In 1988, Marvel Comics’ X-Men Universe combined to tell the Fall of the Mutants, a crossover event built around three major devastating separate events spanning the X-Men, X-Factor, and the New Mutants. Fall of the Mutants is the follow-up to Mutant Massacre, and part of the build to 1989’s Inferno, with some of the stranger and least discussed ideas and beats from the Chris Claremont era of X-Men.
Today I’ll answer:
- What are the themes of Fall of the Mutants and what impact do they have on the X-Men of today?
- As the first major Apocalypse story, what does Fall of the Mutants establish about the longtime X-villain?
- Will we see elements from this stranger era of late period Claremont resurface in modern X-men?
- Theories and predictions about what Fall of the Mutants means for the Dawn of X!
Spoilers for discussed comics may follow!
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