The Secret Six are one of superhero comics most underrated teams, an unused DC concept revitalized by writer Gail Simone in the mid-2000’s.
The series launched as part of the “Villains United” tie-ins to the mega event, Infinite Crisis, before going on to an acclaimed run from 2008 to 2011. The most familiar members of the slightly evolving lineup include Catman, Deadshot, Scandal Savage and Ragman.
While similar in concept to Suicide Squad, the Secret Six operate very much on their own terms, and are a thorn in the side to both villains like Psycho Man and heroes like Batman.
Below you’ll find a complete guide to the comics of the Secret Six, including various tie-in issues and crossovers. While I would normally highlight my picks for Comic Book Herald favorites, the easy recommendation here is to start with the “Villains United” tie-ins on through the conclusion of the first run with Secret Six #36.
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Secret Six Comics Reading Order!
Secret Six Vol. 1: Villains United
Collects: Villians United #1-6, Villians United: Infinite Crisis Special #1, Secret Six #1-6,
As you might guess from the inclusion of an “Infinite Crisis Special” issue, Secret Six began as a tie-in to Infinite Crisis!
Birds of Prey, Vol. 7: Dead of Winter
Collects: Birds Of Prey #104 To #108
Secret Six Vol. 2: Money For Murder
Collects: Secret Six (2008 To 2011) #1 To #14
Secret Six Vol. 3: Cat’s Cradle
Collects: Secret Six #15 To #16, Suicide Squad #67, Secret Six #17 To #24
A wild Suicide Squad revival and Blackest Night tie-in.
Secret Six Vol. 4: Caution to the Wind
Collects: Secret Six #25 To #28, Action Comics #896, Secret Six #29 To #30, Doom Patrol #19, Secret Six #31 To #36
Secret Six in DC’s New 52
Secret Six Vol. 1: Friends in Low Places
Collects: Secret Six#1-6 And Dc Sneak Peek: Secret Six #1
Secret Six (2014-2016) Vol. 2: The Gauntlet
Collects: Secret Six #7-14
Year of the Villain
Batman/Superman Vol. 1: Who Are The Secret Six
Collects: Batman/Superman #1 to #6
Batman/Superman Vol. 2: World’s Deadliest
Collects: Batman/Superman #7 to #15, Batman/Superman Annual #1
Batman/Superman Vol. 3: The Archive of Worlds
Collects: Batman/Superman #16 to #21
Before the Modern Comics!
Normally I’d list out the order of team comics chronologically, but Secret Six features origins so different from the modern understanding that it’s frankly too weird of a starting place.
Collects: Secret Six #1 To #7
Collects: Action Comics Weekly #601 To #612, #619 To #630
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