Welcome to a very special edition of “Previously On,” my weekly column that has somehow hit #100 this week. Since comic fans love to celebrate numerical occasions, I took the approach of #100 as motivation to compile my 100 favorite superhero runs across the Big 2!
A few details about the criteria, which is of course idiosyncratic and tyrannical:
+ I’m counting anything I love with more than six issues as a run. If pressed, I’d probably agree with you that Mister Miracle by Tom King and Mitch Gerads isn’t really a “run,” but I don’t like making lists without Mister Miracle anymore.
+ In a few instances I stretch this definition in order to include something awesome (See: Batman, Frank Miller’s).
+ As I mention in my list of the best comics of all time, I am at most a half animal half party machine, and can only read so many comics. There are probably great runs not listed due to pure oversight; Let me hear about them in the comments so I can check them out!
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+ Watchmen is probably a superhero comic, but I didn’t count it here as it stretches the definition of “Big 2.” Spoiler: Doomsday Clock isn’t even close to making the list either, but for very different reasons.
+ Again, this is limited to the Big 2 publishers, DC and Marvel. I’m planning a non-Big 2 superhero universe post at a later date, primarily so I can gush over Black Hammer again.
Admittedly, this list feels a bit strange to me because I worked backwards extensively through various “essential” and “Best of” guides on Comic Book Herald to determine stories I love that weren’t yet on the “Best Comics of All Time” list. This led to the addition of 34 entries inside the top 100 within the span of really two or three working sessions.
So sure, if you want to call me on not ranking Cap by Brubaker and Epting high enough, that’s fair, as I’m working off a several years old memory of how thoroughly I enjoyed the run (I can’t wait to check that one out again as part of the My Marvelous Year reading club!).
Otherwise, I quite love everything on this list, and would you highly recommend the runs to both longtime and new comic book fans everywhere! Enjoy, and here’s to the next 100 columns!
100) George Perez Wonder Woman
By: George Perez, George Perez
99) Silver Surfer (Slott + Allred)
By: Dan Slott, Mike Allred
98) Black Panther by Christopher Priest
By: Priest, Various
97) The Green Lantern
By: Grant Morrison, Liam Sharpe
96) Mighty Thor (Jane Foster)
By: Jason Aaron, Russell Dauterman
95) Thanos War – Warlock & Avengers
By: Jim Starlin, Jim Starlin
94) Superman: Man of Steel + John Byrne’s Superman
By: John Byrne,
93) Planet Hulk + World War Hulk (Greg Pak’s Hulk)
By: Greg Pak, Carlo Pagualyan, John Romita Jr
92) Cable & Deadpool
By: Fabian Nicieza, Patrick Zircher
91) Spider-Man: Death of the Stacys
By: Stan Lee, Gerry Conway, John Romita, Gil Kane
90) Captain Britain & MI13
By: Paul Cornell, Leonard Kirk
89) Golden Age Wonder Woman
By: William Moulton Marston,
88) Doom Patrol (Young Animal)
By: Gerard Way, Nick Derington
87) Mark Waid’s Flash
By: Mark Waid, Various
86) Young Avengers
By: Kieron Gillen, Jamie McKelvie
85) Black Widow
By: Marjorie Liu, Daniel Acuna
84) Inhumans
By: Paul Jenkins, Jae Lee
83) The Fantastic Four Omnibus Vol. 1
By: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby
82) Nighthawk
By: David Walker, Ramon Villalobos
81) Captain Britain by Alan Moore & Alan Davis
By: Alan Moore, Alan Davis
80) Thunderbolts
By: Warren Ellis, Mike Deodato
79) Iron Man: Demon in a Bottle
By: David Michilinie, Bob Layton
78) Doctor Strange: Master of the Mystic Arts
By: Stan Lee, Steve Ditko
77) Birds of Prey
By: Gail Simone, Ed Benes
76) Superman Rebirth (Tomasi & Gleason)
By: Tomasi, Gleason, Gleason, various
75) Fantastic Four (60-70, 500-524)
By: Mark Waid, Mike Wieringo
74) Infinity Gauntlet (Full Event)
By: Jim Starlin, George Perez, Ron Lim
73) Exiles
By: Judd Winick, Mike McKone
72) Justice League International
By: JM Dematteis, Keith Giffen
71) Black Bolt
By: Saladin Ahmed, Christian Ward
70) Manhunter
By: Archie Goodwin, Walt Simonson
69) Wolverine & The X-Men
By: Jason Aaron, Jason Latour
68) Deathstroke by Priest
By: Christopher Priest, Various
67) Midnighter (New 52)
By: Steve Orlando, ACO
66) Punisher: Welcome Back Frank
By: Garth Ennis, Steve Dillon
65) Venom by Rick Remender
By: Rick Remender, Tony Moore, various
64) Moon Knight (Ellis & Shalvey)
By: Warren Ellis, Declan Shalvey
63) Ultimate Comics Spider-Man: Miles Morales
By: Brian Michael Bendis, Sara Pichelli
62) Injustice
By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
61) Suicide Squad
By: John Ostrander, Luke McDonnell, Kim Yale
60) Grayson (New 52)
By: Tim Seely, Tom King, Mikel Janin
59) Ms. Marvel
By: G. Willow Wilson, Adrian Alphona
58) Gotham Academy
By: Becky Cloonan, Brenden Fletcher, Karl Kerschl
57) Superior Spider-Man
By: Dan Slott, Ryan Stegman
56) Secret Six
By: Gail Simone, Dale Eaglesham
55) Jack Kirby’s 4th World
By: Jack Kirby, Jack Kirby
54) Secret Wars (1984)
By: Jim Shooter, Mike Zeck
53) Superior Foes of Spider-Man
By: Nick Spencer, Steve Lieber
52) Rebirth of Thanos + Thanos Quest
By: Jim Starlin, Ron Lim
51) Black Panther by Ta-Nehisi Coates
By: Ta-Nehisi Coates, Brian Stelfreeze
50) Squadron Supreme
By: Mark Gruenwald, Bob Hall
49) Hickman’s X-Men (House of X)
By: Jonathan Hickman, Pepe Larraz, RB Silva
48) Immortal Hulk
By: Al Ewing, Joe Bennett
47) Animal Man
By: Grant Morrison, Tom Grummett
46) 52
By: Mark Waid, Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka, Keith Giffen, Various
45) Ultimates (Ewing & Rocafort)
By: Al Ewing, Kenneth Rocafort
44) Daredevil (16-81) by Bendis & Maleev
By: Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev
43) Thor: God of Thunder
By: Jason Aaron, Esad Ribic
42) DC Metal (Complete Event)
By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
41) Geoff Johnn’s Green Lantern
By: Geoff Johns, Ivan Reis, Ethan Van Sciver
40) Hellblazer by Garth Ennis
By: Garth Ennis, Will Simpson
39) Batman: The Black Mirror
By: Scott Snyder, Jock, Francesco Francavilla
38) Wolverine: Weapon X
By: Barry Windsor-Smith
37) New X-Men
By: Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely, Phil Jimenez
36) JLA by Morrison and Porter
By: Grant Morrison, Howard Porter
35) Age of Apocalypse
By: Various, Various
34) Multiversity
By: Grant Morrison, Various
33) Runaways
By: Brian K. Vaughan, Adrian Alphona
32) Black Panther: Panther’s Rage
By: Don McGregor, Rich Buckler, Billy Graham
31) The Omega Men
By: Tom King, Barnaby Bagenda
30) Guardians of the Galaxy (Abnett & Lanning Marvel Cosmic)
By: Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning, Paul Pelletier
29) The Immortal Iron Fist
By: Matt Fraction, Ed Brubaker, David Aja
28) Hitman
By: Garth Ennis, John McCrea
27) Legion of Super-Heroes: The Great Darkness Saga
By: Paul Levitz, Keith Giffen
26) Spider-Man: Kraven’s Last Hunt
By: JM Dematteis, Mike Zeck
25) Captain America by Ed Brubaker & Steve Epting
By: Ed Brubaker, Steve Epting
24) Alias – Jessica Jones
By: Bendis, Michael Gaydos
23) Astonishing X-Men
By: Joss Whedon, John Cassaday
22) Ultimate Spider-Man
By: Brian Michael Bendis, Mark Bagley
21) Grant Morrison’s Batman
By: Grant Morrison, Various
20) X-Men Dark Phoenix Saga (Claremont, Cockrum, Byrne)
By: Chris Claremont, Dave Cockrum, John Byrne
19) Nextwave: Agents of HATE
By: Warren Ellis, Stuart Immonen
18) Vision
By: Tom King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta
17) New 52 Batman
By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
16) Saga of the Swamp Thing
By: Alan Moore, John Totleben, Stephen Bissette
15) Uncanny X-Force (Rick Remender)
By: Rick Remender, Jerome Opena, Various
14) The Fantastic Four Omnibus Volume 2 (FF 31-60)
By: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby
13) Batman: The Long Halloween
By: Jeph Loeb, Tim Sale
12) Frank Miller’s Daredevil
By: Frank Miller, Klaus Janson
11) Gotham Central
By: Ed Brubaker, Greg Rucka, Michael Lark
10) X-Force / X-Statix
By: Peter Milligan, Mike Allred
9) All-Star Superman
By: Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely
8) Starman
By: James Robinson, Tony Harris
7) Walt Simonson’s Thor
By: Walt Simonson, John Workman
6) Hawkeye
By: Matt Fraction, David Aja, Annie Wu
5) Frank Miller’s Batman
By: Frank Miller, David Mazzucchelli
4) Amazing Spider-Man Omnibus Vol. 1 through Vol. 3 (1-104)
By: Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, John Romita
3) Mister Miracle
By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
2) Doom Patrol by Grant Morrison
By: Grant Morrison, Richard Case, etc
1) Jonathan Hickman’s Marvel-verse (2008 – 2016)
By: Jonathan Hickman, Dale Eaglesham, Mike Deodato, Esad Ribic, Dustin Weaver, Various
G’Day Dave,
Your list is great and there are many runs you have included which I had a blast reading and remain some of my all-time favourites !
The few I would add in as being worthy of a read are Excalibur by Alan Davis (including the issues written by Claremont), Batwoman by Rucka and JH Williams III, Earth 2 by Nicola Scott and James Robinson (then Tom Taylor), Hawk & Dove by Karl and Barbara Kesel (it’s criminal that this is not in print), Superman:Birthright by Waid and Lenil Francis Yu and Incredible Hercules by Van Lente, Pak and various artists (not the lest of which was for the hilarious sound effects !!!)
Of course there are more, but I don’t want to go too crazy !!
Thanks for the fantastic list!
Great picks! I need to check out that Hawk & Dove run, that wasn’t on my radar.