The first event of the Scott Snyder written Justice League comes via an Aquaman centric crossover titled “Drowned Earth.” While the league has had its hands full in the early parts of the run with the all-new “Legion of Doom,” the “Drowned Earth” event promises more mythological and ancient forces a la Justice League: No Justice.
As crossovers go, “Drowned Earth” is relatively concise, made up of two bookend specials, three issues of Justice League, two issues of Aquaman, and a single Titans tie-in.
Below you’ll find a complete checklist for the comics in the event, in chronological reading order. Enjoy the comics!
Collected Drowned Earth Comics
Justice League/Aquaman: Drowned Earth
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Collects: Justice League/Aquaman: Drowned Earth #1, Justice League #10-12, Aquaman #40-41, Titans #28 and Aquaman/Justice League: Drowned Earth #1
Drowned Earth Comic Book Checklist
Justice League #10
Aquaman #41
Titans #28
Justice League / Aquaman: Drowned Earth #1
Justice League #11
Aquaman #42
There’s a note in this issue of Aquaman (the last of Dan Abnett’s run on the series that started way back with the DC Rebirth relaunch) that this issue takes place between Justice League #11 and #12.
Justice League #12
Aquaman / Justice League: Drowned Earth #1
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