Cindy Moon (aka “Silk”) first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #1 (2014). Created by Dan Slott and Huberto Ramos, this Korean-American journalist is one of three members of the Spider-Women; she’s been a member of both the Protectors and Agents of Atlas; and is a co-founder of The Order of the Web.
In her recent appearances, Silk has really come into her own as a superhero by stepping out of Peter Parker’s shadow and learning to open up to others after ten years of isolation resulted in her developing anxiety and her family going missing.
Not only has Cindy Moon reunited with her family and saved the multiverse. All while finding time to but she has also been:
- An Agent of Atlas
- A Protector
- A co-founding member of The Order of The Web
- In three solo series…
- …And more than a few team-ups
Silk has woven her own excellent web of stories. Since it was recently announced that a Silk live-action television series is currently in development, Silk’s future seems very bright. [Read more…] about Silk (Cindy Moon) Reading Order!