Infinite Crisis is the centerpiece event of DC Comics in the 2000’s, celebrating the 20th anniversary of 1985’s Crisis on Infinite Earths with a universe encompassing event that functions as a sequel to DC’s first “Crisis.” The impact is felt all over from characters like DC’s trinity (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman) on down the list to Detective Chimp, Spectre, and Chemo.
The mid-2000’s heralded a boom for shared universe crossover events, and Infinite Crisis is no exception. No joke: Some of the tie-ins have tie-ins. The “Countdown” prelude comics alone account for 37 individual issues at a minimum, including the Countdown to Infinite Crisis giant-sized one-shot that is more than 3 standard size issues in length. In my opinion, the 7 issue Infinite Crisis main event benefits greatly from the context of the countdown and tie-in issues.
Likewise, Infinite Crisis follows hot on the heels of the seven issue event series Identity Crisis, by Brad Meltzer and Rags Morales. The events of Identity Crisis – ostensibly a murder mystery that reveals how far members of the Justice League will go to to maintain their secret identities – are felt throughout the Countdown, both fracturing the active Justice League and inciting the formation of the villain’s Society.
Infinite Crisis ran from November 2005 to May 2006, and impacted the DC Universe for years to come. You can find the complete reading order below!
Previously: Identity Crisis
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Previously: Green Lantern Rebirth
Related Reading Orders:
Collected Infinite Crisis Comics
Collects: Action Comics #826, #829, Adventures of Superman #639, #642, Countdown to Infinite Crisis, Day of Vengeance #1-6, Day of Vengeance Infinite Crisis Special, JLA #115-119, Infinite Crisis #1-6, Infinite Crisis Secret Files 2006, The OMAC Project #1-6, The OMAC Project Infinite Crisis Special, Rann-Thanagar War #1-6, The Rann-Thanagar Infinite Crisis Special, Superman #216, #219, Villains United #1-6, Villains United Infinite Crisis Special and Wonder Woman #219
Collects: Infinite Crisis #1 To #7
1986’s “Year One,” launching out of DC’s Crisis on Infinite Earths with career defining work by Frank Miller and David Mazzucchelli
Collects: The Omac Project #1 To #6
Collects: Superman #218-220, Adventures Of Superman #642-643, Action Comics #829 And Wonder Woman #219-220
Collects: Wonder Woman #218 To #226
Day of Vengeance (Countdown to Infinite Crisis)
Collects: Day Of Vengeance #1 To #6
The Rann-Thanagar War (Countdown to Infinite Crisis)
Collects: Rann-Tanagar War #1 To #6
Villains United (Countdown to Infinite Crisis)
Collects: Villains United #1 To #6
Collects: Infinite Crisis Secret Files & Origins, Infinite Crisis # 5, Superman # 226, Action Comics # 836 And Adventures Of Superman # 649
Infinite Crisis Comics Reading Order
Italicized and indented issue titles are not included in the above Infinite Crisis omnibus, but can be considered relevant tie-ins to the event. In general, I would say the omnibus cleans up the filler very nicely, and streamlines the tie-ins to a more mangeable, precise (but still 1,500 page!) experience.
Nonetheless, completists will want everything so that’s what I’ve laid out in the reading order below!
Countdown to Crisis
Countdown to Infinite Crisis #1
Excellent 80 page kickoff to the event, following the tragic tale of Ted Kord, aka the Blue Beetle, on the trail of a rot at the center of the DC Universe. Written by Geoff Johns, Greg Rucka, and Judd Winick, with pencils from Rags Morales, Ed Benes, Jesus Saiz, Ivan Reis, and Phil Jimenez.
Written by comics superstar Greg Rucka, The Omac Project is one of the best “Countdown to Infinite Crisis” comics, tying together DC’s Checkmate, Batman, the 80’s Justice League International, and the good ol’ return of OMAC (kinda).
The Omac Project #2
The Omac Project #3
Superman #219
Action Comics #829
Adventures of Superman #642
Wonder Woman #219
Worth noting that Superman #219 through Wonder Woman #219 collect the Superman: Sacrifice story arc, which connects Superman and the Justice League to Maxwell Lord’s machinations in the pages of The Omac Project. Not collected in the Omnibus are the two “Sacrifice” aftermath issues:
Adventures of Superman #643
Wonder Woman #220
The Omac Project #4
Manhunter #11
Manhunter #12
Manhunter #13
Manhunter #14
The Omac Project #5
The Omac Project #6
Wonder Woman #221
Batman #635
Batman #636
Batman #637
Batman #638
Villains United #1
An easy standout among Infinite Crisis tie-ins, Villains United by Gail Simone and Dale Eaglesham follows six “villains” who refuse to join Lex Luthor, Deathstroke, Talia Al Ghul, and Black Adam’s (among others) Society of Supervillains. Get ready to love and respect Catman, Deadshot, Parademon, Ragman, Cheshire, and Scandal like you never imagined.
Villains United #2
Villains United #3
Breach #7
Breach #8
Batgirl #63
Batgirl #64
Nightwing #107
Nightwing #108
Nightwing #109
Nightwing #110
Nightwing #111
Firestorm #14
Firestorm #15
Firestorm #16
Villains United #4
Firestorm #17
Action Comics #830
Action Comics #831
Villains United #5
Villains United #6
Batman #646
Batman #647
Action Comics #826
Adventures of Superman #639
Superman #216
The three “Superman” line issues (written by Judd Winick) collect the “Lightning Strikes Twice” crossover between Superman, Shazam (Captain Marvel), and Eclipso. In my book this is the most questionable inclusion, but the conclusion of this arc does set the stage for Spectre’s role in the ensuing Day of Vengeance.
JSA Classifed #1 to #4
This JSA spinoff written by Geoff Johns is 90% wrangling Power Girl continuity, and 10% prelude to Infinite Crisis. It doesn’t feel relevant initially but becomes a clear tie-in as it progresses, and is likely the biggest oversight in the collected omnibus edition.
Day of Vengeance #1
JSA #73
JSA #74
JSA #75
Blood of the Demon #6
Blood of the Demon #7
Action Comics #832
Day of Vengeance #2
Day of Vengeance #3
Day of Vengeance #4
JSA #78
JSA #79
JSA #80
Day of Vengeance #5
Day of Vengeance #6
Hawman #46
Rann-Thanagar War #1
Rann-Thanagar War #2
Rann-Thanagar War #3
Rann-Thanagar War #4
Rann-Thanagar War #5
Rann-Thanagar War #6
JLA #115
JLA #116
JLA #117
JLA #118
JLA #119
Catwoman #50
Catwoman #51
The Infinite Crisis Begins
Infinite Crisis #1
Gotham Central #37
JLA #124
JLA #125
Wonder Woman #222
Wonder Woman #223
Green Lantern #7
Green Lantern #8
Aquaman #35
Aquaman #36
JSA Classified #4
Infinite Crisis #2
Hawkman #47
Hawkman #48
Hawkman #49
Superman #225
Aquaman #37
Wonder Woman #224
Infinite Crisis #3
Aquaman #38
Aquaman #39
Robin #143
Robin #144
Robin #145
Day of Vengeance Infinite Crisis Special #1
Infinite Crisis Secret Files 2006 #1
Infinite Crisis #4
Batman #648
Batman #649
Batman #650
Nightwing #116
Teen Titans #32
Robin #146
Robin #147
Rann-Thanagar War Special #1
Catwoman #52
Adventures of Superman #648
Teen Titans Annual #1
Nightwing #117
Infinite Crisis #5
Superman #226
Action Comics #836
Adventures of Superman #649
Teen Titans #33
Batman Annual #25
Infinite Crisis #6
The Omac Project Infinite Crisis Special #1
Villains United Infinite Crisis Special #1
Infinite Crisis #7
Infinite Crisis Aftermath
Superman/Batman #26
Superman #712
Crisis Aftermath The Spectre #1
Crisis Aftermath The Spectre #2
Crisis Aftermath The Spectre #3
Battle for Bludhaven #1
Battle for Bludhaven #2
Battle for Bludhaven #3
Battle for Bludhaven #4
Battle for Bludhaven #5
Battle for Bludhaven #6
Shadowpact #2
Shadowpact #3
Shadowpact #4
Shadowpact #5
Next: DC’s 52
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Javier says
I noticed you have JSA Classified #4 two times in the reading order. One time in the prelude as part part of the whole miniseries, and a second time only #4 at the beginning of Infinite Crisis. Where should it go?
Don Zafir says
Where does the The Return of Donna Troy fit in the reading order?