It’s been less than a year since I put together the all-time guide to superhero shows and movies on Netflix. Quite a bit of show availability has changed in that time, including Marvel’s Captain America movie (no longer with us).
As it stands, this makes Captain America viewing a little less clear prior to the April 4 release of Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier. The following represents the best shows and movies involving Cap currently available on Netflix Instant Streaming.
5) The Super Hero Squad Show
You know that defensive reaction you have to someone snarking down on you watching cartoons? And all you want to do is explain to them that you’re watching Batman: The Animated Series, and this is “Heart of Ice,” and you literally just learned what love is and can’t stop crying?
The Super Hero Squad Show is nothing like that. This is straight up an animated cartoon series that is very much for children, the way Hanna-Barbera intended. Superheroes protect Super Hero City from villains in VillainVile. You watch this one with your kids, or at least “ironically.”
Nonetheless, it totally includes Cap! Also, just a killer theme song. We’re talking top 10 all-time.
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4) Ultimate Avengers: The Movie
Before there was Joss Whedon’s triumphant Avengers movie, there was this animated take on Mark Millar and Bryan Hitch’s Ultimate Avengers.
In a lot of ways, the Steve Rogers of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is crafted from Millar and Hitch’s blueprint. This is a Cap who uses guns, and who says things like “There’s only one God, m’am. And he doesn’t dress like that.”
While the Ultimate Avengers movie is a bit uneven, this is also a fun watch and a great way to see just how far the Avengers have come in a decade. There’s a surprising amount of blueprint laid out here for the Avengers we would ultimately see hit the big screen.
3) Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow
A bit of a wildcard, but this Marvel Animated movie is about the children of the Avengers and the legacy left behind by Captain America and company.
2) The Avengers
The big one. Re-watching the Avengers is a no-brainer for Cap 2 prep, and even though it’s been 2 years, it’s the last time we’ve seen Cap on screen.
Presumably Captain America 2 will be playing off “the events in New York,” and of course that’s all a reference to what happens here in the Avengers.
1) Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes
I pick the animated Avengers series over the actual movie for a couple reasons. One, it’s slightly less likely that you’ve already seen both seasons of the animated series. And two, Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes is centered around Cap as an Avenger and hero in ways no other TV or movie have really explored.
It also doesn’t hurt that EMH includes a Winter Solider episode (Season 2, episode 21).
If you haven’t already, check out this fantastic animated show that was cut short too soon.
Have any personal Cap favorites of your own? Do what feels right to you in the comments!
Beardie says
I wouldn’t say that the characterization of Cap in the MCU takes much from Ultimates at all (which is a good thing!) Certain events and aesthetics, yes, but the blueprint is 616.
Dave says
That’s interesting you say that, I’m more in agreement after watching Cap 2. Winter Soldier is based around a 616 story (loosely) and it definitely felt like the Steve Rogers of that universe. A very good thing in my book.
The first go round, I wasn’t quite as sure. I’m planning to catch up on some Ultimates reading in the near future, I’ll have to test out the theory when I do.