28 and #36-38 and Final Crisis: Rage of the Red Lanterns #1
Green Lantern Corps: Sins of the Star Sapphire
Collects: Green Lantern Corps #27-32
Collects: Green Lantern #39-42
Green Lantern Corps: Emerald Eclipse
Collects: Green Lantern Corps #33-39
Blackest Night Reading Order
The era of Green Lantern events takes full form with Blackest Night. Johns’ (and talented company’s) Green Lantern re-invigoration was so successful the next couple DCU events were centered around Hal and the Corps.
You can follow the link to find an issue by issue Blackest Night Reading Order.
Collects: Green Lantern #43-52
Blackest Night: Green Lantern Corps
Collects: Green Lantern Corps #39-47
Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps
Collects: Tales of the Corps #1-3 and Adventure Comics #4-5
Blackest Night: Black Lantern Corps Vol. 1
Collects: Blackest Night: Batman #1–3, Blackest Night: Superman #1–3, and Blackest Night: Titans #1–3
Blackest Night: Black Lantern Corps Vol. 2
Collects: Blackest Night: Wonder Woman #1-3, Blackest Night: JSA #1-3, and Blackest Night: Flash #1-3
Blackest Night: Rise of the Black Lantern
Collects: Shazam! #48, Catwoman #83, Question #37, Phantom Stranger #42, Western Tales #71, Atom & Hawkman #46, Adventure Comics #7, Green Arrow #30, Starman #81
Brightest Day Reading Order
You can follow the link here for an issue by issue Brightest Day reading order.
Collects: Brightest Day #1-7
Collects: Brightest Day #8-16
Green Lantern Corps: Revolt of the Alpha Lanterns
Collects: Green Lantern Corps #21-22 & #48-52)
Collects: Green Lantern #53-62
Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors Vol. 1
Collects: Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #1-7
Collects: Brightest Day #17-24
Green Lantern Corps: The Weaponer
Collects: Green Lantern Corps 53-57
Green Lantern: War of the Green Lanterns
Collects: Green Lantern #63-67, Green Lantern Corps #58-60, Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #8-10
War of the Green Lanterns: Aftermath
Collects: Green Lantern Corps #61-63, Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #11-13, War Aftermath #1-2
New 52 Green Lantern Reading Order
You can find every Green Lantern comic in the context of the full DC Universe as part of Comic Book Herald’s New 52 reading order.
Though New 52 takes place in a separate timeline from everything before it, it’s really a continuation of John’s run.
Collects: Justice League (2011-) #1-6
Green Lantern: Sinestro (collects rebooted New 52 ongoing Green Lantern #1-6)
Collects: Green Lantern (2011-) #1-6
Green Lantern is one of those New 52 oddballs that doesn’t reboot nearly as hard as the rest. Much like Grant Morrison’s Batman Inc ., Johns kind of just keeps telling his Green Lantern narrative, albeit with a soft new status quo.
All of this is to say, if you enjoyed the ride getting to New 52, the reset doesn’t hit Hal as hard as some other major DC characters (looking at you, Supes!).
Justice League: The Villain’s Journey
Collects: Justice League #7-12
Collects: Red Lanterns #1-7
Green Lantern New Guardians: The Ring Bearer
Collects: Green Lantern: New Guardians: The Ring Bearer #1-7
Collects: Green Lantern Corps #1-7
Red Lanterns: Death of the Red Lanterns
Collects: Red Lanterns #8-9, Stormwatch #9, and Red Lanterns #10-12
Green Lantern New Guardians: Beyond Hope
Collects: Green Lantern: New Guardians #8, Blue Beetle #9 and New Guardians #9-12
Green Lantern: The Revenge of Black Hand
Collects: Green Lantern #7-12 and Green Lantern Annual #1
This collection also includes Green Lantern Annual #1, which essentially kicks off the Rise of the Third Army.
Rise of The Third Army Reading Order
Green Lantern Corps: Alpha War
Collects: Green Lantern Corps #0, #8-14
Green Lantern: Rise of the Third Army
Collects: Green Lantern #13-14, Green Lantern Corps #13-15, Green Lanterns: New Guardians #13-16, Red Lanterns #13-16, Green Lantern #15-16, Green Lantern Corps #16, and Green Lantern Corps Annual #1
The Rise of the Third Army trade collection does a pretty nice job putting together the key parts of the crossover. I’ve laid out the proper issue by issue order below.
Green Lantern Annual #1
Green Lantern Corps #0
Red Lanterns #0
Green Lantern #0
Green Lantern: New Guardians #0
Green Lantern #13
Green Lantern Corps #13
Green Lantern: New Guardians #13
Red Lanterns #13
Green Lantern #14
Green Lantern Corps #14
Green Lantern: New Guardians #14
Red Lanterns #14
Green Lantern #15
Green Lantern Corps #15
Green Lantern: New Guardians #15
Red Lanterns #15
Green Lantern: New Guardians Annual #1
Green Lantern #16
Green Lantern Corps #16
Green Lantern: New Guardians #16
Red Lanterns #16
Green Lantern Corps Annual #1
Wrath of the First Lantern Reading Order
Green Lantern: The Wrath of the First Lantern
Collects: Green Lantern #17-20, Green Lantern Corps #17-20, Green Lantern: New Guardians #17-20, and Red Lanterns #17-20
Green Lantern #17
Green Lantern Corps #17
Green Lantern: New Guardians #17
Red Lanterns #17
Green Lantern #18
Green Lantern Corps #18
Green Lantern: New Guardians #18
Red Lanterns #18
Green Lantern #19
Green Lantern Corps #19
Green Lantern: New Guardians #19
Red Lanterns #19
Green Lantern #20
Green Lantern Corps #20
Green Lantern: New Guardians #20
Red Lanterns #20
Collects: Green Lantern Annual #2, Green Lantern #21-23, #23.1, #24-26)
Collects: Green Lantern Corps #21-27
New Guardians: Gods and Monsters
Collects: Green Lantern: New Guardians #21-27
Collects: Red Lanterns #21-26
Lights Out Reading Order
The above collections also feature a mini-crossover. There is a singular Green Lantern: Lights Out collection, but it doubles up on a bunch of single issues above. Read as follows:
Green Lantern #24
Green Lantern Corps #24
Green Lantern: New Guardians #24
Red Lanterns #24
Green Lantern Annual #2
Larfleeze: Revolt of the Orange Lanterns
Collects: Larfleeze #1-5 and Threshold #1-5 (Just the back-issues)
Collects: Green Lantern #27-34
Collects: Green Lantern Corps #28-34
Collects: Green Lantern: New Guardians #28-34
Collects: Red Lantern Annual #1, Red Lanterns #27, Green Lantern/Red Lanterns #28, Red Lanterns #29-34, and Supergirl #31
Supergirl: Red Daughter of Krypton
Collects: Supergirl #26-33
Collects: Sinestro #1-5, Sinestro: Futures End #1
Green Lantern: The Life Equation
Collects: Green Lantern Annual #3, Green Lantern #35-40, and Secret Origins #3
Green Lantern Corps: Reckoning
Collects: Green Lantern Corps #35-40
New Guardians: Storming the Gates
Collects: GLNG #35-40
Collects: Red Lanterns #35-40, and Red Lanterns: Futures End #1
Collects: Larfleeze 6-12
Collects: Sinestro Annual #1 and Sinestro 6-11
Godhead Reading Order
Green Lantern/New Gods: Godhead
Collects: Green Lantern/New Gods: Godhead #1, Green Lantern #35-37, Green Lantern Corps #35-37, Green Lantern: New Guardians #35-37, Red Lanterns #35-37, Sinestro #6-8, Green Lantern Annual #3)
Green Lantern/New Gods: Godhead #1
Green Lantern #35
Green Lantern Corps #35
Green Lantern: New Guardians #35
Infinity Man and the Forever People #4
Red Lanterns #35
Sinestro #6
Green Lantern #36
Green Lantern Corps #36
Infinity Man and the Forever People #5
Green Lantern: New Guardians #36
Red Lanterns #36
Sinestro #7
Green Lantern #37
Green Lantern Corps #37
Infinity Man and the Forever People #6
Green Lantern: New Guardians #37
Red Lanterns #37
Sinestro #8
Green Lantern Annual #3
Sinestro: Rising
Collects: Sinestro #12-14, Lobo Annual #1, Sinestro #15, and Lobo #10-11
I’d recommend including the following tie-in Convergence issues. If you’ve read the first couple Convergence event issues, you’ll have enough context for how these “worlds collide.” These comics can be read
Convergence: Green Lantern – Parallax #1 to #2
Convergence: The Green Lantern Corps #1 to #2
Collects: The Omega Men #1-12
Collects: Green Lantern #41-46 and Green Lantern Annual #4
Green Lantern Corps: Lost Army
Collects: Green Lantern Corps: Lost Army #1-6
Green Lantern Corps: Edge of Oblivion
Collects: Green Lantern Corps: Edge of Oblivion #1-6
A stand-alone story taking place inside of a dying universe. John Stewart, Kilowag, and the rest of the corps must find a way out before the universe goes completely dark.
Sinestro Vol. 4: The Fall of Sinestro
Collects: Sinestro #16-23
Green Lantern Vol. 8: Reflections
Collects: Green Lantern #47-52
DC Rebirth Green Lantern Reading Order
Hal Jordan & the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 1: Sinestro’s Law
Collects: Hal Jordan & the Green Lantern Corps: Rebirth #1 and Hal Jordan & the Green Lantern Corps #1-6
Green Lanterns Vol. 1: Rage Planet
Collects: Green Lanterns: Rebirth #1 and Green Lanterns #1-6
Hal Jordan & The Green Lantern Corps Vol. 2: Bottled Light
Collects: Hal Jordan & The Green Lantern Corps #7-12
Green Lanterns Vol. 2: Phantom Lantern
Collects: Green Lanterns #7-14
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 3: Quest for Hope
Collects: Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #14 to #21
Green Lanterns Vol. 3: Polarity
Collects: Green Lanterns #15-21
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 4: Fracture
Collects: Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #22-29
Green Lanterns Vol. 4: The First Rings
Collects: Green Lanterns #22 to #26
Green Lanterns Vol. 5: Out of Time
Collects: Green Lanterns #27 to #32
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 5: Twilight of the Guardians
Collects: Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #30-31, #33-36
Green Lanterns Vol. 6: A World of Our Own
Collects: Green Lanterns #33-39
Green Lanterns Vol. 7: Superhuman Trafficking
Collects: Green Lanterns #40-43 and Green Lanterns Annual #1
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 6: Zod’s Will
Collects: Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #37-41.
Jordan and Rayner square off against General Zod and his family. Stewart helps restore the Guards of the Universe to leadership, but at a terrible cost. The General Zod plot thread spins out of Action Comics Vol. 4: The New World if you want more context.
Justice League: Ultraviolet Lanterns and Darkstars (2018-2019)
Following Dark Nights: Metal, the Green Lantern mythos received a cool new update in the form of the Ultraviolet Lantern. However, outside of the first arc, the Green Lanterns don’t play a huge role in the main Justice League title.
For the green lantern books, the Metal stuff is very basic and doesn’t fully matter. However, Metal pays a very large role in the Justice League run.
Green Lanterns Vol. 8: Ghosts of the Past
Collects: Green Lanterns #42-49
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 7: Darkstars Rising
Collects: Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #42-50.
Collects: Justice League: No Justice #1-4 and stories from DC Nation #0
Justice League Vol. 1: The Totality
Collects: Justice League #1 to #7
Green Lanterns Vol. 9: Evil’s Might
Collects: Green Lanterns #50-57
A Guardian has been murdered. The central power battery has been infected, turning it dark. Cruz and Baz are at their lowest.
The adventures of Jessica Cruz continue in Justice League: Odyssey
Justice League Odyssey Vol. 1: Ghost Sector
Collects: Justice League Odyssey #1-5
Justice League Odyssey Vol. 2: Death of the Dark
Collects: Justice League Odyssey #6-12
Justice League Odyssey Vol. 3: The Final Frontier
Collects: Justice League Odyssey #13-18
Justice League Odyssey Vol. 4: Last Stand
Collects: Justice League Odyssey #19-25
Grant Morrison & Liam Sharp on The Green Lantern (2019-2021)
While Jessica Cruz explores the Ghost Sector and argues with Darkseid, Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern world get really weird. If you like Morrison books like Doom Patrol and Final Crisis, then you will probably enjoy this series. If you don’t like his Doom Patrol, you might struggle with this series. It’s a lot, but Morrison is very deliberate and meaningful with his choices. If you are on the fence, check out Comic Book Herald’s discussion of Morrison’s Green Lantern on Youtube
The Green Lantern Vol. 1: Intergalactic Lawman
Collects: The Green Lantern #1-6
The Green Lantern Vol. 2: The Day The Stars Fell
Collects: The Green Lantern #7 – #12
Collects: The Green Lantern: Blackstars #1 – #3
The Green Lantern Season Two Vol. 1
Collects: The Green Lantern Season Two #1-6
The Green Lantern Season Two Vol. 2
Collects: The Green Lantern Season Two #7-12
Teen Lantern, Jo Mullein, and Infinite Frontier (2020-)
In 2019, DC introduced Keli Quintela, also known as Teen Lantern, a new superhero created by Bendis in Young Justice.
Young Justice Vol. 1: Gemworld
Collects: Young Justice #1-6
Young Justice Vol. 2: Lost in the Multiverse
Collects: Young Justice #7-12
Young Justice Vol. 3: Warriors and Warlords
Collects: Young Justice #13-20
In 2020, DC also introduced Jo Mullein, a Green Lantern who was assigned to work in the furthest reaches of space, as she is tasked with investigating a planet who had it’s first murder in centuries
Green Lantern 80th Anniversary 100-page Spectacular #1
This collection features a bunch of great stories, but most importantly, the Alan Scott Story sets things up that continue in Infinite Frontier.
Collects: Far Sector #1-12
Collects: Future State: Justice League #1-2, Future State: Aquaman #1-2, Future State: Flash #1-2, and Future State: Green Lantern #1-2.
Future State: Green Lantern offers a hint at a possible future of Green Lantern and teases the direction that the next run on Green Lantern will go. The main story and it’s back-issues focus on a Green Lantern Corps after the central power battery deactivated. In Justice League: Future State, Jo Mullein is now on the Justice League.
Infinite Frontier #1
Green Lantern: Infinite Frontier
Green Lantern #1-2
DC Rebirth
Green Lantern by Geoffrey Thorne Vol. 1: Invictus
Collects: Future State: Green Lantern #1 to #2, Green Lantern #1 to #4
Green Lantern by Geoffrey Thorne Vol. 2: Horatius
Collects: Green Lantern #7 to #12, Green Lantern 2021 Annual #1
Green Lantern by Jeremy Adams and Xermánico
Collects: Green Lantern #1 to #4
Dark Crisis: Worlds Without a Justice League — Green Lantern #1
Knight Terrors: Green Lantern #1
Green Lantern Elseworlds
Green Lantern: Earth One Vol. 1
Collects: Ogn
Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War
Collects: Star Trek/Green Lantern #1 To #6
Star Trek/Green Lantern, Vol. 2: Stranger Worlds
Collects: Star Trek/Green Lantern Vol. 2 #1 To #6
Planet of the Apes/Green Lantern
Collects: Planet Of The Apes/Green Lantern #1 To #6
Collects: Booster Gold/The Flintstones Special #1, Green Lantern/Space Ghost Special #1, Adam Strange/Future Quest Special #1 And Suicide Squad/Banana Splits Special #1
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Daniel Shenton says
Great list, and very thorough l. I’m
Looking forward to a re-read to catch me up with the latest run of GL (I fell off around the time Grant Morrison picked up the book).
Just wanted to say the short-lived New 52 series “Threshold” isn’t on the list and would, I l believe, be as deserving of a spot as “Omega Men” or “Far Sector”.
Nathan Payson (Guide Writer) says
You are certainly correct (although Threshold isn’t as good…). Let me know how you feel about the current GL. I find it’s a little all over the place. Love Jo Mullien though and Teen Lantern has been MUCH more interesting.
Ross says
Wouldn’t you need to read the justice league new 52 story to understand Jessica’s origin?
Daniel B says
I also don’t see The Green Lantern season 2, but overall this is a fantastic list that I am planning to use when I reread this series since I missed a lot of stuff when I read it the first time.
Vaibhav Kumar says
I guess this list is not updated, I dont see THE GREEN LANTERN VOL. 1: INTERGALACTIC LAWMAN in the list which is the latest release in TPB
Chad says
Any specific reason why you only listed the first two New 52 Justice League volumes instead of the entire Johns run?
William says
I know I am a few years late, but
If i have all three of the omnibus for geoff johns. What would inneed to get the whole brightest day story?
Raymond says
One note of recommendation: after Sinestro Corps War ends, read Green Lantern #26-28 as these are key to understanding Green Lantern Corps #21-22.
Will O C says
Hey, I’m fairly new to GL other than a few random trades here and there, I want to delve deeper and this has been a great help, cheers. I recently read Legacy:The Last Will & Testament of Hal Jordan, whereabouts in the reading order would that fit in?
A Sexy Bumbarass Clart says
It’s a one-shot so it doesn’t matter. Ideally anytime during/after reading Volume 2 of the Green Lantern. The DCU resets damn near ever 2-3 years just like Marvel so it will be out of continuity anyway.
Mat says
Hello, good work.
I’m close to read blackest night, but I forgot to buy Blackest Night: Black Lantern Corps (all). Is it important for the event or the next stories, is it good? Is it worth it? Would you wait to get them before reading the rest?
Kyle says
I would say that looking back, the glc stuff was some of my favorite comics of all time. I’d say they are important to read in order, but you can always go back, just because of how good they are.
NullApostle says
Could you update this?
Also, where does GLC – Edge of Oblivion fit in here?
Pocok says
After Lost Army
רבי ברו'די ווקר says
This was really helpful!
There are a bunch of brightest day trades I would recommend that are about the white light and white lantern corps, so I consider them part of the green lantern mythos. they are as follows-
Green arrow salvation & into the woods
birds of prey endrun
justice league generation lost 1 and 2
titans villains for hire and family reunion
Flash dastardly death of the rogues
superman the black ring 1 and 2 (these are blackest night aftermath, not really brightest day)
Where would these go in the reading order?
Also, I want to read Time masters vanishing point because a) hal jordan is a main character b) it explains batman’s presence in brightest day.
Any idea where that should go?
רבי ברו'די ווקר says
Also justice league dark things should go somewhere in brightest day.
I also consider the following dc events relevant:
Millenium (The guardians leave, setting the stage for the road back)
cosmic odyssey (Xanshi is blown up)
forever evil (ring of volthoom)
Darkseid war (Jessica Cruz gets a real green lantern ring)
also maybe final crisis.
If anyone knows where those go, that would be great!
Dr Boots says
I have a copy of Tales of the Sinestro Corps TP by Geoff Johns which isn’t listed here.
Richard Tyler Gardner says
RE: Geoff Johns reading order.
You made a point to say that Ion: The torchbearer wasn’t written by Johns, but don’t mention the same for Green Lantern Corps: To be a Green Lantern
Mr. S says
This has an error in it. Apparently Green Lantern Kyle Rayner vol. 1 collects the Emerald Twilight/New Dawn story and Amazon has it wrong in it’s description, the volume begins with issue 48. Kinda blows because I spend $20 on Emerald Twilight/ New Dawn trade and Kyle Rayner vol 1. not knowing this. It’d help to update this list and remove the aforementioned old trade.
Tim says
No one seems to remember the asian Green Lantern, the one that got a starheart ring way before Allan Scott.
It was a three issue mini-series.
Stefan says
I would also include Cosmic Odyssey in the list, as it is the book where John Stewart blows up the planet Xanshi.
Luiz Felipe says
This post is brilliant in so many ways. But it just gave me a huge headache. I got GL Dark Days, GLC Rebuild, GLNG Gods and Monsters and RL Blood Brothers. Am I supposed to stop reading the volume once I get to the issue #24 of each volume and start reading Lights Out mini-crossover? Then should I resume my reading of each volume from where I stopped? Can I just finish each volume as you put them? This is really bothering me. And I’m not even reading it yet.
Paul says
Would going back and reading all of Vol. 3 plus Zero Hour and Day of Judgement prep me for the Geoff Johns run or is that a bit overkill?
Dave says
It will help, but yes, it’s also overkill. Rebirth does its best to explain what the heck happened. It’s still mildly confusing, but roll with a few punches and you’re golden. to each their own of course!
Destroyo11 says
Where does volume 3 and 4 of the Sinestro series fit in here?
Isiah Dangel says
Would anyone happen to know the total number of issues that are in this list?
Steffan John says
Can you please update this list as you have missed out a few of the green lantern, sinestro and green lantern corps tp’s at the end, right before DC universe rebirth
James Neeson says
If I just buy the 3 Johns Omnibuses (already got two of em now) but don’t want Ion, what all books am I missing, or don’t want specific event spinoffs like the Batman Blackest Night sub series, then what do I still need to buy to get the main bulk of the story?
Recharge and Rebirth and Rage Of The Red’ are included.
What about Green Lantern Corps? is that plus the main Brightest Day event book all that’s missing or was there more?
Mercer Creed says
Hey, thanks so much for posting this. As someone who comes in and out of comics books every 4 years or so I’ve gotten really confused by “what goes where.”
Kyle says
Ok, so I have dug pretty deep into gl now, and I’ve read all of johns’ stuff up to the new 52. I started the new 52 gl, and gl corps, and I love them.
Here’s my question: are the red lantern books worth my time? I’ve never read anything by Peter Milligan, but I do love atrocitus. Also I have really enjoyed bedard, tomasi, marz, and all the other lantern writers to this point (especially gibbons).
I ask because this shop by me has the entire new 52 lot of them for about 45 bucks, and it seems totally worth it, but….. Maybe this guy pulls a “bendis style guardians” on me and I hate the books. Either way I don’t want to waste my money on a used trade, when the lot is so cheap. What do u think? What do they compare to?
Kyle says
Nevermind, I just bought them. They are good, too!
Mario says
I noticed you completely left out Kyle Rayner’s era as Green Lantern and focused mainly on Hal Jordan. I do believe Hal Jordan to be the most popular and overall best Green Lantern (he has pretty much the best stories out there), but Kyle has many great stories and is a really important Green Lantern. His era (from GL #51 in 1994 right after Emerald Twilight until GL Rebirth in 2005) should be considered in the reading order.
Cory Mangini says
I just wanted to say thank you. I’ve been collecting everything since 2005 and this makes things much easier
Dave says
Awesome, glad you like the guide!
Issa says
Thank you! This list has really helped me get into the Green Lantern comics. I just have a question – is godhead the last trade before DC Rebirth or is there anything else left in the New 52?
Kiera says
Thank you very much, I’ve been looking to get into Green Lantern but he’s probably the most intimidating DC character in terms of his mythos. This should definitely help!
Kyle says
Back before you had this reading order finished, I saw a reading order that recommended reading johns’ green lantern: secret origin before rebirth, then go back thru it in its actual dated order. I found that it actually fits really well before reading emerald dawn 2 WAY before all the other stuff.
Anyways they also recommended reading the Alan Moore stuff that johns got inspired by. Tygers is definetely a must read and also Mogo doesn’t socialize. Both are collected in the Alan Moore DC universe. I would go so far as to say read the superman story “for the man who has everything” as well, which is also in the trade mentioned. These are pivotal stories which I feel are more important that most of the 90s comics mentioned above.
Also there is a collection trade called “brightest day” (not the white lantern story) that is a great origins collection of stories with stel and guy Gardner and also has the important Alan Moore stories in it.
Kyle says
Ps- it’s probably a good idea to read crisis on infinite earths before the 90s stuff, and definetely before infinite crisis. It’s just going to make characters like superboy prime and the anti monitor a hell of a lot cooler IMO.
Don’t forget there is also a “secret files” green lantern book that came out around 2005 which has some johns stuff not included anywhere else.
Kyle says
Upon further reading, I strongly recommend “ganthet’s tale” by Niven and Byrne as a great early 90s read around the emeral dawn period.
Also there is a larfleeze one shot Christmas special somewhere around the end of brightest day (there is a comic that references it) and it’s written by johns.
I’m starting to realize that johns does this amazing, epic cosmic “Star Wars meets prison break/lost/heroes type television thing” and really achieves what other writers fail to. Specifically the way he puts emotion into the characters. I know that seems obvious for green lantern, being a story about emotions as colors/entities, but his superman stuff is awesome too.
Jeff says
This looks great. Is there any chance you could find some time to add some more quick info? Specifically, could you mark which trades are not included in the 3 Omnibuses during John’s run? I have had a hard time finding out what is or is not collected within. Thanks!
Christian says
Oh man, you have no idea how long I’ve looked for a proper Green Lantern reading order, thank you so much!!!
Also is there any chance some time in the future in doing a Superman reading order?