Teen Titans: Beast Boy is a strange creature. Where its titular lead is constantly changing and shifting, the young adult graphic novel from Kami Garcia, Gabriel Picolo, Rob Haynes, David Calderon, and Gabriela Downie remains stuck in a very familiar shape. Equal parts coming-of-age teen drama and superhero origin story, Beast Boy offers a beautifully drawn but bland experience that does little to stand out from the crowd.
Following up on 2019’s critically and commercially successful Teen Titans: Raven graphic novel, Beast Boy stars the fan-favorite Teen Titans member in a standalone setting where he has yet to discover his superpowers. Instead of worrying about the fate of the world, Beast Boy’s Garfield Logan is more concerned about putting on muscle and finally kissing the hottest girl in school. [Read more…] about Teen Titans: Beast Boy — Graphic Novel Review!