Storm #6 is a great jumping on point for new fans as Greg Pak’s characters excite the page with intriguing dialogue and insightful development. Here we have Ororo, fresh from her adventure in Las Vegas, traveling back home to New York City. The adventure she is returning from was originally intended for her now deceased boyfriend, The Wolverine. Fulfilling a final request of his, she took to the city to assist their mutual friend, Yuriko. The results were less than acceptable for Storm, but she took what she could get and is attempting to return home with a clear conscience. This entire series has been great because it’s about Ororo as a singular player rather than just an X-Man or just the wife of Black Panther. Her personalty, her power sets, and her strikingly beautiful mohawk, set her apart from every other cast member, and this book sets itself apart from the other X-titles. [Read more…] about Storm #6 Review!