Much like Liam Neeson, I’m always making lists. If you’re familiar with Comic Book Herald, you know these are typically massive reading order lists, with a primary focus on Marvel comics (and some DC!).
The below list is a very different breed, and is instead a collection of all my favorite comics and graphic novels I have ever read. Every time I read a new comic book series, I add it to the list, and rank it among the substantial competition of all the best comics ever.
There are two essential notes I’d like to add before you get to the list.
1 – I do not claim to have read all the greatest comics of all time. I am literally one man (at best, a half animal, part party machine). This list is an evolving organism that will take new shape as I pick up new books. If you have a personal favorite you don’t see included here, I’d love to hear about it in the comments, on Twitter, via email, on the street, from a disembodied voice floating through my attic… you get the idea.
2 – I have read many more Marvel comics than I’ve yet included on this list. This is changing all the time as I re-read Marvel series as part of My Marvelous Year and subsequently rank the titles. Again, if you’re looking for your Marvel comics fixin’s, I’d also check out my favorite 100 stories from 1998 to 2015, or the top 25 Marvel trade collections from 1961 to 1998.
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Finally, the rankings you’ll see here are entirely comics I like a lot. The higher a comic is ranked, the more I like it. The full list is approaching 1,000 rankings, but this contains the top 500 good ones!
Let the superlative headlines begin, and enjoy the comics!
Last Updated: December 15, 2024
Was this list written by an American high-school student? It’s like making a list of the best bands by writing down whatever is playing on classic-rock radio. Zero adventurousness, zero curiosity, zero exploration, zero experimentation. Just American babies with American tastes in American costumes. Sad. There is so much more in comics than is dreamt of in your philosophy.
What is on your list? Generally curious.
If you followed comic book herald whatsoever outside of this list, you’d know that Dave is one of the most adventurous, prolific tastemakers in all of comics. It’s absolutely unreal how many off the beaten path comics he has championed while still having time to do a full podcast on marvel comics. I highly suggest you check out his monthly best comics newsletter, which every time without fail introduces me to super interesting books I had literally never heard of before, and I’m an extremely online comics fan so that’s saying something. Do at least a tiny bit of research before you savagely attack someone’s entire philosophy, and I agree with the other commenter, let’s see your list!
Thank You for this amazing reading list.
I would add such writers and artists as:
Alejandro Jodorowsky (everything)
Jean Giraud aka Moebius aka THE GOD 🙂 (everything)
Grzegorz Rosiński (Yans, Thorgal, Chninkel)
Andreas (Rork)
Enki Bilal (Monster tetralogy)
Shaun Tan (The Arrival)
Charles Schultz (Peanuts)
Also: Enki Bilal (Nikipol trilogy)
I know you published a spreadsheet on google sheets with every book, will you keep updating that or just this list? I prefer being able to see every entry on the list like on the sheet.
Berserk 209, Monster 332, HunterXHunter not in list, Billy Bat not in list…
I guess, there’s at least one problem in this list 😀
You mustn’t have read Iron Man – Director of SHIELD complete collection by the Knaufs. GOATed series and the best Iron Man has to offer.
I cannot believe you don’t have the JMS Spider-Man run on here. Once one removes the last couple arcs (once editorial/Quesada’s fat fingers got all over it), you’re left with easily the greatest modern ASM run of all-time.
Release the full list
wow nice lists but I vote fo Akira.
My favorite Childhood comics were Tintin by Herge and Asterix
man i still tear u when i remember reading them as a kid 🥹 now im 20yrs old a
Hiya! Noticed that No 34 is missing from the list, phenomenal stuff otherwise.
Hi great list…it would be much appreciated if you can also provide a quick description for superhero comics of what to read before lots of stories reference older events that I have no idea about
Amazing list, really enoyed going and finding out about them all. I’m an artist and this is source supreme.
Only omission is Lone Sloane: Delirius by Philippe Druillet
Thanos Quest didn’t make the list? Is it not long enough?
Could be higher 🙂
It would be nice if there were any comments or explanation on why you thought these were the best comics of all time
The fact that you have Tom Kings Mister Miracle number 6, is an utter comic book blasphemy. Just for the fact that it is above many that are far better than that craptastic non-story. This list is a farce.
There seems to be a mistake with “The Department of Truth”, it’s listed at both position 86 and 241.
Or is it all a great conspiracy!
(It’s not. Thank you!)
Where’s Morrison’s Seven Soldiers?
Okay, I can understand why an American wouldn’t list European comics, but I’m surprised that V for Vendetta didn’t make the list. If you need some suggestions for European comics I can help out. I’ve been reading European comics for over 40 years.
You are 100% correct. Especially when talking about V for Vendetta. I mean, really? Not even on the list? And I am American. I am surprised he has From Hell here. Alan Moore is one of the greatest writers ever.
Here is mine top list with a lot of European and American comics:
1. Modesty Blaise by Jim Holdaway
2. Donald Duck by Carl Barks
3. Blueberry by Jean Giraud
4. Blake & Mortimer by Edgar P. Jacobs
5. Prince Valiant by Hal Foster
6. Tintin by Hergé
7. Asterix by Albert Uderzo
8. Spirou & Fantasio by Franquin
9. Lucky Luke by Morris
10. Mickey Mouse by Paul Murry
11. Calvin and Hobbes
12. Valerian by Mezieres
13. Garth by Frank Bellamy
14. Rip Kirby by Alex Raymond
15. Bernard Prince by Hermann
16. Johan and Peewit by Peyo
17. The Smurfs by Peyo
18. Benoît Brisefer by Peyo
19. Natacha by Walthery
20. Yoko Tsuno by Roger Leloup
20. Franka by Henk Kuijpers
21. The Phantom by Lee Falk
22. EC comics
23. Valhalla by Peter Madsen
24. Rejsen til Saturn by Claus Deleuran
25. Oumpah-Pah by Albert Uderzo
25. Tanguy et Laverdure by Albert Uderzo
26. Felix by Jan Lööf
27. Red Kelly by Hermann
28. Donald Duck/Mickey Mouse by Romano Scarpa
29. Bruno Brazil by William Vance
30. Gaston Lagaffe by Franquin
I like snowpiercer
man you have tintin and asterix in your list 🫡❤️
my two all time favourite childhood comics🥹 , read all of them
Thanks for the list Dave, in 2019 I had checked the same list and I noticed that you have changed the list with many new comics, although for recent comics (like Tartarus for example) I would not add until they had a decent run and would leave heavy weights like Crisis from DC.
Question, How can we know that you have updated this list, I would be very interested on knowing for new additions.
Fantastic, eclectic list! I have a ton of catching up to do but you may also enjoy Unwritten and Crossover.
Bone was very likely the best crafted comic book with animated characters ever.
Very interesting list. This site is a real windfall for choosing what to read with my “Marvel Unlimited” subscription. Unfortunately, you didn’t read what is considered the best sci-fi comic ever written: “The Eternaut” by the Argentinian comic writers Oesterheld and Lopez.
No love for European comics? I see Blacksad and Valerian but where’s the rest?
I have HUGE respect for Marvel/DC/Image etc but once I got into European comics/bande dessinee I knew it was the superior artform. I’m even a hardcore Manga fan and European comics is better.
The Incal
The Obscure Cities
The Mercenary
Lone Sloane
(Anything from Heavy Metal Magazine)
These titles have more IMAGINATION than some of the best sci-fi/fantasy movies I’ve seen period! I can’t go back to the typical Batman/X-men shit after experiencing those masterpieces.
Nice list, Europeran comics are exactly what I was looking for.
Why be so dichotomous Marco? I enjoy good writing and good art within this format whether Euro, Ameri, Jap, Afro or any other medium. I didn’t care too much for The Incal. I found it unnecessarily Juvenile. That’s not to say this wouldn’t be up someone else’s alley at all. Different strokes. It’s clear Dave is widely read within this hobby.
not liking the incal is not an acceptable opinion. Just kidding but it is probably the best comic ever. That or Watchmen.
For once I would love to see a list of American, UK and European Comics not including ANY DC/Marvel Comics.
So many amazing comics that are never talked about in the US (US Citizen) because majority only care about superhero and villain comics.
I mean there is some great DC/Marvel comics, but honestly would love to see a list for well written comics that don’t involve over the top violence or supernatural abilities.
That would be cool. If there’s not a list like that already, then make the list yourself and publish it somewhere on the internet, and tell others about it.
The “majority only care about superhero and villain comics” is true because it’s an escape. An escape from everyone’s hum-drum boring life. When one leads a hum-drum boring life, the last thing you want to do is read about someone else’s hum-drum boring life. They want *POW* and *BANG* and out of this world stories with bigger than life characters.
FYI, The 3rd top pick in this list was not DC or Marvel, and had no over the top violence or superhuman/villains. Just sayin’.