So continues the series that does not want to die. This is also a book I cheer every time it comes out, because it has been a consistently funny and charming read. Following a group of C-level (at best) supervillains as they attempt to make a name for themselves in the Marvel underworld and achieve personal wealth and power. All along the way they stab each other in the back, lie through their teeth, and generally just can’t seem to get along. This series has shown that writer Nick Spencer can write very funny comedies when he’s allowed to just have fun with the world, including established serious characters (Dr. Doom anyone?). Steve Lieber also proves that he has great comedic timing when it comes to portraying the actions of the characters, the most notable example would be Mark 7’s attempts to maneuver out a window or around a room with his wings extended. [Read more…] about Superior Foes of Spider-Man #15 Review! This Comic, Right?