POX 1: The Last Dream of Professor X—Part 2: Year 100 and Year 1000
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A Comic Book Reading Order Guide For Beginners & Fans
POX 1: The Last Dream of Professor X—Part 2: Year 100 and Year 1000
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R. B. Silva’s stunningly beautiful cover to Powers of X #1 sets a high bar for things to come. Like Pepe Larraz, Silva is a master of deep textural designs and dynamic perspectives, ideal for the cinematic quality of the storytelling and Hickman’s penchant for cryptic symbols and motifs. But where Larraz’s line is more smoothly fluid, Silva’s is a bit more angular—a nice contrast for the interweaving titles. (Similar contrasts could be drawn between Alan Davis and Stuart Immonen—and that comparison to past masters is justified by the level these younger artists are working at.)
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HOX 1: The House That Xavier Built—the second half
Note: Because this is a double-size premier issue, our re-read of it is broken into two segments.
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House of X #1: The House That Xavier Built
Note: Because this is a double-size premier issue, our re-read of it is broken into two segments.
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You’ve arrived here if you’re ready for a re-read of the Hickman era of X-Men (which began in July 2019 and is not even close to being over) or you’re curious what all the hullabaloo is about. If the latter is true for you, you will certainly get something out of this first in a perhaps interminable series of essays. Enjoy! However, before going further, I strongly recommend that you read ahead, at least to the end of the two six-issue limited series—House of X and Powers of X —that kicked off Hickman’s X-Men coup. Read those twelve issues before returning here for the re-read.
After this opening essay, spoilers will abound, but I will keep them restrained, revealing nothing further than six issues ahead. So, the initial installments that cover both limited series, HOX and POX, will assume that you’ve read that complexly interwoven 12-issue story. [Read more…] about How to (Re)Read the Jonathan Hickman Era of X-Men