Nightwing is one of the world’s finest examples of DC’s rich history, with the character of Dick Grayson growing from his role as Batman’s first Robin, to founding member of the New Teen Titans, to Nightwing, protector of Bludhaven.
The first Boy Wonder is a heavy crown to wear, but since the 1940’s Dick Grayson has worn it well, shepherding in a legacy of Robins and proving himself worthy of the mantle of Batman.
Below you’ll find a complete chronological reading order for Dick Grayson’s appearances as Robin, Nightwing, and Grayson, Agent of Spyral, all the way through DC’s New 52 and DC Rebirth.
Related Reading Orders:

Nightwing & Richard Grayson, First Robin Comics
Robin – The Early Years (1940’s – 1970’s)
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Collects: Batgirl/Robin Year One
While Chuck Dixon’s excellent Robin & Batgirl Year One collection was actually published well after the true Robin Year One (April 1940!), I prefer starting any introduction to Robin here for modern readers. If you truly desire to go all the way back, there’s always the Golden Age stories and Archives below!
Batman: The Golden Age Omnibus Vol. 1
Collects: Detective Comics #27-56, Batman #1-7, New York World’S Fair Comics #2, World’S Best Comics #1 And World’S Finest Comics #2-3
The actual Golden Age debut of Robin in DC Comics!
Robin, The – Archives – Volume 1
Collects: Star-Spangled Comics #65-85
The 1940s tales of the Boy Wonder!
Collects: Star Spangled Comics #86-105
Collects: Batman #65, 86, 112, 113, 134, 156, 162, Detective Comics #215, 235, 247, 267, World’S Finest Comics #89
The ‘Black Casebook’ collection rounds up some of the most famous 50’s and 60’s Batman stories, particularly those that would go on to influence Grant Morrison’s run on Batman (and Batman & Robin).
I include here 1) Because these comics make the Morrison run substantially more interesting and 2) for the inclusion of “Robin Dies At Dawn” in Batman #156!
Showcase Presents: Robin, the Teen Wonder
Collects: Batman #184, 192, 227, 229-231, 234-23
Collects: Batman: Dark Victory #0-13
Another stab at the earliest days of Robin, this time tied into the second half of Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale’s Long Halloween. Highly recommend reading both Long Halloween and Haunted Knight
before diving into Dark Victory!
All Star Batman and Robin, the Boy Wonder
Collects: All Star Batman And Robin #1 To #10
Frank Miller and Jim Lee team-up for one of the more unexpectedly bizarre interpretations of the Dark Knight and Robin’s earliest adventures. This is not a particularly good way to get to know Robin, for the record. Although it was published in 2005, I include the wackadoo comic in the origins storytelling since it will make the most sense to read here.
Showcase Presents: Teen Titans, Vol. 1
Collects: Brave And The Bold #54, 60, Showcase #59, And Teen Titans #1-18
Teen Titans: The Bronze Age Omnibus
Collects: Teen Titans #25-52; The Brave And The Bold #94, #102, #149; Batman Family #6 And World’s Finest Comics #205
Robin’s bronze age (1970’s) team-ups with the likes of Aqualad, Kid Flash, Speedy and Wonder Girl. The first issues in the series (which officially begins in 1966) can be found here.
Robin, Nightwing And the New Teen Titans (1980’s)
Collects: Miniseries
Marv Wolfman explores the time period after Dick Grayson left Batman’s side as Robin, but before he joined the New Teen Titans.
Collects: New Teen Titans #1 To #8
Collects: New Teen Titans #9-16
Collects: The New Teen Titans #21-27, The New Teen Titans Annual #1
Collects: New Teen Titans #17-20 And Tales Of The New Teen Titans #1-4
Collects: New Teen Titans #28-34, The New Teen Titans Annual #2
Collects: New Teen Titans #35 To #41, Batman And The Outsiders #5
Collects: The New Teen Titans #39 And #40, Tales Of The Teen Titans #41-44 And Annual #3
The New Teen Titans Omnibus Vol. 3
Collects: Tales Of The Teen Titans #45 To #61, New Teen Titans #38, New Teen Titans #1 To #6, Secret Origins Annual #3
There are currently three, relatively new New Teen Titans omnibus editions available from DC Comics.
Nightwing Moves to Bludhaven & The Bat Family Deals With No Man’s Land (Mid to Late 1990’s)
Collects: #512 to 514, Batman: Shadow of the Bat #32 to 34, Detective Comics #679 to 682
Following the events of Batman: Knightfall (most well known as the event where Bane broke the Bat), Bruce asks Dick Grayson to take on the mantle of Batman while he recovers!
It’s a first look at how Dick Grayson would fare as Gotham City’s Batman.
Collects: Nightwing #1-4, Nightwing #1-8
Includes the 1995 4 issues Nightwing miniseries, and then the regular ongoing that begins in 1996.
Nightwing Vol. 2: Rough Justice
Collects: Nightwing #9-18, Nightwing Annual #1
Nightwing Vol. 3: False Starts
Collects: Nightwing #19-25, Nightwing #1/2 And Nightwing/Huntress #1-4
Collects: Batman #553-554, Detective Comics #719-721, Shadow Of The Bat #73-74, Nightwing #19-20, Catwoman #56, Robin #53, Batman Chronicles #12, Blackgate: Isle Of Men #1, Huntress/Spoiler: Blunt Trauma #1
The Batman No Man’s Land saga begins here, and includes various tie-ins with Robin and Nightwing ongoings.
Batman: Road to No Man’s Land Vol. 1
Collects: Detective Comics #722, #724-726, Batman #555-559, Batman: Shadow Of The Bat#75-79, Robin #54, And The Batman Chronicles #14
Nightwing Vol. 4: Love and Bullets
Collects: Nightwing #26-34, Nightwing #1,000,000, And Nightwing: Secret Files And Origins #1
Collects: The Titans #1 to #50
From 1999 to 2003, the artists formerly known as the Teen Titans (now all grown up) rebrand as The Titans (not gonna lie, that’s way cooler), as Young Justice takes the teen superhero slot in town. As you’d expect, you don’t need to read the entire series here, this is just for reference.
Nightwing Vol. 5: The Hunt For Oracle
Collects: Nightwing #35-46 And Birds Of Prey #20-21
Collects: Batman #567-568, Detective Comics #734-735, Batman: Legends Of The Dark Knight #119-121, Batman: Shadow Of The Bat #87-88, Batman Chronicles #17, Robin #67, Nightwing #35-37, Catwoman #72-74, Azrael: Agent Of The Bat #56-57 And Young Justice: No Man’S Land #1
Collects: Batman #569-71, Detective Comics #736-738, Azrael: Agent Of The Bat #58, Batman: Legends Of The Dark Knight #122-124, Batman: Shadow Of The Bat #90-92, Robin #68-72, And Batman: No Man’S Land Secret Files #1
Collects: Batman Chronicles #18, Batman #572-574, Detective Comics #739-741, Batman: Legends Of The Dark Knight #125-126, Robin #73, Batman: Shadow Of The Bat #93-94, Azrael: Agent Of The Bat #59-61, Catwoman #75-77, Nightwing #38-39 And Batman: No Man’S Land #0
Collects: Nightwing #47-60
Nightwing and the Outsiders (Early to Mid 2000’s)
Collects: Joker’s Last Laugh #1 to #6
Lackluster miniseries event, with big moments for Nightwing!
Batman: Bruce Wayne – Murderer?
Collects: Batgirl 24, 27, Batman 599-602, Batman: Gotham Knights 25-28, Batman: The 10-Cent Adventure 1, Birds Of Prey 39, 40-41, 43, Detective Comics 766-767, Nightwing 65-66, 68-69 And Robin 98-99
Followed up by Bruce Wayne, Fugitive.
JLA: The Obsidian Age – Book 01
JLA: The Obsidian Age – Book 02
Collects: JLA #66 to #76
Not the most directly Robin related book on the lest, but this JLA storyline actually features Nightwing in a prominent position among the Justice League of America while the usual roster searches for Aquaman in Atlantis.
Outsiders VOL 01: Looking for Trouble
Collects: Teen Titans/Outsiders Secret Files #1, Outsiders #1 to #6
Nightwing finds himself leading yet another team, this time with an Outsiders run by Judd Winick that would continue through the mid 2000’s.
Outsiders VOL 02: Sum of All Evil
Collects: Outsiders #7 to #15
Collects: Outsiders #16 to #23
Includes a Batman Identity Crisis tie-in story.
Batman: War Games, Act One – Outbreak
Collects: Detective Comics #797, Batman #631, Legends Of The Dark Knight #182, Nightwing #96, Gotham Knights #56, Robin #129, Batgirl #55, Catwoman #34
Batman: War Games, Act Two – Tides
Collects: Detective Comics #798, Batman #632, Legends Of The Dark Knight #183, Nightwing #97, Gotham Knights #57, Robin #130, Batgirl #56, Catwoman #35
Batman: War Games, Act Three – Endgame
Collects: Batman #633, Batgirl #57, Catwoman #36, Robin #131, Batman: Gotham Knights #58
Nightwing Year One Through Infinite Crisis (Mid 2000’s)
Collects: Nightwing #101 to #106
Nightwing looks back at transition from Robin to Nightwing.
Collects: Nightwing #107-111
Teen Titans/Outsiders: The Insiders
Collects: Teen Titans #24-26 And Outsiders #24, 25 And 28
Collects: Nightwing #112 To #117
Outsiders VOL 04: Crisis Intervention
Collects: Outsiders #29 to #33
Collects: Nightwing #118 To #122
Jason Todd tracks down Nightwing.
DC’s Infinite Crisis event includes major developments for much of the DC Universe, but is particularly hard hitting on Dick Grayson, aka Nightwing!
Collects: Outsiders #34 to #41
Nightwing and the Titans as Grant Morrison Batman Comics Begin
Batman: Batman and Son (New Edition)
Collects: Batman #655-658, #663-669 And #672-675
As you’d expect, the start of Grant Morrison’s run on Batman and Son is more directly associated with Bruce Wayne and Damian Wayne. Nonetheless, Nightwing plays an increasingly crucial role throughout the series.
Collects: Nightwing #125 To #132
Outsiders VOL 06: Pay as You Go
Collects: Outsiders #42 to #46, Outsiders Annual #1
Collects: Checkmate #13-15, Outsiders #47-49
Crossover with Greg Rucka’s run on Checkmate.
Batman: The Resurrection of Ra’s Al Ghul
Collects: Batman #670-671, Robin #168-169, Detective Comics #838-839, Nightwing #138-139, Batman Annual #26 And Robin Annual #7
Collects: Nightwing #140 To #146
Collects: Titans #1 to #6, Teen Titans East Special #1
Judd Winick follows up his run on the Nightwing led Outsiders with a relaunched Titans, starring Nightwing, Starfire, Donna Troy, Beast Boy, Cyborg, Raven and more.
Collects: Nightwing #147 To #153
Collects: Titans #7 to #11
Collects: Batman #676 to #683
Nightwing helps Batman deal with one of his fiercest confrontations yet.
Collects: Batman: Battle For The Cowl #1-3, Gotham Gazette: Batman Dead? #1 And Gotham Gazette: Batman Alive? #1
In the wake of Grant Morrison and J.G. Jones DC Universe event, Final Crisis.
Dick Grayson Stars in A New Batman & Robin by Grant Morrison!
Collects: Teen Titans Annual #2, Teen Titans #70, Titans #12 to #13, Vigilante #5 to #6
Collects: Titans #14, #16 to #22
Batman & Robin, Vol. 1: Batman Reborn
Collects: Batman & Robin #1-6
A part of the Grant Morrison Batman reading order, this marks the beginning of Dick Grayson’s time as Batman, and Damian Wayne’s official start as Robin.
Batman & Robin Vol. 2 Batman vs. Robin
Collects: Batman & Robin #7 To #12
Batman & Robin, Vol. 3: Batman & Robin Must Die
Collects: Batman #13-16 And Batman: The Return #1
Batman & Robin: Dark Knight Vs. White Knight
Collects: Batman and Robin #17 to #25
I’ll be honest, I had completely forgotten Batman and Robin continued as a series after Grant Morrison’s arc stopped with issue #16!
Amazingly, the series continued from November 2010 until the New 52 in 2011.
Collects: Detective Comics #871-881
Collects: Batman Incorporated #1 To #8, Batman Incorporated: Leviathan Strikes #1
This is included largely for those who want to continue with the Grant Morrison run following Batman and Robin. Batman Inc. only includes Dick Grayson tangentially, although he is certainly around throughout.
New 52 Nightwing & Grayson Reading Order
For a complete view of how all these Robin comic book fit within the DC Universe as a whole, I recommend Comic Book Herald’s complete DC New 52 reading order.
Nightwing Vol. 1: Traps and Trapezes
Collects: Nightwing #1 To #6
Nightwing, Vol. 2: Night of the Owls
Collects: Nightwing #7 To #12
The first Robin and Nightwing focused New 52 series that proves it’s quite difficult to read New 52 bat-family comics without tie-ins to Snyder and Capullo’s excellent Batman run.
Nightwing Vol. 3: Death of the Family
Collects: Nightwing #13-18 And Batman #17
Batman Incorporated Vol. 2: Gotham’s Most Wanted
Collects: Batman Incorporated #7-13 And Batman Incorporated Special #1
This volume of New 52 Batman Inc. marks the official conclusion of Grant Morrison’s time writing Batman, and fans of Dick Grayson as Batman may want to continue with the series. It includes some pivotal, emotional moments for Nightwing.
Collects: Nightwing #19-24
Nightwing of the New 52 moves to Chicago to defend the Second City.
Collects: Nightwing #25-29 And Nightwing Annual #1
This DC Universe event features Nightwing as a core player. Forever Evil will make a bit more sense if you’ve been following Geoff Johns run on Justice League, as well as the Trinity War event.
Long Live Grayson of DC’s New 52!
Grayson Vol. 1: Agents Of Spyral
Collects: Grayson #1-4, Grayson: Future’S End #1
Note that Grayson will make substantially more sense if you’ve read the New 52 Justice League event, Forever Evil.
Collects: Batman #35-40
Another plug to read Snyder and Capullo’s run on Batman, Endgame is the most epic clash between Batman and the Joker yet! The Joker’s mad schemes embroils all of Gotham, including the Robins. The status of Bruce Wayne will make more sense if you’re familiar with the events of endgame and the ensuing Batman comics.
Grayson Vol. 2: We All Die At Dawn
Collects: Grayson #5-8 And Grayson Annual #1
Collects: Grayson #9-12 And Grayson Annual #2
Batman and Robin Eternal Vol. 1
Collects: Batman And Robin Eternal #1-13
Batman & Robin Eternal Volume 2
Collects: Batman And Robin Eternal #14 To #26
Collects: Robin War #1-2, Robin: Son Of Batman #7, Grayson #15, Detective Comics #47, We Are Robin #7, Gotham Academy #13, Red Hood/Arsenal #7 And Teen Titans #15
Robin War Reading Order:
Robin War #1
Grayson #15
Detective Comics #47
We Are Robin #7
Red Hood / Arsenal #7
Robin: Son of Batman #7
Gotham Academy #13
Teen Titans #15
Robin War #2
Robin: Son of Batman #8
Grayson Vol. 4: A Ghost in the Tomb
Collects: Grayson #13-16 And Robin War #1-2
Collects: Grayson #17-20
DC Rebirth Nightwing Comics
Collects: Titans Hunt #1-8, Dc Comics Presents: Titans Hunt 100-Page Super Spectacular
Titans Vol. 1: The Return of Wally West
Collects: Titans #1-6 And Titans: Rebirth #1
Titans Vol. 2: Made in Manhattan
Collects: Titans #7 to #10, Titans Annual #1
Titans Vol. 3: A Judas Among Us
Collects: Titans #12 to #18
Collects: Titans #19 to #22, Annual #2
Collects: Titans #23 to #27, Titans Special #1
Collects: Titans #29 to #36
Collects: Titans #11, Teen Titans #8, Deathstroke #19 to #20, Teen Titans Annual #1
Nightwing Vol. 1: Better Than Batman
Collects: Nightwing: Rebirth #1 And Nightwing #1-4 And #7-8
Batman: Night of the Monster Men
Collects (in order): Batman #7, Nightwing #5, Detective Comics #941, Batman #8, Nightwing #6, Detective Comics #942
Collects: Nightwing #7-12
Collects: #1 to #6
Nightwing Vol. 3: Nightwing Must Die
Collects: #16 to #21
Collects: Nightwing #22 to #28
Nightwing Vol. 5: Raptor’s Revenge
Collects: Nightwing #30 to #34
Nightwing Vol. 6: The Untouchable
Collects: Nightwing #35 to #43
Nightwing Vol. 7: The Bleeding Edge
Collects: Nightwing #44 to #49, Nightwing Annual #1
Nightwing Vol. 8: Knight Terrors
Collects: Nightwing #50 to #56
Collects: Nightwing #57 to #62
Nightwing Vol. 10: The Gray Son Legacy
Collects: Nightwing #63 to #69, Nightwing Annual #2
Nightwing Vol. 11: The Joker War
Collects: Nightwing #70 to #77, Nightwing Annual #3
Collects: Nightwing #84 to #86, Nightwing 2021 Annual #1, Nightwing/Batgirls feature story from Batman: Urban Legends #10
Nightwing by Tom Taylor Vol. 1: Leaping into the Light
Collects: Nightwing #78 to #83
Nightwing by Tom Taylor Vol. 2: Get Grayson
Collects: Nightwing #87 to #89, Superman: Son of Kal-El #9, Nightwing #90 to #91
Nightwing by Tom Taylor Vol. 3: The Battle for Bludhaven’s Heart
Collects: Nightwing #92 to #96
Nightwing by Tom Taylor Vol. 4
Collects: Nightwing #98 to #100
Collects: #1
Should Robin & Batman (2021) by Lemire/Nguyen be added somewhere near pre-Nightwing? Not necessarily vital but I enjoyed it and it was another modern comic where Grayson is still Robin. Has a good art style.
Though, I can see why people might not like Batman’s sternness in it.
In the showcase present: robin the teen wonder, you give the collections of batman issues #234-23. It isn’t understood about which issues you mean.
Thanks so much! Dick Grayson has always been my favourite but I’ve never been able to get comics before, so I’m starting with rebirth then going back if I have time.
Its a little outdated, though. We’re going into future state – could you please update it?
Where does Grayson Annual #3 fit ?
Thanks for another great Reading Order. Dick Grayson is one of my favorite comics characters. As a kid I had a few of the old Batman Comics with Robin back up stories, when he had gone away to college. The focus was more on him being a detective. They were great stories. Even then I was struck by just how cool Dick was. He had grown up with the Batman, hung out with Superman, the Black Canary, etc. He was there for it all. No one else had that kind of pedigree.
Then when I was older, back in the ’80s, I discovered the Titans. Whoa, talk about cool. I was so into those Perez/Wolfman books. Everyone else in the geek squad was X-this and X-that, but I was a Titans guy. Especially due to Dick, and his change over from Robin to Nightwing. All those stories were great, especially the cross-overs with Batman, like Batman Year 3 or A lonely Place of Dying.
Then later he took over for the Bat…I could go on and on.
I note a few omission (may-hap I missed them?):
Robin – Year One (2000 series by Dixon and Pulido)
And Batman Chronicles “The Gauntlet” by Canwell and Weeks. A 1997 book that bills itself as Batman & Robin: Day One.
And is Batman 217 on the list? Dick leaves Wayne Manor to go off to college?