In May 2016, DC Comics launched a refreshed comic book universe, calling the initiative DC Rebirth. The publication of DC Universe Rebirth #1 marked the end of DC’s New 52, which controversially rebooted the DCU from 2011 to 2016.
The promise of DC Rebirth is a return to the long and rich history of DC Comics. Below you’ll find the first year of DC Rebirth comic books, as well as the collected editions that allow you to progress through the Rebirth timeline chronologically.
Alternatively, those of you looking to cut straight to the chase can try Comic Book Herald’s DC Rebirth fast track guide!
I also rank many of the DC Rebirth trades on my best comics of all time list!
Previously: Watchmen (my favorite comic book of all time, part of DC Rebirth plans)
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Previously: DC The New 52
DC Rebirth Trade Reading Order
The Rebirth omnibus collects all the one-shot Rebirth specials for the major characters of the DC Universe. Note that a number of these Rebirth specials are also collected in the first volume of each respective character’s collected comics.
The biggest exception is of course DC Universe: Rebirth #1, which is absolutely essential reading to understand our progression from the New 52 to DC Rebirth. Don’t worry, if that’s all you’re after, the issue is $2.99.
Collects: Aquaman: Rebirth #1, Batgirl & The Birds Of Prey: Rebirth #1, Batman Beyond: Rebirth #1, Batman: Rebirth #1, Blue Beetle: Rebirth #1, Cyborg: Rebirth #1, Deathstroke: Rebirth #1, DC Universe: Rebirth #1, Green Arrow: Rebirth #1, Green Lanterns: Rebirth #1, Hal Jordan & The Green Lantern Corps: Rebirth #1, Hellblazer: Rebirth #1, Justice League: Rebirth #1, Nightwing: Rebirth #1, Red Hood And The Outlaws: Rebirth #1, Suicide Squad: Rebirth #1, Supergirl: Rebirth #1, Superman: Rebirth #1, Teen Titans: Rebirth #1, The Flash: Rebirth #1, Titans: Rebirth #1, Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1
The DC Rebirth Omnibus editions collects these comics in the following reading order:
DC Universe: Rebirth #1
Batman: Rebirth #1
Superman: Rebirth #1
Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1
The Flash: Rebirth #1
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps: Rebirth #1
Aquaman: Rebirth #1
Green Arrow: Rebirth #1
Cyborg: Rebirth #1
Green Lanterns: Rebirth #1
Justice League: Rebirth #1
Nightwing: Rebirth #1
Titans: Rebirth #1
Batgirl And the Birds of Prey: Rebirth #1
The Hellblazer: Rebirth #1
Red Hood and the Outlaws: Rebirth #1
Suicide Squad: Rebirth #1
Deathstroke: Rebirth #1
Supergirl: Rebirth #1
Blue Beetle: Rebirth #1
Teen Titans: Rebirth #1
Batman Beyond: Rebirth #1
Flash Rebirth Comic Books
I initially included the first Flash Rebirth comics in the Justice League section below, but as reader Jason points out in the comics below, these issues follow-up most directly from the DC Universe Rebirth one-shot.
Titans Vol. 1: The Return of Wally West
Collects: Titans: Rebirth #1, Titans #1 to #6
The Flash Vol. 1: Lightning Strikes Twice
Collects: The Flash: Rebirth #1, The Flash #1 to #8
Batman (Bat-Family) Comic Books
Collects: Batman: Rebirth #1, Batman #1 to #6
Detective Comics Vol. 1: The Rise Of The Batmen
Collects: Detective Comics #934 to #940
Absolutely one of my favorite DC Rebirth titles, with a great Bat-family team.
Nightwing Vol. 1: Better Than Batman
Collects: Nightwing: Rebirth #1, Nightwing #1 to #4, Nightwing #7 to #8 (Note that issues #5 and #6 are part of the “Night of the Monster Men” crossover and should be read below)
Technically Nightwing’s first story arc takes place before the conclusion of Batman and Detective Comics, at least based on Batgirl’s references to events taking place in those series. There are no spoilers or story problems reading here, though, so I’d personally avoid breaking it up.
If you’re reading the trade, make sure you stop after Nightwing #4 and proceed to the Night of the Monster Men crossover below before coming back here for Nightwing #7.
Batman: Night of the Monster Men
There is some overlap with the first Bat-family crossover and the subsequent collections, but this will give you the crossover in its intended order.
Do not read if monster designs straight out of Bloodborne and Dark Souls keep you up at night!
Collects: Batman #7, Nightwing #5, Detective Comics #941, Batman #8, Nightwing #6, Detective Comics #942
Batgirl Vol. 1: Beyond Burnside
Collects: Batgirl #1 to #6
Batgirl And The Birds Of Prey Vol. 1: Who Is Oracle?
Collects: Batgirl and the Birds of Prey: Rebirth #1, Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #1 to #6
Red Hood & the Outlaws Vol. 1: Dark Trinity
Collects: Red Hood & the Outlaws #1 to #6
All-Star Batman Vol. 1: My Own Worst Enemy
Collects: All-Star Batman #1 to #5
Collects: Batman #9 to #15
Detective Comics Vol. 2: The Victim Syndicate
Collects: Detective Comics #943 to #949
Superman (Superman Family) Comic Books
Collects: Superman: Lois and Clark #1 to #8
Superman: The Final Days of Superman
Final Days is a “Road to Rebirth” collection that effectively concludes the New 52 and transitions to Rebirth.
Reading Order:
Superman #51
Batman/Superman #31
Actions Comics #51
Superman/Wonder Woman #28
Batman/Superman #32
Action Comics #52
Superman/Wonder Woman #29
Superman #52
Collects: Superman #51, Batman/Superman #31, Action Comics #51, Superman/Wonder Woman #28, Batman/Superman #32, Action Comics #52, Superman/Wonder Woman #29, Superman #52
Superman Vol. 1: Son Of Superman
Collects: Superman: Rebirth #1, Superman #1 to #6
Action Comics Vol. 1: Path Of Doom
Collects: Justice League #52 (New 52), Action Comics #957 to #962
The Deluxe Action Comics Rebirth edition includes Justice League #52 as a prologue to the Rebirth issues of Action Comics, so I’ve added it to the order. Make note that this JL issue makes a ton of references to the New 52’s Darkseid War, but it also effectively sets up the state of things for Metropolis.
New Super-Man Vol. 1: Made In China
Collects: New Superman #1 to #6
I’ve moved up the New Super-Man first volume given the apparent belief in China that Superman’s “Final Days” are still very much in effect.
Trinity Vol. 1: Better Together
Collects: Trinity #1 to #6
Supergirl Vol. 1: Reign Of The Cyber Super-Men
Collects: Supergirl: Rebirth #1, Supergirl #1 to #6
Action Comics Vol. 2: Welcome to the Planet (Rebirth)
Collects: Part of Justice League #52, Action Comics #963 to #966
Superwoman Vol. 1: Who is Superwoman?
Collects: Superwoman #1 to #7
Superman Vol. 2: Trials of the Super Son
Collects: Superman #7 to #13
Justice League (Justice League Family) Comic Books
Green Lanterns Vol. 1: Rage Planet
Collects: Green Lanterns: Rebirth #1, Green Lanterns #1 to #5
Justice League Vol. 1: The Extinction Machine
Collects: Justice League: Rebirth #1, Justice League #1 to #5
Note that the first two volumes of Wonder Woman oscillate between odd and even numbered issues. The odd numbered issues form “The Lies,” while the even numbered issues offer a “Year One” story from Greg Rucka and Nicola Scott.
Collects: Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1, Wonder Woman #1, #3, #5, #7, #9
Collects: Wonder Woman #2, #4, #6, #8, #10
Collects: Aquaman: Rebirth #1, Aquaman #1 to #6
Cyborg Vol. 1: The Imitation Of Life
Collects: Cyborg: Rebirth #1, Cyborg #1 to #5
Blue Beetle Vol. 1: The More Things Change
Collects: Blue Beetle: Rebirth #1, Blue Beetle #1 to #6
Justice League Vol. 2 (Rebirth)
Collects: Justice League #6 to #11
Collects: The Flash #9 to #13
Aquaman Vol. 2: Black Manta Rising
Collects: Aquaman #7 to #15
Green Lantern and Green Arrow Comic Books
Green Arrow Vol. 1: The Death and Life Of Oliver Queen
Collects: Green Arrow: Rebirth #1, Green Arrow #1 to #5
Hal Jordan & the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 1: Sinestro’s Law
Collects: Hal Jordan & the Green Lantern Corps: Rebirth #1, Hal Jordan & the Green Lantern Corps #1 to #6
Collects: Green Arrow #7 to #12
Hal Jordan & The Green Lantern Corps Vol. 2
Collects: Hal Jordan & The Green Lantern Corps #7 to #12
Green Lanterns Vol. 2 (Rebirth)
Collects: Green Lanterns #7 to #12
The Antiheroes: Suicide Squad, Deathstroke and Hellblazer Comic Books
Suicide Squad Vol. 1: The Black Vault
Collects: Suicide Squad: Rebirth #1, Suicide Squad #1 to #6
Harley Quinn Vol. 1: Die Laughing
Collects: Harley Quinn: Rebirth #1, Harley Quinn #1 to #6
Deathstroke Vol. 1: The Professional
Collects: Deathstroke: Rebirth #1. Deathstroke #1 to #6
The Hellblazer Vol. 1: The Poison Truth
Collects: The Hellblazer #1 to #6
DC Rebirth Event: Justice League vs. Suicide Squad
Justice League Vs. Suicide Squad Reading Order
Batman (Bat-Family) Comic Books Part 2
Collects: Batman #16 to #20, #23 to #24, Batman Annual #1
Collects: Nightwing #9 to #15
Batman Beyond Vol. 1: The Return
Collects: Batman Beyond: Rebirth #1, Batman Beyond #1 to #6
Gotham Academy: Second Semester Vol. 1: Welcome Back
Collects: Gotham Academy: Second Semester #1-3, #5-8
Justice League (Justice League Family) Comic Books Part 2
Collects: Raven #1 to #6
Raven by Marv Wolfman and Alisson Borges is not formally branded “Rebirth,” but the series is marked as “Between the New 52 and DC Rebirth.”
Teen Titans Vol. 1: Damian Knows Best
Collects: Teen Titans: Rebirth #1, Teen Titans #1 to #6
Justice League of America Vol. 1 (Rebirth)
Functions as a Justice League vs. Suicide Squad epilogue series of sorts.
Collects: Justice League of America #1 to #6
Wonder Woman Vol. 3: The Truth
Collects: Wonder Woman #13, #15, #17, #19, #21, #23, #25
Collects: Titans #7 to #10, Titans Annual #1
The Flash Vol. 3: Rogues Reloaded
Collects: Flash #14 to #20
Aquaman Vol. 3 — Aquaman Vol. 3: Crown of Atlantis
Collects: Aquaman #16 to #24
Cyborg Vol. 2: Danger in Detroit
Collects: Cyborg #6 to #13
The Antiheroes: Suicide Squad, Deathstroke and Hellblazer Comic Books Part 2
Note that issues #8 to #10 of Suicide Squad are Justice League vs. Suicide Squad tie-ins.
Collects: Suicide Squad #7 to #12
Harley Quinn Vol. 2: Joker Loves Harley
Collects: Harley Quinn #7 to #12
Collects: Deathstroke #9 to #14
Collects: Midnighter and Apollo #1 to #6
Superman (Superman Family) Comic Books Part 2
Superman: Action Comics Vol. 3
Collects: Actions Comics #967 to #972
Collects: Superman #14 to #17, Superman Annual #1
Collects: Super Sons #1 to #6
Green Lantern and Green Arrow Comic Books Part 2
Green Arrow Vol. 3: Emerald Outlaw
Collects: Green Arrow #12 to #17
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 3: Quest for Hope
Collects: Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #14 to #21
Collects: Green Lanterns #13 to #18
DC Young Animal Comics
Doom Patrol Vol. 1: Brick by Brick
Collects: Doom Patrol #1 to #6
Shade the Changing Girl Vol. 1: Earth Girl Made Easy
Collects: Shade, The Changing Girl #1 to #6
Cave Carson Has a Cybernetic Eye Vol. 1: Going Underground
Collects: Cave Carson #1 to #6
Mother Panic Vol. 1: Work in Progress
Collects: Mother Panic #1 to #6
Superman Reborn Crossover Checklist
Action Comics #973 to #974
Superman #18
Action Comics #975
Superwoman #8
Superman #19
Action Comics #976
Superman #20 (Reborn Aftermath)
Trinity #8 (Reborn Aftermath)
Action Comics #977 (Reborn Aftermath)
Supergirl #8 (Reborn Aftermath)
Superwoman #9 (Reborn Aftermath)
Superman #21 (Reborn Aftermath)
Action Comics #978 (Reborn Aftermath)
New Super-Man #9 to #10 (Reborn & Aftermath)
Superwoman #10 (Reborn & Aftermath)
Batman / The Flash In “The Button” Crossover Checklist
Batman #21
Flash #21
Batman #22
Flash #22
Deathstroke and Teen Titans in “Lazarus Contract” Crossover Checklist
Titans #11
Teen Titans #8
Deathstroke #19
Teen Titans Annual: Lazarus Contract #1
Deathstroke #20
Batman (Bat-Family) Comic Books Part 3
Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 3: League of Shadows
Collects: Detective Comics #950 to #956
Nightwing Vol. 3: Nightwing Must Die
Collects: Nightwing #16 to #21
Batwoman Vol. 1: The Many Arms of Death
Collects: Batwoman: Rebirth #1, Batwoman #1 to #6
Batgirl Vol. 2: Son of Penguin
Collects: Batgirl #7 to #11, Batgirl Annual #1
All-Star Batman Vol. 2: Ends of the Earth
Collects: All-Star Batman #6 to #9
Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 2
Collects: Red Hood and the Outlaws #7 to #12
Batgirl & the Birds of Prey Vol. 2
Collects: Batgirl & the Birds of Prey #7 to #12
Gotham Academy: Second Semester Vol. 2
Collects: Gotham Academy: Second Semester #9-12 And #4
Collects: Batman Beyond #7 to #12
Justice League (Justice League Family) Comic Books Part 3
Justice League of America: The Road to Rebirth
Collects: Justice League Of America: Rebirth #1, Justice League Of America: Atom – Rebirth #1, Justice League Of America: Vixen – Rebirth #1, Justice League Of America: Ray – Rebirth #1 And Justice League Of America: Killer Frost – Rebirth #1
Justice League Vol. 3: Timeless
Collects: Justice League #14 to #19
Collects: Teen Titans #6-#7, #9 to #11, #13
Collects: Wonder Woman #16, #18, #20, #22, #24
Collects: Blue Beetle #6 to #12
Collects: Trinity #7 to #12
Collects: Titans #11 to #16
Captain Atom: The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom
Collects: Captain Atom #1 to #6
The Antiheroes & Oddballs Part 3
Collects: Hellblazer #7 to #12
Suicide Squad Vol. 3: Burning Down The House
Collects: Suicide Squad #11 to #15
Collects: Deathstroke #12 to #18
Collects: Harley Quinn #14 to #21
Collects: Harley Quinn #17 to #22
Superman Revenge Squad vs. Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad Vol. 4: Earthlings on Fire
Collects: Suicide Squad #16 to #20
Superman: Action Comics Vol. 4
Collects: Action Comics #977 to #984
Crossover reading order should go as follows (thanks to Matt and Sean in the comments below!):
Suicide Squad #17: Earthlings on Fire: Part 2: Page 1-17
Action Comics #979: Revenge: Part 1
Suicide Squad #17: Earthlings on Fire: Part 2: Page 18-end
Suicide Squad #18: Earthlings on Fire: Part 3: Page 1-12
Action Comics #980: Revenge: Part 2
Suicide Squad #18: Earthlings on Fire: Part 3: Page 13-end
Suicide Squad #19: Earthlings on Fire: Part 4
Action Comics #981-984: Revenge: Part 3-6
Superman (Superman Family) Comic Books Part 3
Collects: Superman #20 to #26
Collects: Supergirl #7 to #11, stories from Batgirl Annual #1
Collects: Superwoman #8 to #12
New Super-Man Vol. 2: Coming to America
Collects: New Super-Man #7 to #12
Green Lantern and Green Arrow Comic Books Part 3
Collects: Green Arrow #18 to #25
DC Young Animal Comics (Part 2)
Collects: Doom Patrol #7 to #12
Cave Carson Has a Cybernetic Eye Vol. 2
Collects: Cave Carson #7 to #12
Shade, the Changing Girl Vol. 2
Collects: Shade, the Changing Girl #7 to #13
Collects: Mother Panic #7 to #12
Dark Nights: Metal
Comic Book Herald’s complete Dark Nights: Metal reading order!
Next: DC Rebirth Year Two!
DC Rebirth Issue by Issue Reading Order
Personally, I’d rather read the majority of Rebirth stories in full story arc chunks above. Nonetheless, if you’d prefer an issue by issue approach more closely aligned to how the comics were released weekly, you can check out the order below.
Note that any and all feedback for this order is welcome. If you see something that looks off, make your case for a change in the comments!
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DC Rebirth Year One
DC Universe: Rebirth (2016) #1
Justice League #51
Justice League (2011-) #52
Titans: Rebirth (2016) #1
Superman: Rebirth (2016) #1
Superman (2016-) #1
Action Comics (2016-) #957
Action Comics (2016-) #958
Batman: Rebirth (2016) #1
Batman (2016-) #1
Detective Comics (2016-) #934
Detective Comics (2016-) #935
Aquaman: Rebirth (2016) #1
Aquaman (2016-) #1
The Flash: Rebirth (2016) #1
The Flash (2016-) #1
Green Lanterns: Rebirth (2016) #1
Green Lanterns (2016-) #1
Green Arrow: Rebirth (2016) #1
Green Arrow (2016-) #1
Wonder Woman: Rebirth (2016) #1
Wonder Woman (2016-) #1
All-Star Batman (2016-) #1
Action Comics (2016-) #959
Action Comics (2016-) #960
Aquaman (2016-) #2
Aquaman (2016-) #3
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey: Rebirth (2016) #1
Batgirl (2016-) #1
Batman (2016-) #2
Batman (2016-) #3
Detective Comics (2016-) #936
Detective Comics (2016-) #937
Green Arrow (2016-) #2
Green Arrow (2016-) #3
Green Lanterns (2016-) #2
Green Lanterns (2016-) #3
Hal Jordan and The Green Lantern Corps: Rebirth (2016) #1
Hal Jordan and The Green Lantern Corps (2016-) #1
All-Star Batman (2016-) #2
Action Comics (2016-) #963
Justice League: Rebirth (2016) #1
Justice League (2016-) #1
New Super-Man (2016-) #1
Nightwing: Rebirth (2016) #1
Nightwing (2016-) #1
Red Hood and the Outlaws: Rebirth (2016) #1
Superman (2016-) #2
Superman (2016-) #3
The Flash (2016-) #2
The Flash (2016-) #3
The Hellblazer: Rebirth (2016) #1
Titans (2016-) #1
Wonder Woman (2016-) #2
Wonder Woman (2016-) #3
Superwoman (2016-) #1
Action Comics (2016-) #961
Action Comics (2016-) #962
Aquaman (2016-) #4
Aquaman (2016-) #5
Batgirl (2016-) #2
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey (2016-) #1
Batman (2016-) #4
Batman (2016-) #5
Blue Beetle: Rebirth (2016) #1
Deathstroke (2016-) #1
Deathstroke: Rebirth (2016) #1
Detective Comics (2016-) #938
Detective Comics (2016-) #939
Green Arrow (2016-) #4
Green Arrow (2016-) #5
Green Lanterns (2016-) #4
Green Lanterns (2016-) #5
Hal Jordan and The Green Lantern Corps (2016-) #2
Hal Jordan and The Green Lantern Corps (2016-) #3
Harley Quinn (2016-) #1
Harley Quinn (2016-) #2
Justice League (2016-) #2
Justice League (2016-) #3
New Super-Man (2016-) #2
Nightwing (2016-) #2
Nightwing (2016-) #3
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016-) #1
Suicide Squad: Rebirth (2016) #1
Suicide Squad (2016-) #1
Supergirl: Rebirth (2016) #1
Superman (2016-) #4
Superman (2016-) #5
The Flash (2016-) #4
The Flash (2016-) #5
The Hellblazer (2016-) #1
Titans (2016-) #2
Wonder Woman (2016-) #4
Wonder Woman (2016-) #5
Harley Quinn (2016-) #3
Cyborg: Rebirth (2016) #1
Justice League (2016-) #4
Batman (2016-) #6
Aquaman (2016-) #6
Nightwing (2016-) #4
Green Lanterns (2016-) #6
Superman (2016-) #6
Supergirl (2016-) #1
Green Arrow (2016-) #6
Superwoman (2016-) #2
Deathstroke (2016-) #2
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016-) #2
Wonder Woman (2016-) #6
The Flash (2016-) #6
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey (2016-) #2
Suicide Squad (2016-) #2
Hal Jordan and The Green Lantern Corps (2016-) #4
New Super-Man (2016-) #3
Detective Comics (2016-) #940
Cyborg (2016-) #1
Green Arrow (2016-) #7
Green Lanterns (2016-) #7
Superman (2016-) #7
Justice League (2016-) #5
Nightwing (2016-) #5
Trinity (2016-) #1
Batman (2016-) #7
Harley Quinn (2016-) #4
Aquaman (2016-) #7
The Hellblazer (2016-) #2
Titans (2016-) #3
The Flash (2016-) #7
Deathstroke (2016-) #3
Suicide Squad (2016-) #3
Batgirl (2016-) #3
Blue Beetle (2016-) #1
Hal Jordan and The Green Lantern Corps (2016-) #5
Batman Beyond: Rebirth (2016) #1
Detective Comics (2016-) #941
Teen Titans: Rebirth (2016) #1
Action Comics (2016-) #964
Wonder Woman (2016-) #7
Next: Justice League vs. Suicide Squad
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Daz says
One more thing, Green Arrow vol.3 and Hal Jordan and the GLC vol.3 are both listed on here twice on 2 separate placements….. which is the right placing for them????
Daz says
The Batman volumes have the wrong numbers in them it threw me off….. after I actually read them and started to try n find out what it was I think you just forgot about the ‘Night of The Monster Men’ crossover, it includes Batman #7 & #8….. so then Batman vol.2 includes #9-15 and then Batman vol.3 includes #16-20, #23-24 and Annual #1…… and then the jump from #20 to #23 in vol.3 is because of ‘The Button’ crossover….. it includes Batman #21 & #22
Sean K says
There are some volumes that have the incorrect issues listed.
For example:
Detective Comics Vol. 2: The Victim Syndicate
Collects: Detective Comics #940 to #945 (Should be #943-949)
Batman Vol. 2: I Am Suicide
Collects: Batman #7 to #12, Batman Annual #1 (Should be #9-15)
Daz says
Yea , didn’t see your comment before I posted above^ , it’s because of Night of the monster men he forgot that takes out Batman 7 n 8 and then I think Detective Comics 941 n 942
Armin says
I quit reading Comic Books a while ago. I was not happy with all the X-Overs and that you had to by multilbe series to get one Storyline. Still feel that this is a ripoff 🙁
However with Rebirth I wanted to start again, but where to begin? So I considered getting myself the Ombibus and Hordcover Versions. And this Site helpd a big deal in getting the Collections in the right order 🙂 Love it.
Mike says
Hello is cyborg vol 2 in the first dc rebirth year or second as it’s not listed in either. As well as vol 3 for future. Same with trinity vol 3.
Josh says
Great stuff! You might want to double check the issue numbers you’ve listed though – a lot of them are wrong.
Beth says
Thank you so much for taking the time to put these reading orders together! I was originally so lost!
I just ordered Batman/Flash: The Button and was wondering where that fits in. It seems like it’s a lead up to Rebirth but I’m not positive.
Daz says
No it’s definitely not a lead-up…. it’s includes Flash 21 and 22 and Batman 21 and 22….. it takes place after Batman volume 3 and before Flash volume 4. Superman Reborn takes place right before the button. You would read Batman vol.3 then Nightwing vol.2 then Action Comics vol.3 , Superman vol.3 , then you read Superman Reborn and then The Button after that. They’re the first 2 big crossover events besides night of the monster men but that was a smaller one just with the Bat-family
Tom says
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps volume 3 and Justice League volume 3 appear twice. Which one is the correct placement?
Reece says
How much is young animals worth a read
Jan says
out of all these series i loved Doom Patrol and Shade the most, if thats any help
Mike says
Started reading them myself and couldn’t get into them. Tried them all but was bored and confused most of the time. Not essential reads at all to rebirth obviously and frankly very disappointing in my opinion.
Tom says
Is Batman volume 4 set just after Zero Year? Also, when you will update this?
Eric says
where do I put Cyborg vol.2? theres no listing of it on the blog.
tonicmole says
It’d be interesting to also have a more refined Rebirth collection for someone only wanting the essentials. Basically by focusing on issues important to the Rebirth story specifically.
Matt says
DC Universe Rebirth #1
Batman/The Flash – The Button
Doomsday Clock
tonicmole says
Thanks! That’s awesome. Shorter then I thought. XD It is weird because many of the series don’t even appear to be part of the rebirth DCU. Harley Quinn doesn’t seem to be part of the same universe as Suicide Squad, and Super Son’s doesn’t seem to be connected to Titan’s to name a few. Damian also seems to be different ages depending on the comic.
Matt says
Harley Quinn’s the only story that isn’t connected at all. Super Son’s ties in with a few other series.
If you wanted the list expanding it could be – Superman Reborn is quite important but probably requires some additional materials to be understood! Let me know. 🙂
Bobby says
You have Nightwing Vol. 2 as containing issues #7-12 but it actually contains issues #9-15
Niklas says
This is weird, I was about to buy the Nightwing Vol. 1. But the one I found online to buy has 1-6 issues included. To avoid owning trades overlapping as few issues as possible, isn’t it better to buy the trades of each series (Batman, Nightwing, Detective…) considering I’m buying vol. 2 of each series anyway.
Louis says
Although events of Superwoman #1 are mentioned in Action Comics, Superwoman v01 should be read after Action Comics v02 based on Lex’s predicament throughout most of the trade.
Matt says
Unfortunately if you read Action Comics first it spoils the events in Superwoman. If you absolutely must read them one trade at a time, then Superwoman should come first.
Although happening somewhat concurrently and referencing one another, these stories do not fit well together. On my own timeline I had to break the stories down as below:
Action Comics #965: Lois Lane, Back at the Planet: Part 1: Page 1-18
Superwoman #1-3: Who Killed Superwoman?: Part 1-3
Action Comics #965-966: Lois Lane, Back at the Planet: Part 1: Page 19-Part 2: Page 16
Superwoman #4-7: Who Killed Superwoman?: Part 4-7
Action Comics #966: Lois Lane, Back at the Planet: Part 2: Page 17-end
Action Comics #967-972: Men of Steel: Part 1-6
Marlos says
Não tem como as o Superman: Filho do Superman se passar antes de Action Comics, pelo simples fato de em que Action Comics ele está com barba, e ele faz a barba na 1º edição, enquanto na 1º edição de Superman, ele já está sem barba, portanto não faz sentido ele se passar antes de Action Comics.
Acredito que Batman se passa depois de Liga da Justiça, pois o Superman no final de Liga da Justiça #6 ainda não faz parte da equipe da Liga, enquanto em Batman quando ele liga pra pedir ajuda pra Liga pra enfrentar Gothan, o Superman aparece no meio da Liga como parte da equipe. Eu não li trindade mas acredito que naquela ocasião o Superman passa a fazer de fato parte da equipe, ou seja…
1- Liga da Justiça #1 a #6
2- Trindade ( não li ainda)
…(algumas mensais no meio provavelmente)
3- Batman #1 a #5 ou #6, na parte que a liga aparece…
Também tem Lanternas Verdes, no qual a Jessica ainda não consegue fazer construtos, e em Liga da Justiça #2 ou #3 ela aparece fazendo isso, então LV acontece antes de LDJ.
Então, pelo menos das histórias que eu li ficaria assim
Por favor se eu errei me corrigam, quero saber muito a linha cronológica correta.
Ty says
why does everyone rebirth issue #1 have a totally different 2nd issue number 1?? wtf
Ty says
Tom says
Loving the update although Im pretty sure Batman volume 4 should be at the beginning as it’s set just after Zero Year. Is this correct or have I gone wrong somewhere?
Mike says
You are correct. The war of jokes and riddles takes place right after zero year but because the main storyline is Bruce Wayne narrating it to Selina Kyle it’s main timeline is still after batman volume 3 with the references to the war being right after zero year. So reading the war of jokes and riddles right after zero year would confuse readers as to why Bruce and Selina seem to now all of a sudden be a couple. So in continuity it should be read after batman volume 3 which reveals Bruce proposing to Selina.
Tom says
When will the next update come
Jonah Barnhart says
The issue numbers on the Detective Comics trades are not correct. Vol. 1 includes #940 and Vol. 2 includes #943-#949 (according to DC’s website). Reading the issues in the order you have them listed currently leads to a major spoiler when reading Night of the Monster Men.
Daniel Hayden says
Cyborg isn’t up to date, the imitation of life storyline runs through to issue 9.
Really am enjoying your reading list.
Do you know when or if you will update with the latest issues?
David Jimenez says
does cyborg take place before or after justice league?
Matt says
This is a great list. I’d also encourage you to check my own version out below. Please note that my notes (which are really intended for myself) may contain some SPOILERS!
Unlike your own reading order I’ve been updating when the individual issues come out rather than the trades and sometimes taking a more literal chronological approach which is probably very daft of me as it has caused some huge headaches.
Let me know what you think,
David Jimenez says
please update this
AMoreConcernedCitizen says
I just started using this website and its raw AF.
Daniel Hayden says
What do you mean by raw?
Alex says
I’m totally new with comics have absolutely no idea where to start lol, but i do know i wanna start with rebirth so please if you could help me i would be grateful
Daz Davis says
If you’re brand new then you shouldn’t be in Rebirth yet. Rebirth in a continuation of The NEW52….. DC rebooted their entire continuity with all number one issues at the start of the NEW52 , you need to go all the way back and start there and then work your way through that and then you’ll get here to Rebirth once NEW52 is over…. Which, is obviously 52 issues in each of the main titles. With Batman you should start with vol.4 and vol.5 – Zero Year. It’s his origin story and how he became Batman once Bruce returned to Gotham. Don’t know IF you’re even a Batman fan or not but The main Batman series is literally thee best series in The NEW52 and possibly thee best Batman run in history. Scott Snyder is a boss. And it’s VERY important to Rebirth to read it. Rebirth wraps up a lot of things from the NEW52 Batman series. You can find the NEW52 reading order here too at the very top or very bottom of this page. THAT is where you start. All of the main, core titles are really the only essential ones. Like Batman, Superman, Justice League, Green Lantern, Flash…. those are the most important, especially those first 3…. Batman and Robin is very important too if you read he Batman series. They reference each other a lot. Then Batman Eternal is More of like an event more so than an actual series. It’s a miniseries but it’s still written by Scott Snyder – the writer of the main Batman title. And if you read Superman then you need to start with Action Comics, it tells his Origin story much like how Vol.4 and vol.5 of Batman tells his. You’d Read Batman vol.4&5 and then vol.1-3 and then 5-10. It’s pretty easy to follow once you start reading it. And you will learn thru reading most of those series what else you need to read that ties into it. Like events and what not or side series (like detective Comics) , And then once you get done with all of the NEW52 you start on Rebirth with DC Rebirth issue #1 , that’s what starts everything off and then each series has a Rebirth one-shot #1 issue that you read before you start reading the issue #1’s of the actual series’ ……. Like I said dude, once you start back at the beginning of NEW52 it’s pretty easy to follow and learn what you need next.
Shariar says
When the next update will come?
Tom says
When do you plan to update the reading order to include the next wave of volumes?
neejtenz says
where does redhood fit in the chronology?
Carson says
With regards to the Superman Reborn Aftermath part of the reading order.. Trinity #8 explicitly says “This issue takes place prior to Action Comics #977. –Eddie”
Crosspuncher4 says
Oh yeah! Sorry I forgot to mention great list. It helped me get into Rebirth my list was for trades.
Crosspuncher4 says
This is the trade paperback order for all 7 of the Justice League titles (minus Cyborg)
1. The Flash Vol. 1 Lightning Strikes Twice
2. Wonder Woman Vol. 1 The Lies
3. Green Lanterns Vol. 1 Rage Planet
4. Batman Vol. 1 I Am Gotham
5. Superman Vol. 1 Son of Superman
6. Justice League Vol. 1 The Extinction Machines
7. Aquaman Vol. 1 The Drowning
Crosspuncher4 says
The Flash takes place during the Rebirth one shot
Wonder Woman has her New 52 costume on at the beginning of the one shot and at the end changes into her Rebirth costume. All the other books she’s in she has her rebirth costume on.
In Justice League Rage Planet from Green Lanterns is mentioned
No one talks about Superman and Aquamans fight at the end of Aquaman
However Batman and Superman can appear anywhere on the list from behind Wonder Woman.
Robert says
Justice League Vol. 2 (Rebirth) Collects: Justice League #7 to #12 <–you have and according to online sources it should be #6 to #11. This volume is also called Outbreak.
Robert says
My question is you have Superman: The Final Days of Superman and Superman: Lois and Clark as to be read at the end of 37) DC: Road to Rebirth. However you also have them as to be read at the first part of Superman (Superman Family) Comic Books. Does it make a difference or should they be read in a specific order?
Dave says
If you’re going through the New 52 order, I’d read them there as part of Road to Rebirth. Otherwise, it’s easy enough to jump in w/ the Superman family.
Lucian says
Dear Dave,
I would say Action Comics Vol. One comes before Superman Vol. One because he shaved his beard and went directly to Metropolis for SuperLex and Doomsday and in Superman Lois remarks that she likes the shaved look.
Lucian says
Where’s All Star Batman?
Lucian says
Nevermind, I see it now.
Zach says
Hey Dave,
I love all that you do here. You’re my go to source for all reading orders! Just a suggestion: Batgirl Vol. 1: Beyond Burnside should go before Batgirl and the Birds of Prey Vol. 1: Who is Oracle since beyond Burnside takes place before Birds of Prey. At the end of Beyond Burnside, Babs returns home from overseas, and on the first page of Birds of Prey, she says “I’m back from training overseas…” which indicates this takes place after she gets back.
Again, Love everything you do!
Jason says
Appreciate all you do!
I would make a couple of suggestions, now that some time has passed and we can back up and look at the story beats from a better perspective.
– I’d recommend the first volumes of Titans and Flash, in that order, immediately after the rebirth special to follow the Wally West threads.
– I placed the first volume of Trinity after the first volume of Action, simply because it’s so early in the relationship between Batman, Wonder Woman and the pre-New 52 Superman.
– I’d also suggest reading the first volume of Green Lanterns before the first volume of Justice League, as that’s where Hal puts the two newbies in charge of Earth.
Still having trouble placing Wonder Woman and Green Arrow, as there hasn’t really been a pause on those storylines!
Thanks again,
Dave says
Awesome, thanks for the feedback! I’ve updated accordingly.
Alex Charles says
I would also suggest reading Darkseid war, because that introduces the baby Darkseid that is seen in DC universe rebirth #1, which will probably play at least some part in a future rebirth storyline
Other than that, though, thanks for this list. It’s so useful and you’ve done a great job
Henrique Carvalho says
Excellent article and excellent jog explaining the reading order and where the DC Rebirth is located in the whole DC Universe. I’m totally new brand DC reader even though I’ve known history of some characters trough video games and movies (specially Batman). But suddenly I was struck by this felling to read comics and then I heard about DC Rebirth. I searched through various sites and this one was definitely the direct responsible for convincing me to start reading.
Right now I’ve finished Flash’s vol1: Lightning Strikes Twice and Batman’s vol1: I’m Gotham. I’m starting detective comics #934 now and I couldn’t be more excited about it.
Thank you once again for the EXCELLENT job and please, keep it up!
Ryan says
DC Rebirth Omnibus actually does include DC Universe: Rebirth #1. It is the very first story in the omnibus. I mistakenly bought the DC Universe: Rebirth Deluxe Edition hardcover because it was not clear whether that issue was included in the omnibus. Hopefully others won’t make the same mistake.
Arko says
Plz Post An Update…. For 2017 Issues Thanks
BT says
Just checking on the reading order of Action Comics – are you supposed to read #963 before #961 & #962? Thanks.
SuperFlashGreenCanary says
Hi, I am brand new to reading DC Comics, (in fact my only connection to DC are the 4 CW shows) I want to start reading and was told ‘Rebirth’ would be a good jumping on point but i don’t want to buy all the stories, Will the Rebirth Omnibus give me enough of each characters story for me to pick my favourites so I can just collect those? And if I only collect a few characters comics will their individual stories still make sense or do all the rebirth comics inter-twine?
charles says
The first rebirth issue does a good job of starting off the new universe by showing you that there were things in the past that effects the story but that all of that is being manipulated by an oncoming threat. If you’ve never read the books of the past it still makes sense as it shows past events like flashback. In the first issue there are several stories from which you can continue on if you wished. There are also collected issues labeled Path to Rebirth that can help you fill in the blanks.
Alexander says
Do you have any plans for an express guide of the most continuity-essential comics of the New 52 to read before Rebirth (the way you’ve done for Marvel NOW! in 30 titles)? The weight of >5 year continuity can be really intimidating even when not considering the preceding timelines…
ConcernedCitizen says
It’s a minor thing, but I would recommend reading Wonder Woman Rebirth #1 before Justice League #52 since Wonder Woman and the other heroes showed up in Daily Planet with her new costume, which should be shown first on her Rebirth issue.
ConcernedCitizen says
Also, Justice League #50 and Superman #52 is essential reading before DC Universe: Rebirth #1, as the main storylines are continued in Rebirth (ex. Superman: Rebirth #1 concludes The Final Days of Superman)
Martin Kralik says
According new solicitations, there will be seven issues in first TPB of Hal Jordan, please correct it
Sean says
Might it not be a good idea to suggest to read Watchmen (for those who haven’t yet) (and maybe Before Watchmen?) before starting with Rebirth? You know, because of the connection in DC Universe: Rebirth #1.
By the way, any chance of a Marvel’s All-New, All-Different reading order finalization? As Civil War II is ending and Marvel NOW! is launching?
Dave says
Love this idea – good call!
I’m sure I’ll update ANAD, although focus is CWII until it ends.
Martin Kralik says
hm, there is more to read what is crucial for Rebirth: for Superman – Convegence, Convergence: Superman and Superman: Luis and Clark, for Damian – Robin War, for Titans and main DC Universe one shot – Titans Hunt. It was published just before, so there’s no strong need for recommendation, but you can consider it
Martin Kralik says
I would recommend to read Justice Leage (2011) 52 before Action Comics 957 (as it set up Luthor Story) and Superwoman 1 before Action Comics 561 (events are mentioned at early pages)
Dave says
Thanks for the recs, updated!
ConcernedCitizen says
Thanks! Will this be updated every week?
Dave says
Probably not weekly, but if there’s interest, I could make it more regular. The good people can decide 🙂
ConcernedCitizen says
Please make it more regular. I always use your reading orders and I’m currently reading Civil War II and Rebirth. Your reading orders are the most accurate in all the websites I researched. You are also the one who has a very detailed issue-by-issue order. People like me appreciate your work, Dave. Keep it up! 🙂
BT says
Yes, please update it regularly. I will definitely be using your reading order.
Dominique says
I just used this page (and your Amazon referral links) to fill out my preorders. Thank you so much for taking the time to make this list. I’m commenting here to ask you to please keep the collections lists for Rebirth maintained and current.
P.S. The title for Superman Vol. 2 has been changed since you last updated this list.
David says
Nightwing: Better than Batman has been solicited as containing Nightwing: Rebirth#1 and Nightwing #1-4, 7, and 8 instead of the Rebirth issue and #1-6 which means it skips the Night of the Monster Men crossover issues.
Aquaman: the Drowning has the Rebirth issue and #1-7 instead of Aquaman: Rebirth and #1-6.
Flash: Lightning Strikes Twice has the Rebirth issue and #1-8 instead of Flash: Rebirth and #1-6.
Green Lanterns: Red Planet has the Rebirth issue and #1-6 instead of Green Lanterns: Rebirth and #1-5.
David says
Hey Dave, I was looking at DC January 2017 solicitations and I saw that:
-Detective Comics: Rise of the Batmen is 934-940 instead of 934-939
-Detective Comics: The Victim Syndicate is 943-949, not 940-945 which means it skips the Night of the Monster Men issues
-Batman: I am Suicide is 9-15 not 7-12 and Annual 1 which means it skips them as well
-HJATGLC: Sinestro’s Law is 1-7 and Rebirth 1 not 1-6 and Rebirth 1
-Wonder Woman: The Lies also has number 11 in it.
-Wonder Woman: Year One also has numbers 12 and 14 in it.
-Green Lanterns Vol. 2: The Phantom Lantern has 7-14 not 7-12
-Flash: Speed of Darkness has 9-13 not 7-12
-Aquaman: Black Manta Rising has 7-15 not 7-12
Could you update with this and the post I’m replying to?