DC Comics’ Birds of Prey are a (typically) all women team of heroes, with an initial core of Barbara Gordon (Batgirl, Oracle) and Dinah Lance (Black Canary). The team lineup is most traditionally connected to the Batman/Gotham comics universe, although membership has extended to non-Gotham regulars like Big Barda and Hawk and Dove.
Although the team concept debuted in the mid 90’s, it wasn’t until the early 2000’s that the team truly took off and became what it’s known as today, primarily under the writing of Gail Simone. Oracle, Black Canary and Huntress formed an unlikely and at times contentious team lineup in one of DC’s better ongoing series during the 2000’s.
Below you’ll find a reading order for the Birds of Prey, from their origins through to today.
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In addition to the reading orders for members of the Birds of Prey, DC Comics has packaged together some good character starters for the relevant players in their Birds of Prey (The Fantabulous Emancipation of Harley Quinn). They are as follows:
By Chuck Dixon, Gary Frank, and Matt Haley.
Birds of Prey would really grow into something special in the early 2000’s, but it all starts out here in the mid 1990’s.
Collects: Black Canary/Oracle: Birds Of Prey #1, Showcase ’96 #3, Birds Of Prey: Manhunt #1-4, Birds Of Prey: Revolution #1, Birds Of Prey: Wolves #1 And Birds Of Prey: Batgirl #1
Collects: Birds of Prey #1 to #11, Birds of Prey: Raven #1
Birds of Prey Vol. 3: The Hunt for Oracle
Collects: Birds of Prey #12 to #21, Nightwing #45 to #46
Gail Simone’s Birds of Prey
Birds of Prey, Vol. 1: Of Like Minds
The Gail Simone and Ed Benes run on Birds of Prey begins. Excellent run of DC Universe comics, cementing Simone’s status as one of the finest DC Comics writers of the 2000’s.
If you read nothing else, this run helps to establish Black Canary’s superhero bonafides, as well as her relationships with DC Universe mainstays like Barbara Gordon. Although Babs has running Gotham’s heroes as Oracle for several years at this point, Birds of Prey really helps cement her incredible transition that kicked off all the way back in the Jon Ostrander, Kim Yale Suicide Squad.
Birds of Prey: Murder and Mystery
Collects: Birds of Prey #56 to #67
Birds of Prey, Vol. 3: Between Dark & Dawn
Collects: Birds of Prey #68 to #75
Birds of Prey, Vol. 4: The Battle Within
Collects: Birds of Prey #76 to #85
Birds of Prey, Vol. 5: Perfect Pitch
Collects: Birds of Prey #86 to #90, #92 to #95
Birds of Prey: Blood and Circuits
Collects: Birds of Prey #96 to #103
Birds of Prey, Vol. 7: Dead of Winter
Collects: Birds of Prey #104 to #108
This marks the temporary end of Simone’s tenure on Birds of Prey.
Collects: Birds of Prey #109 to #112
Birds of Prey: Metropolis or Dust
Collects: Birds of Prey #113 to #118
Collects: Birds of Prey #119 to #124
Collects: Birds of Prey #126–127, Origins and Omens: Oracle, Oracle: The Cure #1–3
Collects: Birds of Prey (2010) #1 to #6
Birds of Prey relaunched during DC’s “Brightest Day,” with Simone returning to write until the New 52 launched in 2011.
Birds of Prey Vol. 2: Death of Oracle
Collects: Birds of Prey #7 to #15
This era runs for fifteen issues prior to the launch of DC’s New 52.
The New 52
Birds of Prey Vol. 1: Trouble in Mind
Collects: Birds Of Prey #1 To #6
You could either read the New 52 Batgirl and Birds of Prey in alternating volumes (Batgirl Vol. 1 then Birds of Prey Vol. 1, etc) or simply in chunks like I have them listed out here. Chunks is easier, but if you really want to be careful with the chronology, alternate.
Birds of Prey Vol. 2: Your Kiss Might Kill
Collects: Birds Of Prey #7 To #12
Birds of Prey Vol. 3: A Clash of Daggers
Collects: Birds Of Prey #13-17 And Batgirl Annual #1
Birds of Prey Vol. 4: The Cruelest Cut
Collects: Birds Of Prey #18-24 And 26 And Talon #9
Birds of Prey Vol. 5: Soul Crisis
Collects: Birds Of Prey #25, #27-34 And Birds Of Prey: Futures End #1
DC Rebirth
Batgirl And The Birds Of Prey Vol. 1: Who Is Oracle?
Collects: Batgirl and the Birds of Prey: Rebirth #1, Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #1 to #6
Batgirl & the Birds of Prey Vol. 2
Collects: Batgirl And The Birds Of Prey #7-12
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey Vol. 3: Full Circle
Collects: Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #13 to #21
Birds of Prey 100 Page Giant #1
One-shot with an all-new story written by Gail Simone where Harley Quinn and the Birds of Prey team up!
Hell yeah! I’m still making my way through Simone’s run on DC Universe but also have the first 3 volumes of Dixon’s (before the discontinued it…)
I loved Benes’ art. Everybody, man or woman, was lovely lol
Heck yeah!