Paul Jenkin’s fantastic graphic novel The Inhumans. Full review to come. Keep reading for the Comic Book Herald overview.
Comic Book Run: Inhumans by Paul Jenkins & Jae Lee
Publication Dates: 1999-2001
Writer: Paul Jenkins Artist: Jae Lee
CBH Score: 9.2
Continuity Relevance?: Increasingly essential. Establishes Inhumans nomadic hunt for a home.
Who Needs It?: Fantastic Four fans who’ve always wanted a more in depth study of the Inhumans. Readers who want to see a Marvel graphic novel reach its full potential. The strong but silent type.
I appreciate these reading orders, thanks so much!
This Inhumans run was beautifully drawn and, in my opinion, ahead of its time.
Awesome story really enjoyed makes me want to read volume 1 Of the Inhumans, even though it was written in the 70s. Lots of unanswered questions still????. I’m a big comic fan an found this site while trawling for a decent reading order so far so good on to black panther.
it is easily found using the mobile app but I havent been able to find it using the website.
Hey dave!
I’m new to comics and i’m trying to follow you marvel reading guide starting with inhumans, but there are different versions and i’m not sure with which one should i start (you mention the 1999 publication date but it seems it starts in 1975?)
Hey gob,
The Inhumans series you want is written by Paul Jenkins with art by Jae Lee, and can be found on Amazon here:
In Marvel Unlimited, the series is labeled “Inhumans: 1998 – 1999” Hope that helps!
I have trouble finding the series on Marvel Unlimited? Is it there? If not could you recommend anything from Marvel Unlimited instead of this one?
In Marvel Unlimited, the series is labeled “Inhumans: 1998 – 1999″ Hope that helps!
Marvel Unlimited doesn’t provide that series anymore. It’s only available for purchase. I guess it got too relevant to not monetize. – There’s the link for everyone still thoroughly confused 🙂
It’s still there, available without purchasing.
well i can’t find it ! link it please
Good series, expected a little more action, but it was more of a political thriller
Hi Dave!
My friend and I have always been big Marvel fans but we never really had the courage to jump into the comics themselves (Marvel tends to have fewer jumping on points than DC does which is what we’ve been reading). But anyway, we both really like Ms. Marvel and we saw that there was a series that is still being written now, but I don’t see it in the latest section of your reading order. Where does the new Ms. Marvel series fit in with everything else?
Hi Dow,
I cover your question here, 4th question down:
Hope that helps, and please don’t hesitate to reach out with any more questions!
Hi Dave,
This blog is amazing! I have a question and a suggestion, although maybe i’m missing something and my suggestion is unnecessary 🙂 I have just started reading through part 1 of your Marvel reading guide (it is about where I stopped reading comics as a kid). I subscribed to the Marvel Unlimited service and was wondering if you could add a symbol or a note next to all of the series that exist in the database. It would help me out a bunch.
The reason I ask this is I am trying to find the Captain Marvel: First Contact run and am not sure if it is the same as Captain Marvel #1-14 (2000) on the Marvel Unlimited Service. Anyway thanks for the amazing service you do that is allowing a 33 year old super busy teacher get back into the comics I used to love!
Glad you dig the site!
That Captain Marvel run is, in fact, the same. Enjoy!
Your idea is a good one. Just need to figure out how to make it work. In the meantime, I’d recommend checking out my Marvel Unlimited comics guide. Due for an update, but a good start.