Since Free Comic Book Day has been such a success for 15 years, 5 years ago comics publishers and retailers launched Halloween ComicFest.
Today at your local comic shop you’ll find 32 different free comic book titles from 20 individual publishers, including Big 2 superhero stalwarts Marvel and DC.
I’ll be live-reviewing some of my favorites to help you decide which books to pick up today, but at the price of absolutely, entirely free, it’s hard to go wrong.
As always, enjoy the comics!
Mickey’s Inferno
Publisher: Papercutz
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Writer: Guido Martina
Artist: Angelo Bioletti
Even though it’s the first thing that came to mind, I didn’t expect a comic called “Mickey’s Inferno” to actually parody Dante’s epic Divine Comedy using Disney cartoon characters. Largely due to the little old point of contention that such a choice would involve MICKEY MOUSE GOING TO HELL.
Amazingly, that’s exactly what the classic adaption does, and it’s charming and brilliant and shockingly all ages friendly. Younger audiences may need a parent to help read as the book is full of lyrical poetry. If you’re worried about this one being too scary for kids, just replace the classic “Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter” with “Hat Check – Abandon All Coats, Ye Who Enter!” and you’ll have a good sense of what you’re in for.
CBH Score: 9 out of 10
Pokemon Pocket Comics
Publisher: Viz Media
Writer: Santa Harukaze
Artist: Santa Harukaze
Perfect for very young readers who love Pokemon.
CBH Score: 5 out of 10
Grumpy Cat (And Pokey!)
Publisher: Dynamite
Writer: Ben Fisher
Artist: Steve Uy
I’m a sucker for a grump, and Grumpy Cat comes out of the gate strong with funny, clean visual gags. Good all ages pick up.
CBH Score: 7 out of 10
My Little Pony
Publisher: IDW
Lacks the clever humor I’ve seen in some other My Little Pony comics (okay, the one), but shares positive messages of friendship that fans of My Little Pony will recognize and enjoy.
CBH Score: 3 out of 10
BoooooOOOoooM! Box Halloween Haunt 2016
Publisher: Boom!
Writer: Shannon Watters, John Allison, James Tynion IV, Hope Larson
Artist: Carey Pietsch, Max Sarin, Rian Sygh, Brittney Williams
Boom! Studios puts together a series of short stories, kicking off with an adorable, heartwarming mixtape romance in the pages of Lumberjanes. I will take this advice with me forever: “Any music is cool music if you set your jaw and believe in yourself, Mol.” The remainder of the issue consists of very quick teaser trailers.
CBH Score: 6 out of 10
Harrow County
Publisher: Dark Horse
Writer: Cullen Bunn
Artist: Tyler Crook
Between The Empty Man and The Sixth Gun, I’ve come to put a lot of faith in Cullen Bunn’s comic book work, and Harrow County from Dark Horse doesn’t disappoint. First Halloween ComicFest issue I’ve read that felt like a series I’d readily add to my pull list, and that we may be talking about for a good long while. Crook’s art is great, and reminds me of a blend between Jeff Lemire and Matt Kindt.
CBH Score: 8 out of 10
Afterlife with Archie Season Two
Publisher: Archie
Writer: Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa
Artist: Francesco Francavila
While “The Walking Dead meets Archie Comics” could be the most laughable thing in the world, the creative team behind Afterlife with Archie continually find new and inventive ways to pull it off.
CBH Score: 7 out of 10
Scooby Apocalypse (Hanna Barbara Teasers)
Publisher: DC Comics
Writer: Keith Giffen and J.M. DeMatteis
Artist: Howard Porter
Pretty odd way to drop readers into the middle of a teaser trailer for impending Scooby-Doo, Hannah-Barbara, and Flinstones graphic novels. I’d skip.
CBH Score: 2 out of 10
DC Super Hero Girls
Publisher: DC Comics
Writer: Shea Fontana
Artist: Yancey Labat
Great pick-up for younger readers. Wonder Woman goes to school with all the DC Universe characters and its adorable. Etrigan teaches poetry because of course he does.
CBH Score: 6 out of 10
Marvel Squirrel Girl
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Writer: Ryan North
Artist: Erica Henderson
I mean at this point Squirrel Girl is the funniest book in the Marvel Universe by several kilometers, but the ComicFest issue takes the opportunity to play as one of the most innovative as well with a choose-your-own-adventure narrative.
Genuinely wonderful, this is must-read for Marvel fans.
CBH Score: 10 out of 10
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