The old adage about books and covers is definitely in effect with the latest installment of Uncanny X-Men. Advertised as dealing with fallout from Marvel’s recent Avengers & X-Men: Axis, this chapter actually serves as the conclusion to the even longer-running “The Last Will and Testament of Charles Xavier” storyline, originating as a tie-in to last summer’s Original Sin event series. Clocking in at nine parts, there is satisfaction in crossing the finish line but enjoyment mileage for the journey will definitely vary. [Read more…] about UNCANNY X-MEN #31 Review: “Undo Ex Machina!”
Avengers VS X-Men
Monday Morning Comic Rack: AvX Gives Event Trade Collections a Makeover
You probably know the feeling.
You’re trying to get into a major Marvel event after the fact. The hype around Avengers Vs. X-Men has come and gone, and now you’re left with a 12 issue event that alludes to countless tie-ins. Couldn’t Marvel just sell a stinking book that included all of the tie-ins at once?
It would seem our longstanding trade collection nightmare has passed. [Read more…] about Monday Morning Comic Rack: AvX Gives Event Trade Collections a Makeover