Creannotators #42: “Living Heroes” Interview With Writer Stephanie Williams!

This week on Creannotators, I talk with Stephanie Williams about “Living Heroes,” “But What If Tho,” and her comics career. We talk the humor in superhero universes, Stephanie’s excellent coverage of the MCU on Disney+, her Monica Rambeau story in Marvel Voices: Legacy, and much more!

On Comic Book Herald’s ‘Creannotators’ I’ll be interviewing some of my favorite creators in comics about specific runs, graphic novels or series, looking for their insights on the inspirations behind the work and ideas or hidden material readers may have missed. Creannotators is an audio annotative guide to enjoying the intricacies and thinking in the art. Thanks for listening, and enjoy the comics!

Stephanie on Twitter!

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Living Heroes is:

Writer: Stephanie Williams

Artist: O’Neill Jones


Music for Best Comics Ever by Anthony Weis. Check out more music at anthonyweis.com.

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Dave: Dave is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Comic Book Herald, and also the Boss of assigning himself fancy titles. He's a long-time comic book fan, and can be seen most evenings in Batman pajama pants. Contact Dave @comicbookherald on Twitter or via email at dave@comicbookherald.com.
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