Following on the heels of the Avengers “Age of Khonshu” story arc, Moon Knight: The Midnight Mission established a new status quo for the hero. Attempting to atone for taking over the world on Khonshu’s orders, Moon Knight has declared a portion of New York City his “mission” and has dedicated himself to protecting all those who travel at night. I was sold on this gimmick within the first five pages. And I don’t say that to be dismissive. This is Moon Knight’s sixth ongoing series since 2006.If you’ve paid attention you’ll notice that every #1 comes with a new gimmick.
He’s Batman, but crazy; he’s got a suit; some of multiple personalities have been replaced by Wolverine and Spider-Man; Jeff Lemire is writing it. For as much as people seem to like the character and hold his earliest runs in high regard, Moon Knight has always seemed like a character in search of an audience. So they just keep retooling, slapping on new coats of paint, lights and buzzers. Compared to say, Ghost Rider, the Punisher or even Namor, all of whom seem to stay pretty consistent through various relaunches.
And don’t get me wrong, I’ve never let that stop me from picking up an issue of Moon Knight, but he’s never been a character I felt like I needed to keep up with month to month. This first volume has entirely changed my mind about that. With this new run, it feels like ideas are taking precedence over the gimmicks. [Read more…] about Moon Knight Midnight Mission Review!