Hopefully if you’re here for Brightest Day, you’ve been tackling the modern Green Lantern reading order, including Blackest Night as the event prior to this one.
If not, Brightest Day will likely be very confusing. The 2010 DC Comics event marks the second consecutive DCU event that centers around Geoff Johns work on Green Lantern. Fair warning that many of these tie-ins require a fairly deep knowledge of the extended DC Universe.
Brightest Day Trade Reading Order
Flash: The Dastardly Death of the Rogues
Justice League: Generation Lost
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Justice League of America: The Dark Things
Green Lantern Corps: Revolt of the Alpha Lanterns (Green Lantern Corps #21-22 & #48-52)
Brightest Day: Green Lantern (GL #53-62)
Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors Vol. 1 (Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #1-7)
Brightest Day Issue by Issue Reading Order
Brightest Day #0
Justice League – Generation Lost #1 to #2
Generation Lost brings back the Justice League International crew, including Booster Gold, Captain Atom, and Maxwell Lord. It’s a surprisingly awesome tie-in from the underrated Judd Winick (Batman: Under the Red Hood, Exiles
Green Lantern #53
Green Lantern Corps #48
Brightest Day #1
Green Lantern #54-55
Green Lantern – Emerald Warriors #1
Brightest Day #2 to #3
Green Lantern Corps #49-52
Justice League of America #44-45
Titans – Villains for Hire Special #1
Justice League of America #46
Justice Society of America #41
Brightest Day #4 to #5
Brightest Day – The Atom Special #1
Flash #1-4
Geoff Johns Flash relaunch kicks off with Brightest Day tie-ins: The Dastardly Death of the Rogues!
Justice League of America #47
Justice Society of America #42
Titans #24-25
Green Arrow #1-3
Brightest Day #6 to #8
Birds of Prey #1-5
If you’ve never had a chance to understand the hype around Gail Simone’s work on Birds of Prey (it starts in the early 2000’s with Birds of Prey: Of Like Minds, this is a nice series relaunch.
Justice League – Generation Lost #3-6
Flash #5
Justice League of America #48
Justice League – Generation Lost #7
Justice Society of America #43
Flash #6
Justice League – Generation Lost #8-9
Brightest Day #9 to #12
Green Arrow #4-7
Justice League – Generation Lost #10-14
Titans #26-28
Justice League – Generation Lost #15-16
Green Lantern – Emerald Warriors #2-3
Green Lantern #56-58
Justice League – Generation Lost #17-20
Brightest Day #13 to #14
Justice League – Generation Lost #21-24
Green Lantern #59
Green Lantern – Emerald Warriors #4
Green Lantern Corps #53-54
Brightest Day #15 to #17
The Flash #7
Brightest Day #18
Green Lantern #60-62
Green Lantern – Emerald Warriors #5
Green Lantern Corps #55
Green Lantern – Emerald Warriors #6
Green Lantern Corps #56
Brightest Day #19 to #21
Green Arrow #8-10
Green Lantern Corps #57
Brightest Day #22
Green Arrow #11
Brightest Day #23 to #24
Green Arrow #12
Brightest Day Aftermath – The Search for Swamp Thing #1 to #3
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Is there any need to include the DC Presents: Brightest Day 100-page Spectaculars #1-3? Or are they just reprints of stories related to the characters that were brought back to life? Not necessary?
Brightest Day – The Atom Special #1 is my favorite issue and I don’t think it fits here
Why do you have Generation Lost #24 in the list so far back in the list when Generation Lost and Brightest Day were published at around the same time,shouldn’t I finish those two at around the same time?
Publishing dates don’t necessarily translate to continuity. You have to keep in mind they have deadlines and expected release dates they have to meet. Different stories advance through the plot at different rates, so it’s either have completely random release dates or deal with slight continuity issues.
Great list. I have one question. Brightest day Green Lantern Corp #47 where would you put it? First?
Yup it’s the first one
Do I need to read all of the tie-in issues (GA, Flash, Birds of Prey, etc.) to understand this event, or can I get by with just the core Blackest Night issues and GL-related tie-ins?
I would just read the gl, gl corps, and gl emerald warriors along with brightest day. If u are a big ga fan then it’s worth it to read them, everyone seems to like them. I didn’t read them and I still loved this event. That being said- if u have been following 52, booster gold, and all that- justice league generation lost tie ins are awesome to read with this event.
But just those 3 gl titles plus the bd books are definetely enough. And essential if u are going thru johns stuff.
Awesome! Thanks so much for your help!